Interface ReplaceTextBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • getReplaceText

        java.lang.String getReplaceText​()
        Retrieves the replace text from the replace text property.
        The replace text stored by the replace text property.
      • setReplaceText

        void setReplaceText​(java.lang.String aReplaceText)
        Sets the replace text for the replace text property.
        aReplaceText - The replace text to be stored by the text align mode property.
      • withReplaceText

        default ReplaceTextBuilder withReplaceText​(java.lang.String aReplaceText)
        Sets the replace text for the replace text property.
        aReplaceText - The replace text to be stored by the text align mode property.
        The builder for applying multiple build operations.
      • getFindText

        java.lang.String getFindText​()
        Retrieves the find text from the find text property.
        The find text stored by the find text property.
      • setFindText

        void setFindText​(java.lang.String aFindText)
        Sets the find text for the find text property.
        aFindText - The find text to be stored by the text align mode property.
      • withFindText

        default ReplaceTextBuilder withFindText​(java.lang.String aFindText)
        Sets the find text for the find text property.
        aFindText - The find text to be stored by the text align mode property.
        The builder for applying multiple build operations.