Interface CsvMixin

    • Method Detail

      • setCommentPrefixes

        void setCommentPrefixes​(String... aCommentPrefixes)
        Sets the prefixes used to identify CSV lines to be ignored.
        aCommentPrefixes - The prefixes used to identify CSV lines to be ignored.
      • getCommentPrefixes

        String[] getCommentPrefixes​()
        Gets the prefixes used to identify CSV lines to be ignored.
        return The prefixes used to identify CSV lines to be ignored.
      • clearCommentPrefixes

        void clearCommentPrefixes​()
        Clears the prefixes used to identify CSV lines to be ignored. No CSV lines will be ignored any more.
      • withCommentPrefixes

        CsvMixin withCommentPrefixes​(String... aCommentPrefixes)
        Sets the prefixes used to identify CSV lines to be ignored.
        aCommentPrefixes - The prefixes used to identify CSV lines to be ignored.
        The instance on which this method has been invoked as of the builder pattern.
      • isComment

        default boolean isComment​(String aLine)
        Tests whether the line starts with a comment prefix.
        aLine - The line to be tested.
        True in case the line starts with a comment prefix, else false.
      • uncomment

        default String uncomment​(String aLine)
        Uncomment the given line in case it is a comment as of isComment(String).
        aLine - The line to be uncommented.
        The uncommented line.