Interface BasicAuthCredentialsAccessor.BasicAuthCredentialsProperty

All Superinterfaces:
BasicAuthCredentialsAccessor, BasicAuthCredentialsAccessor.BasicAuthCredentialsMutator
Enclosing interface:

public static interface BasicAuthCredentialsAccessor.BasicAuthCredentialsProperty extends BasicAuthCredentialsAccessor, BasicAuthCredentialsAccessor.BasicAuthCredentialsMutator
Provides a BasicAuthCredentials property.
  • Method Details

    • letBasicAuthCredentials

      default BasicAuthCredentials letBasicAuthCredentials(BasicAuthCredentials aBasicAuthCredentials)
      This method stores and passes through the given argument, which is very useful for builder APIs:Sets the BasicAuthCredentials for the Basic-Authentication credentials property.
      aBasicAuthCredentials - The BasicAuthCredentials to be stored by the BasicAuthCredentials property.
      Returns the value passed for it to be used in conclusive processing steps.
    • letBasicAuthCredentials

      default BasicAuthCredentials letBasicAuthCredentials(String aUserName, String aSecret)
      This method stores and passes through the given arguments, which is very useful for builder APIs:Sets the BasicAuthCredentials from the user name and the secret for the Basic-Authentication credentials property.
      aUserName - The user name to be stored by the BasicAuthCredentials property.
      aSecret - The password to be stored by the BasicAuthCredentials property.
      Returns the values passed (combined to an instance of BasicAuthCredentials) for it to be used in conclusive processing steps.