Class ResponseCookie

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainBuilder<ResponseCookie>, org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainMutator, org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainProperty, org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor<String>, org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyBuilder<String,org.refcodes.struct.Relation.RelationBuilder<String,String>>, org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyMutator<String>, org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyProperty<String>, org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor, org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathBuilder<ResponseCookie>, org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathMutator, org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathProperty, org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor<String>, org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueBuilder<String,org.refcodes.struct.Relation.RelationBuilder<String,String>>, org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueMutator<String>, org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueProperty<String>, org.refcodes.struct.Property, org.refcodes.struct.Property.PropertyBuilder, org.refcodes.struct.Relation<String,String>, org.refcodes.struct.Relation.RelationBuilder<String,String>, Cookie

public class ResponseCookie extends org.refcodes.struct.PropertyImpl.PropertyBuilderImpl implements Cookie, org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathProperty, org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathBuilder<ResponseCookie>, org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainProperty, org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainBuilder<ResponseCookie>
As of "HTTP cookies explained - NCZOnline": "... There is some confusion over encoding of a cookie value. The commonly held belief is that cookie values must be URL-encoded, but this is a fallacy even though it is the de facto implementation. The original specification indicates that only three types of characters must be encoded: semicolon, comma, and white space. The specification indicates that URL encoding may be used but stops short of requiring it. The RFC makes no mention of encoding whatsoever. Still, almost all implementations perform some sort of URL encoding on cookie values. In the case of name=value formats, the name and value are typically encoded separately while the equals sign is left as is. ..." Therefore we use URL encoding to make life easier and not fall into the trap of unescaped values. The ResponseCookie represents response cookies: We use URL encoding / decoding for the cookie value (regarding fromHttpCookie(String) and toHttpCookie()) to make life easier and not fall into the trap of unescaped values.
See Also:
  • ""
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.refcodes.struct.PropertyImpl


    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.refcodes.struct.RelationImpl

    org.refcodes.struct.RelationImpl.RelationBuilderImpl<K extends Object,V extends Object>

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor

    org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainBuilder<B extends org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainBuilder<?>>, org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainMutator, org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainProperty

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor

    org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyBuilder<K extends Object,B extends org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyBuilder<K,B>>, org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyMutator<K extends Object>, org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyProperty<K extends Object>

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor

    org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathBuilder<B extends org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathBuilder<?>>, org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathMutator, org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathProperty

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.struct.Property


    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.struct.Relation

    org.refcodes.struct.Relation.RelationBuilder<K extends Object,V extends Object>

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor

    org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueBuilder<V extends Object,B extends org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueBuilder<V,B>>, org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueMutator<V extends Object>, org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueProperty<V extends Object>
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class org.refcodes.struct.RelationImpl

    _key, _value
  • Constructor Summary

    Instantiates a new response cookie impl.
    ResponseCookie(String aHttpCookie)
    Constructs a ResponseCookie from the given HTTP cookie.
    ResponseCookie(String aCookieName, String aValue)
    Constructs a ResponseCookie.
    ResponseCookie(String aCookieName, String aValue, int aMaxAge, String aDomain, String aPath, boolean isSecure, boolean isHttpOnly, String aVersion)
    Constructs a ResponseCookie.
    ResponseCookie(String aCookieName, String aValue, Date aExpiresDate, String aDomain, String aPath, boolean isSecure, boolean isHttpOnly, String aVersion)
    Constructs a ResponseCookie.
    Constructs a ResponseCookie.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    fromHttpCookie(String aHttpCookie)
    Sets the cookie according to the provided HTTP cookie text.
    Returns the expiration date of this cookie.
    Returns the Max-Age (seconds) for this cookie.
    Returns the version this cookie.
    Returns true if we have an HTTP only cookie.
    Returns true if we have a secure HTTP cookie.
    setDomain(String aDomain)
    setExpiresAfter(org.refcodes.time.TimeUnit aTimeUnit, long aTime)
    Sets the expires date to the current time plus the provided time.
    setExpiresDate(Date aExpireDate)
    Sets the expiration date of this cookie.
    setHttpOnly(boolean isHttpOnly)
    Sets whether it be an HTTP only cookie.
    setMaxAge(int aMaxAge)
    Sets the Max-Age (seconds) of this cookie.
    setPath(String aPath)
    setSecure(boolean isSecure)
    Sets whether it be a secure HTTP cookie.
    setVersion(String aVersion)
    Sets the version of this cookie.
    Returns the cookie to be assigned to a cookie Header-Field.
    withDomain(String aDomain)
    Sets the domain for this cookie.
    withExpiresAfter(org.refcodes.time.TimeUnit aTimeUnit, long aTime)
    Builder method for the method setExpiresAfter(TimeUnit, long).
    withExpiresDate(Date aExpiresDate)
    Sets the expiration date of this cookie and returns this instance as of the Builder-Pattern.
    Sets the cookie according to the provided HTTP cookie text via Cookie.fromHttpCookie(String).
    withHttpOnly(boolean isHttpOnly)
    Sets whether it be an HTTP only cookie.
    withMaxAge(int aMaxAge)
    Builder method for setMaxAge(int).
    Sets the path of the cookie.
    withSecure(boolean isSecure)
    Sets whether it be a secure HTTP cookie.
    withVersion(String aVersion)
    Builder method for setVersion(String).

    Methods inherited from class org.refcodes.struct.PropertyImpl.PropertyBuilderImpl

    setKey, setValue

    Methods inherited from class org.refcodes.struct.RelationImpl

    getKey, getValue

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainProperty


    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor


    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyMutator


    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.KeyAccessor.KeyProperty


    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathProperty


    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.struct.Property


    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.struct.Property.PropertyBuilder

    withKey, withValue

    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor

    getValue, getValueOr

    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueMutator


    Methods inherited from interface org.refcodes.mixin.ValueAccessor.ValueProperty

  • Constructor Details

    • ResponseCookie

      public ResponseCookie()
      Instantiates a new response cookie impl.
    • ResponseCookie

      public ResponseCookie(String aCookieName, String aValue)
      Constructs a ResponseCookie.
      aCookieName - The name of the cookie.
      aValue - The value for the cookie.
    • ResponseCookie

      public ResponseCookie(String aHttpCookie)
      Constructs a ResponseCookie from the given HTTP cookie.
      aHttpCookie - The text as being found in the according HTTP header field.
    • ResponseCookie

      public ResponseCookie(Cookie aCookie)
      Constructs a ResponseCookie.
      aCookie - The Cookie from which to take the data.
    • ResponseCookie

      public ResponseCookie(String aCookieName, String aValue, Date aExpiresDate, String aDomain, String aPath, boolean isSecure, boolean isHttpOnly, String aVersion)
      Constructs a ResponseCookie.
      aCookieName - The name for the cookie
      aValue - The value of the cookie
      aExpiresDate - The expiration date of the cookie
      aDomain - The domain of the cookie
      aPath - The path of the cookie
      isSecure - The secure flag of the cookie
      isHttpOnly - The HTTP-only flag of the cookie
      aVersion - The version of the cookie.
    • ResponseCookie

      public ResponseCookie(String aCookieName, String aValue, int aMaxAge, String aDomain, String aPath, boolean isSecure, boolean isHttpOnly, String aVersion)
      Constructs a ResponseCookie.
      aCookieName - The name for the cookie
      aValue - The value of the cookie
      aMaxAge - Sets the Max-Age (seconds) of this cookie.
      aDomain - The domain of the cookie
      aPath - The path of the cookie
      isSecure - The secure flag of the cookie
      isHttpOnly - The HTTP-only flag of the cookie
      aVersion - The version of the cookie.
  • Method Details

    • getMaxAge

      public int getMaxAge()
      Returns the Max-Age (seconds) for this cookie.
      The Max-Age.
    • setMaxAge

      public void setMaxAge(int aMaxAge)
      Sets the Max-Age (seconds) of this cookie.
      aMaxAge - Sets the Max-Age.
    • getVersion

      public String getVersion()
      Returns the version this cookie.
      The version.
    • setVersion

      public void setVersion(String aVersion)
      Sets the version of this cookie.
      aVersion - Sets the version.
    • getPath

      public String getPath()
      Specified by:
      getPath in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor
    • setPath

      public void setPath(String aPath)
      Specified by:
      setPath in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathMutator
    • getExpiresDate

      public Date getExpiresDate()
      Returns the expiration date of this cookie.
      The expiration date.
    • setExpiresDate

      public void setExpiresDate(Date aExpireDate)
      Sets the expiration date of this cookie.
      aExpireDate - The expiration date.
    • getDomain

      public String getDomain()
      Specified by:
      getDomain in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor
    • setDomain

      public void setDomain(String aDomain)
      Specified by:
      setDomain in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainMutator
    • setSecure

      public void setSecure(boolean isSecure)
      Sets whether it be a secure HTTP cookie. Such a cookie only be transferred via HTTPS.
      isSecure - True in case of being a secure only cookie.
    • isSecure

      public boolean isSecure()
      Returns true if we have a secure HTTP cookie. Such a cookie only be transferred via HTTPS.
      True in case of being a secure only cookie.
    • isHttpOnly

      public boolean isHttpOnly()
      Returns true if we have an HTTP only cookie. Such a cookie cannot be accessed client-side (via JavaScript).
      True in case of being an HTTP only cookie.
    • setHttpOnly

      public void setHttpOnly(boolean isHttpOnly)
      Sets whether it be an HTTP only cookie. Such a cookie cannot be accessed client-side (via JavaScript).
      isHttpOnly - True in case of being an HTTP only cookie.
    • setExpiresAfter

      public void setExpiresAfter(org.refcodes.time.TimeUnit aTimeUnit, long aTime)
      Sets the expires date to the current time plus the provided time. Use getExpiresDate() to retrieve the resulting effective Date.
      aTimeUnit - The TimeUnit of the provided time
      aTime - The provided time after which to expire
    • withExpiresDate

      public ResponseCookie withExpiresDate(Date aExpiresDate)
      Sets the expiration date of this cookie and returns this instance as of the Builder-Pattern.
      aExpiresDate - the expires date
      This instance as of the Builder-Pattern.
    • withPath

      public ResponseCookie withPath(String aPath)
      Sets the path of the cookie.
      Specified by:
      withPath in interface org.refcodes.mixin.PathAccessor.PathBuilder<ResponseCookie>
    • withDomain

      public ResponseCookie withDomain(String aDomain)
      Sets the domain for this cookie.
      Specified by:
      withDomain in interface org.refcodes.mixin.DomainAccessor.DomainBuilder<ResponseCookie>
    • withHttpOnly

      public ResponseCookie withHttpOnly(boolean isHttpOnly)
      Sets whether it be an HTTP only cookie. Such a cookie cannot be accessed client-side (via JavaScript). Returns this instance as of the builder pattern.
      isHttpOnly - True in case of being an HTTP only cookie.
      Returns this instance as of the Builder-Pattern.
    • withExpiresAfter

      public ResponseCookie withExpiresAfter(org.refcodes.time.TimeUnit aTimeUnit, long aTime)
      Builder method for the method setExpiresAfter(TimeUnit, long).
      aTimeUnit - The TimeUnit of the provided time
      aTime - The provided time after which to expire
      This cookie instance for further configuration.
    • withVersion

      public ResponseCookie withVersion(String aVersion)
      Builder method for setVersion(String).
      aVersion - Sets the version.
      This instance as of the Builder-Pattern.
    • withMaxAge

      public ResponseCookie withMaxAge(int aMaxAge)
      Builder method for setMaxAge(int).
      aMaxAge - Sets the Max-Age.
      This instance as of the Builder-Pattern.
    • withSecure

      public ResponseCookie withSecure(boolean isSecure)
      Sets whether it be a secure HTTP cookie. Such a cookie only be transferred via HTTPS. Returns this instance as of the Builder-Pattern.
      isSecure - True in case of being a secure only cookie.
      Returns this instance as of the Builder-Pattern.
    • withHttpCookie

      public ResponseCookie withHttpCookie(String aCookie)
      Sets the cookie according to the provided HTTP cookie text via Cookie.fromHttpCookie(String).
      Specified by:
      withHttpCookie in interface Cookie
      aCookie - The HTTP cookie text.
      A Cookie instance as of the Builder-Pattern.
    • fromHttpCookie

      public void fromHttpCookie(String aHttpCookie)
      Sets the cookie according to the provided HTTP cookie text.
      Specified by:
      fromHttpCookie in interface Cookie
      aHttpCookie - The HTTP cookie text.
    • toHttpCookie

      public String toHttpCookie()
      Returns the cookie to be assigned to a cookie Header-Field.
      Specified by:
      toHttpCookie in interface Cookie
      The cookie value for a Header-Field.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class org.refcodes.struct.PropertyImpl.PropertyBuilderImpl