Interface HttpInputStreamAccessor.HttpInputStreamProvider<EXC extends Exception>

Type Parameters:
EXC - The exception type which may be thrown upon converting to the desired type.
Enclosing interface:

public static interface HttpInputStreamAccessor.HttpInputStreamProvider<EXC extends Exception>
A provider interface provides a "toSomething(?)" method which converts a given instance into something else. The ContentTypeAccessor.ContentTypeProvider converts an implementing instance's state into a ContentType instance.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the InputStream instance representing the HTTP body from the implementing instance.
  • Method Details

    • toHttpInputStream

      InputStream toHttpInputStream() throws EXC
      Returns the InputStream instance representing the HTTP body from the implementing instance.
      The according InputStream instance represented by the implementing instance.
      EXC - Thrown in case providing the type as InputStream failed.