Class HttpServerResponse

    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpServerResponse

        public HttpServerResponse​(MediaTypeFactoryLookup aMediaTypeFactoryLookup)
        Instantiates a new http server response impl.
        aMediaTypeFactoryLookup - the media type factory lookup
      • HttpServerResponse

        public HttpServerResponse​(HttpStatusCode aHttpStatusCode,
                                  MediaTypeFactoryLookup aMediaTypeFactoryLookup)
        Instantiates a new http server response impl.
        aHttpStatusCode - the http status code
        aMediaTypeFactoryLookup - the media type factory lookup
      • HttpServerResponse

        public HttpServerResponse​(ResponseHeaderFields aResponseHeaderFields,
                                  MediaTypeFactoryLookup aMediaTypeFactoryLookup)
        Instantiates a new http server response impl.
        aResponseHeaderFields - the response Header-Fields
        aMediaTypeFactoryLookup - the media type factory lookup
    • Method Detail

      • withResponse

        public <RES> HttpServerResponse withResponse​(RES aResponse)
        Sets the response for the response property.
        Type Parameters:
        RES - the generic type
        aResponse - The response to be stored by the response property.
        The builder for applying multiple build operations.
      • getResponse

        public <RES> RES getResponse()
        Retrieves the response from the response property.
        Type Parameters:
        RES - the generic type
        The response stored by the response property.
      • setResponse

        public <RES> void setResponse​(RES aResponse)
        Sets the response for the response property. The setResponse(Object) supports the HttpBodyMap to marshal an HttpBodyMap into an HTTP Request-Body.
        Type Parameters:
        RES - the generic type
        aResponse - The response to be stored by the response property.