Class RrdGraphDef

  extended by org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphDef
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RrdGraphDef
extends Object
implements RrdGraphConstants

Class which should be used to define new Rrd4j graph. Once constructed and populated with data object of this class should be passed to the constructor of the RrdGraph class which will actually create the graph.

The text printed below the actual graph can be formated by appending special escaped characters at the end of a text. When ever such a character occurs, all pending text is pushed onto the graph according to the character specified.

Valid markers are: \j for justified, \l for left aligned, \r for right aligned and \c for centered.

Normally there are two space characters inserted between every two items printed into the graph. The space following a string can be suppressed by putting a \g at the end of the string. The \g also squashes any space inside the string if it is at the very end of the string. This can be used in connection with %s to suppress empty unit strings.

A special case is COMMENT:\s this inserts some additional vertical space before placing the next row of legends.

When text has to be formated without special instructions from your side, RRDTool will automatically justify the text as soon as one string goes over the right edge. If you want to prevent the justification without forcing a newline, you can use the special tag \J at the end of the string to disable the auto justification.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphConstants
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.rrd4j.graph.RrdGraphConstants
Constructor Summary
          Creates RrdGraphDef object and sets default time span (default ending time is 'now', default starting time is 'end-1day'.
Method Summary
 void area(String srcName, Paint color)
          Plots requested data in the form of the filled area starting from zero, using the color specified.
 void area(String srcName, Paint color, String legend)
          Plots requested data in the form of the filled area starting from zero, using the color specified.
 void comment(String text)
          Comment to be printed on the graph.
 void datasource(String name, FetchData fetchData)
          Creates a new 'fetched' datasource.
 void datasource(String name, Plottable plottable)
          Creates a new (plottable) datasource.
 void datasource(String name, String rpnExpression)
          Create a new virtual datasource by evaluating a mathematical expression, specified in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN).
 void datasource(String name, String defName, ConsolFun consolFun)
          Creates a new (static) virtual datasource.
 void datasource(String name, String rrdPath, String dsName, ConsolFun consolFun)
          Defines virtual datasource.
 void datasource(String name, String rrdPath, String dsName, ConsolFun consolFun, String backend)
          Defines virtual datasource.
 void gprint(String srcName, ConsolFun consolFun, String format)
          This method does basically the same thing as print(String, ConsolFun, String), but the result is printed on the graph itself, below the chart area.
 void hrule(double value, Paint color)
          Draws a horizontal rule into the graph.
 void hrule(double value, Paint color, String legend)
          Draws a horizontal rule into the graph and optionally adds a legend.
 void hrule(double value, Paint color, String legend, float width)
          Draws a horizontal rule into the graph and optionally adds a legend.
 void line(String srcName, Paint color)
          Plots requested data as a line, using the color specified.
 void line(String srcName, Paint color, float width)
          Plots requested data as a line, using the color and the line width specified.
 void line(String srcName, Paint color, String legend)
          Plots requested data as a line, using the color specified.
 void line(String srcName, Paint color, String legend, float width)
          Plots requested data as a line, using the color and the line width specified.
 void percentile(String name, String defName)
          Create a new virtual datasource to get the 95th percentile value from another datasource
 void percentile(String name, String defName, double percent)
          Create a new virtual datasource to get a percentile value from another datasource
 void print(String srcName, ConsolFun consolFun, String format)
          Calculates the chosen consolidation function CF over the given datasource and creates the result by using the given format string.
 void setAltAutoscale(boolean altAutoscale)
          Computes Y range based on function absolute minimum and maximum values.
 void setAltAutoscaleMax(boolean altAutoscaleMax)
          Computes Y range based on function absolute minimum and maximum values.
 void setAltYGrid(boolean altYGrid)
          Places Y grid dynamically based on graph Y range.
 void setAltYMrtg(boolean altYMrtg)
          Use this method to request MRTG-like graph (false by default)
 void setAntiAliasing(boolean antiAliasing)
          Controls if the chart area of the image should be antialiased or not.
 void setBackgroundImage(String backgroundImage)
          Sets background image - currently, only PNG images can be used as background.
 void setBase(double base)
          Sets default base for magnitude scaling.
 void setColor(int colorTag, Paint color)
          Overrides the colors for the standard elements of the graph.
 void setColor(String colorName, Paint color)
          Overrides the colors for the standard elements of the graph by element name.
 void setDrawXGrid(boolean drawXGrid)
          Sets visibility of the X-axis grid.
 void setDrawYGrid(boolean drawYGrid)
          Sets visibility of the Y-axis grid.
 void setEndTime(long time)
          Sets the time when the graph should end.
 void setFilename(String filename)
          Sets the name of the graph to generate.
 void setFirstDayOfWeek(int firstDayOfWeek)
          Sets first day of the week.
 void setForceRulesLegend(boolean forceRulesLegend)
          Force the generation of HRULE and VRULE legend even if those HRULE or VRULE will not be drawn because out of graph boundaries.
 void setHeight(int height)
          Sets height of the drawing area within the graph.
 void setImageFormat(String imageFormat)
          Sets image format.
 void setImageInfo(String imageInfo)
          Creates additional image information.
 void setImageQuality(float imageQuality)
          Sets image quality.
 void setInterlaced(boolean interlaced)
          Creates interlaced GIF image (currently not supported, method is present only for RRDTool compatibility).
 void setLargeFont(Font largeFont)
          Sets title font.
 void setLazy(boolean lazy)
          Creates graph only if the current graph is out of date or not existent.
 void setLogarithmic(boolean logarithmic)
          Sets logarithmic y-axis scaling.
 void setMaxValue(double maxValue)
          Defines the value normally located at the upper border of the graph.
 void setMinValue(double minValue)
          Sets the lower limit of a graph.
 void setNoLegend(boolean noLegend)
          Suppress generation of legend, only render the graph.
 void setNoMinorGrid(boolean noMinorGrid)
          Use this method to turn off minor grid lines (printed by default)
 void setOnlyGraph(boolean onlyGraph)
          Suppresses anything but the graph.
 void setOverlayImage(String overlayImage)
          Sets overlay image - currently, only PNG images can be used as overlay.
 void setPoolUsed(boolean poolUsed)
          Sets RrdDbPool usage policy (defaults to true).
 void setRigid(boolean rigid)
          Sets rigid boundaries mode.
 void setShowSignature(boolean showSignature)
          Shows or hides graph signature (gator) in the top right corner of the graph
 void setSmallFont(Font smallFont)
          Sets default font for graphing.
 void setStartTime(long time)
          Sets the time when the graph should begin.
 void setStep(long step)
          Suggests which time step should be used by Rrd4j while processing data from RRD files.
 void setTextAntiAliasing(boolean textAntiAliasing)
          Controls if the text should be antialiased or not.
 void setTimeAxis(int minorUnit, int minorUnitCount, int majorUnit, int majorUnitCount, int labelUnit, int labelUnitCount, int labelSpan, String simpleDateFormat)
          Configures x-axis grid and labels.
 void setTimeSpan(long[] timestamps)
          Sets starting and ending time for the for the graph.
 void setTimeSpan(long startTime, long endTime)
          Sets starting and ending time for the for the graph.
 void setTitle(String title)
          Defines a title to be written into the graph.
 void setUnit(String unit)
          Sets unit to be displayed on y axis.
 void setUnitsExponent(int unitsExponent)
          Sets the 10**unitsExponent scaling of the y-axis values.
 void setUnitsLength(int unitsLength)
          Sets the character width on the left side of the graph for y-axis values.
 void setValueAxis(double gridStep, int labelFactor)
          Sets vertical axis grid and labels.
 void setVerticalLabel(String verticalLabel)
          Sets vertical label on the left side of the graph.
 void setWidth(int width)
          Sets width of the drawing area within the graph.
 void stack(String srcName, Paint color)
          Does the same as line(String, java.awt.Paint), but the graph gets stacked on top of the previous LINE, AREA or STACK graph.
 void stack(String srcName, Paint color, String legend)
          Does the same as line(String, java.awt.Paint, String), but the graph gets stacked on top of the previous LINE, AREA or STACK graph.
 void vrule(long timestamp, Paint color)
          Draws a vertical rule into the graph.
 void vrule(long timestamp, Paint color, String legend)
          Draws a vertical rule into the graph and optionally adds a legend
 void vrule(long timestamp, Paint color, String legend, float width)
          Draws a vertical rule into the graph and optionally adds a legend
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RrdGraphDef()
Creates RrdGraphDef object and sets default time span (default ending time is 'now', default starting time is 'end-1day'.

Method Detail


public void setStartTime(long time)
Sets the time when the graph should begin. Time in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01) is required. Negative numbers are relative to the current time.

time - Starting time for the graph in seconds since epoch


public void setEndTime(long time)
Sets the time when the graph should end. Time in seconds since epoch (1970-01-01) is required. Negative numbers are relative to the current time.

time - Ending time for the graph in seconds since epoch


public void setTimeSpan(long startTime,
                        long endTime)
Sets starting and ending time for the for the graph. Timestamps in seconds since epoch are required. Negative numbers are relative to the current time.

startTime - Starting time in seconds since epoch
endTime - Ending time in seconds since epoch


public void setTimeSpan(long[] timestamps)
Sets starting and ending time for the for the graph. Timestamps in seconds since epoch are required.

timestamps - Array of timestamps. The first array item will be chosen for the starting timestamp. The last array item will be chosen for the ending timestamp.


public void setPoolUsed(boolean poolUsed)
Sets RrdDbPool usage policy (defaults to true). If set to true, RrdDbPool will be used to access individual RRD files. If set to false, RRD files will be accessed directly.

poolUsed - true, if RrdDbPool class should be used. False otherwise.


public void setFilename(String filename)
Sets the name of the graph to generate. Since Rrd4j outputs GIFs, PNGs, and JPEGs it's recommended that the filename end in either .gif, .png or .jpg. Rrd4j does not enforce this, however. If the filename is set to '-' the image will be created only in memory (no file will be created). PNG and GIF formats are recommended but JPEGs should be avoided.

filename - Path to the image file


public void setTimeAxis(int minorUnit,
                        int minorUnitCount,
                        int majorUnit,
                        int majorUnitCount,
                        int labelUnit,
                        int labelUnitCount,
                        int labelSpan,
                        String simpleDateFormat)
Configures x-axis grid and labels. The x-axis label is quite complex to configure. So if you don't have very special needs, you can rely on the autoconfiguration to get this right.

Otherwise, you have to configure three elements making up the x-axis labels and grid. The base grid, the major grid and the labels. The configuration is based on the idea that you first specify a well known amount of time and then say how many times it has to pass between each minor/major grid line or label. For the label you have to define two additional items: The precision of the label in seconds and the format used to generate the text of the label.

For example, if you wanted a graph with a base grid every 10 minutes and a major one every hour, with labels every hour you would use the following x-axis definition.

 setTimeAxis(RrdGraphConstants.MINUTE, 10,
             RrdGraphConstants.HOUR, 1,
             RrdGraphConstants.HOUR, 1,
             0, "%H:%M")

The precision in this example is 0 because the %X format is exact. If the label was the name of the day, we would have had a precision of 24 hours, because when you say something like 'Monday' you mean the whole day and not Monday morning 00:00. Thus the label should be positioned at noon. By defining a precision of 24 hours or rather 86400 seconds, you make sure that this happens.

minorUnit - Minor grid unit. Minor grid, major grid and label units can be one of the following constants defined in RrdGraphConstants: SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR.
minorUnitCount - Number of minor grid units between minor grid lines.
majorUnit - Major grid unit.
majorUnitCount - Number of major grid units between major grid lines.
labelUnit - Label unit.
labelUnitCount - Number of label units between labels.
labelSpan - Label precision
simpleDateFormat - Date format (SimpleDateFormat pattern of strftime-like pattern)


public void setValueAxis(double gridStep,
                         int labelFactor)
Sets vertical axis grid and labels. Makes vertical grid lines appear at gridStep interval. Every labelFactor*gridStep, a major grid line is printed, along with label showing the value of the grid line.

gridStep - Minor grid step
labelFactor - Specifies how many minor minor grid steps will appear between labels (major grid lines)


public void setAltYGrid(boolean altYGrid)
Places Y grid dynamically based on graph Y range. Algorithm ensures that you always have grid, that there are enough but not too many grid lines and the grid is metric. That is grid lines are placed every 1, 2, 5 or 10 units.

altYGrid - true, if Y grid should be calculated dynamically (defaults to false)


public void setNoMinorGrid(boolean noMinorGrid)
Use this method to turn off minor grid lines (printed by default)

noMinorGrid - true, to turn off, false to turn on (default)


public void setAltYMrtg(boolean altYMrtg)
Use this method to request MRTG-like graph (false by default)

altYMrtg - true, to create MRTG-like graph, false otherwise (default)


public void setAltAutoscale(boolean altAutoscale)
Computes Y range based on function absolute minimum and maximum values. Default algorithm uses predefined set of ranges. This is good in many cases but it fails miserably when you need to graph something like 260 + 0.001 * sin(x). Default algorithm will use Y range from 250 to 300 and on the graph you will see almost straight line. With --alt-autoscale Y range will be from slightly less the 260 - 0.001 to slightly more then 260 + 0.001 and periodic behavior will be seen.

altAutoscale - true to request alternative autoscaling, false otherwise (default).


public void setAltAutoscaleMax(boolean altAutoscaleMax)
Computes Y range based on function absolute minimum and maximum values. Where setAltAutoscale(true) will modify both the absolute maximum AND minimum values, this option will only affect the maximum value. The minimum value, if not defined elsewhere, will be 0. This option can be useful when graphing router traffic when the WAN line uses compression, and thus the throughput may be higher than the WAN line speed.

altAutoscaleMax - true to request alternative autoscaling, false otherwise (default)


public void setUnitsExponent(int unitsExponent)
Sets the 10**unitsExponent scaling of the y-axis values. Normally values will be scaled to the appropriate units (k, M, etc.). However you may wish to display units always in k (Kilo, 10e3) even if the data is in the M (Mega, 10e6) range for instance. Value should be an integer which is a multiple of 3 between -18 and 18, inclusive. It is the exponent on the units you which to use. For example, use 3 to display the y-axis values in k (Kilo, 10e3, thousands), use -6 to display the y-axis values in ยต (Micro, 10e-6, millionths). Use a value of 0 to prevent any scaling of the y-axis values.

unitsExponent -


public void setUnitsLength(int unitsLength)
Sets the character width on the left side of the graph for y-axis values.

unitsLength - Number of characters on the left side of the graphs reserved for vertical axis labels.


public void setVerticalLabel(String verticalLabel)
Sets vertical label on the left side of the graph. This is normally used to specify the units used.

verticalLabel - Vertical axis label


public void setWidth(int width)
Sets width of the drawing area within the graph. This affects the total size of the image.

width - Width of the drawing area.


public void setHeight(int height)
Sets height of the drawing area within the graph. This affects the total size of the image.

height - Height of the drawing area.


public void setInterlaced(boolean interlaced)
Creates interlaced GIF image (currently not supported, method is present only for RRDTool compatibility).

interlaced - true, if GIF image should be interlaced.


public void setImageInfo(String imageInfo)
Creates additional image information. After the image has been created, the graph function uses imageInfo format string (printf-like) to create output similar to the print(String, ConsolFun, String) function. The format string is supplied with the following parameters: filename, xsize and ysize (in that particular order).

For example, in order to generate an IMG tag suitable for including the graph into a web page, the command would look like this:

 setImageInfo("<IMG SRC='/img/%s' WIDTH='%d' HEIGHT='%d' ALT='Demo'>");

imageInfo - Image info format. Use %s placeholder for filename, %d placeholder for image width and height.


public void setImageFormat(String imageFormat)
Sets image format.

imageFormat - "PNG", "GIF" or "JPG".


public void setBackgroundImage(String backgroundImage)
Sets background image - currently, only PNG images can be used as background.

backgroundImage - Path to background image


public void setOverlayImage(String overlayImage)
Sets overlay image - currently, only PNG images can be used as overlay. Overlay image is printed on the top of the image, once it is completely created.

overlayImage - Path to overlay image


public void setUnit(String unit)
Sets unit to be displayed on y axis. It is wise to use only short units on graph, however.

unit - Unit description


public void setLazy(boolean lazy)
Creates graph only if the current graph is out of date or not existent.

lazy - true, if graph should be 'lazy', false otherwise (default)


public void setMinValue(double minValue)
Sets the lower limit of a graph. But rather, this is the maximum lower bound of a graph. For example, the value -100 will result in a graph that has a lower limit of -100 or less. Use this method to expand graphs down.

minValue - Minimal value displayed on the graph


public void setMaxValue(double maxValue)
Defines the value normally located at the upper border of the graph. If the graph contains higher values, the upper border will move upwards to accommodate these values as well.

If you want to define an upper-limit which will not move in any event you have to use setRigid(boolean) method as well.

maxValue - Maximal value displayed on the graph.


public void setRigid(boolean rigid)
Sets rigid boundaries mode. Normally Rrd4j will automatically expand the lower and upper limit if the graph contains a value outside the valid range. With the true argument you can disable this behavior.

rigid - true if upper and lower limits should not be expanded to accommodate values outside of the specified range. False otherwise (default).


public void setBase(double base)
Sets default base for magnitude scaling. If you are graphing memory (and NOT network traffic) this switch should be set to 1024 so that 1Kb is 1024 byte. For traffic measurement, 1 kb/s is 1000 b/s.

base - Base value (defaults to 1000.0)


public void setLogarithmic(boolean logarithmic)
Sets logarithmic y-axis scaling.

logarithmic - true, for logarithmic scaling, false otherwise (default).


public void setColor(int colorTag,
                     Paint color)
Overrides the colors for the standard elements of the graph. The colorTag must be one of the following constants defined in the RrdGraphConstants: COLOR_BACKground, COLOR_CANVAS, COLOR_SHADEA left/top border, COLOR_SHADEB right/bottom border, COLOR_GRID, COLOR_MGRID major grid, COLOR_FONT, COLOR_FRAME and axis of the graph or COLOR_ARROW. This method can be called multiple times to set several colors.

colorTag - Color tag, as explained above.
color - Any color (paint) you like


public void setColor(String colorName,
                     Paint color)
Overrides the colors for the standard elements of the graph by element name. See setColor(int, java.awt.Paint) for full explanation.

colorName - One of the following strings: "BACK", "CANVAS", "SHADEA", "SHADEB", "GRID", "MGRID", "FONT", "FRAME", "ARROW"
color - Any color (paint) you like


public void setNoLegend(boolean noLegend)
Suppress generation of legend, only render the graph.

noLegend - true if graph legend should be omitted. False otherwise (default).


public void setOnlyGraph(boolean onlyGraph)
Suppresses anything but the graph.

onlyGraph - true if only graph should be created, false otherwise (default).


public void setForceRulesLegend(boolean forceRulesLegend)
Force the generation of HRULE and VRULE legend even if those HRULE or VRULE will not be drawn because out of graph boundaries.

forceRulesLegend - true if rule legend should be always printed, false otherwise (default).


public void setTitle(String title)
Defines a title to be written into the graph.

title - Graph title.


public void setStep(long step)
Suggests which time step should be used by Rrd4j while processing data from RRD files.

step - Desired time step (don't use this method if you don't know what you're doing).


public void setSmallFont(Font smallFont)
Sets default font for graphing. Note that Rrd4j will behave unpredictably if proportional font is selected.

smallFont - Default font for graphing. Use only monospaced fonts.


public void setLargeFont(Font largeFont)
Sets title font.

largeFont - Font to be used for graph title.


public void datasource(String name,
                       String rrdPath,
                       String dsName,
                       ConsolFun consolFun)
Defines virtual datasource. This datasource can then be used in other methods like datasource(String, String) or gprint(String, ConsolFun, String).

name - Source name
rrdPath - Path to RRD file
dsName - Datasource name in the specified RRD file
consolFun - Consolidation function (AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, LAST)


public void datasource(String name,
                       String rrdPath,
                       String dsName,
                       ConsolFun consolFun,
                       String backend)
Defines virtual datasource. This datasource can then be used in other methods like datasource(String, String) or gprint(String, ConsolFun, String).

name - Source name
rrdPath - Path to RRD file
dsName - Datasource name in the specified RRD file
consolFun - Consolidation function (AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, LAST)
backend - Backend to be used while fetching data from a RRD file.


public void datasource(String name,
                       String rpnExpression)
Create a new virtual datasource by evaluating a mathematical expression, specified in Reverse Polish Notation (RPN).

name - Source name
rpnExpression - RPN expression.


public void datasource(String name,
                       String defName,
                       ConsolFun consolFun)
Creates a new (static) virtual datasource. The value of the datasource is constant. This value is evaluated by applying the given consolidation function to another virtual datasource.

name - Source name
defName - Other source name
consolFun - Consolidation function to be applied to other datasource.


public void datasource(String name,
                       Plottable plottable)
Creates a new (plottable) datasource. Datasource values are obtained from the given plottable object.

name - Source name.
plottable - Plottable object.


public void datasource(String name,
                       FetchData fetchData)
Creates a new 'fetched' datasource. Datasource values are obtained from the given FetchData object.

name - Source name.
fetchData - FetchData object.


public void percentile(String name,
                       String defName)
Create a new virtual datasource to get the 95th percentile value from another datasource

name - Source name.
defName - Other source name.


public void percentile(String name,
                       String defName,
                       double percent)
Create a new virtual datasource to get a percentile value from another datasource

name - Source name.
defName - Other source name.
percent - The percent value


public void print(String srcName,
                  ConsolFun consolFun,
                  String format)
Calculates the chosen consolidation function CF over the given datasource and creates the result by using the given format string. In the format string there should be a '%[l]f', '%[l]g' or '%[l]e' marker in the place where the number should be printed.

If an additional '%s' is found AFTER the marker, the value will be scaled and an appropriate SI magnitude unit will be printed in place of the '%s' marker. The scaling will take the '--base' argument into consideration!

If a '%S' is used instead of a '%s', then instead of calculating the appropriate SI magnitude unit for this value, the previously calculated SI magnitude unit will be used. This is useful if you want all the values in a print statement to have the same SI magnitude unit. If there was no previous SI magnitude calculation made, then '%S' behaves like a '%s', unless the value is 0, in which case it does not remember a SI magnitude unit and a SI magnitude unit will only be calculated when the next '%s' is seen or the next '%S' for a non-zero value.

Print results are collected in the RrdGraphInfo object which is retrieved from the object once the graph is created.

srcName - Virtual source name
consolFun - Consolidation function to be applied to the source
format - Format string (like "average = %10.3f %s")


public void gprint(String srcName,
                   ConsolFun consolFun,
                   String format)
This method does basically the same thing as print(String, ConsolFun, String), but the result is printed on the graph itself, below the chart area.

srcName - Virtual source name
consolFun - Consolidation function to be applied to the source
format - Format string (like "average = %10.3f %s")


public void comment(String text)
Comment to be printed on the graph.

text - Comment text


public void hrule(double value,
                  Paint color)
Draws a horizontal rule into the graph.

value - Position of the rule
color - Rule color


public void hrule(double value,
                  Paint color,
                  String legend)
Draws a horizontal rule into the graph and optionally adds a legend.

value - Position of the rule
color - Rule color
legend - Legend text. If null, legend text will be omitted.


public void hrule(double value,
                  Paint color,
                  String legend,
                  float width)
Draws a horizontal rule into the graph and optionally adds a legend.

value - Position of the rule
color - Rule color
legend - Legend text. If null, legend text will be omitted.
width - Rule width


public void vrule(long timestamp,
                  Paint color)
Draws a vertical rule into the graph.

timestamp - Position of the rule (seconds since epoch)
color - Rule color


public void vrule(long timestamp,
                  Paint color,
                  String legend)
Draws a vertical rule into the graph and optionally adds a legend

timestamp - Position of the rule (seconds since epoch)
color - Rule color
legend - Legend text. Use null to omit the text.


public void vrule(long timestamp,
                  Paint color,
                  String legend,
                  float width)
Draws a vertical rule into the graph and optionally adds a legend

timestamp - Position of the rule (seconds since epoch)
color - Rule color
legend - Legend text. Use null to omit the text.
width - Rule width


public void line(String srcName,
                 Paint color)
Plots requested data as a line, using the color specified. Line width is assumed to be 1.0F.

srcName - Virtual source name
color - Line color


public void line(String srcName,
                 Paint color,
                 String legend)
Plots requested data as a line, using the color specified. Line width is assumed to be 1.0F.

srcName - Virtual source name
color - Line color
legend - Legend text


public void line(String srcName,
                 Paint color,
                 float width)
Plots requested data as a line, using the color and the line width specified.

srcName - Virtual source name
color - Line color
width - Line width (default: 1.0F)


public void line(String srcName,
                 Paint color,
                 String legend,
                 float width)
Plots requested data as a line, using the color and the line width specified.

srcName - Virtual source name
color - Line color
legend - Legend text
width - Line width (default: 1.0F)


public void area(String srcName,
                 Paint color)
Plots requested data in the form of the filled area starting from zero, using the color specified.

srcName - Virtual source name.
color - Color of the filled area.


public void area(String srcName,
                 Paint color,
                 String legend)
Plots requested data in the form of the filled area starting from zero, using the color specified.

srcName - Virtual source name.
color - Color of the filled area.
legend - Legend text.


public void stack(String srcName,
                  Paint color)
Does the same as line(String, java.awt.Paint), but the graph gets stacked on top of the previous LINE, AREA or STACK graph. Depending on the type of the previous graph, the STACK will be either a LINE or an AREA. This obviously implies that the first STACK must be preceded by an AREA or LINE.

Note, that when you STACK onto *UNKNOWN* data, Rrd4j will not draw any graphics ... *UNKNOWN* is not zero.

srcName - Virtual source name
color - Stacked graph color
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if this STACK has no previously defined AREA, STACK or LINE graph bellow it.


public void stack(String srcName,
                  Paint color,
                  String legend)
Does the same as line(String, java.awt.Paint, String), but the graph gets stacked on top of the previous LINE, AREA or STACK graph. Depending on the type of the previous graph, the STACK will be either a LINE or an AREA. This obviously implies that the first STACK must be preceded by an AREA or LINE.

Note, that when you STACK onto *UNKNOWN* data, Rrd4j will not draw any graphics ... *UNKNOWN* is not zero.

srcName - Virtual source name
color - Stacked graph color
legend - Legend text
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if this STACK has no previously defined AREA, STACK or LINE graph bellow it.


public void setDrawXGrid(boolean drawXGrid)
Sets visibility of the X-axis grid.

drawXGrid - True if X-axis grid should be created (default), false otherwise.


public void setDrawYGrid(boolean drawYGrid)
Sets visibility of the Y-axis grid.

drawYGrid - True if Y-axis grid should be created (default), false otherwise.


public void setImageQuality(float imageQuality)
Sets image quality. Relevant only for JPEG images.

imageQuality - (0F=worst, 1F=best).


public void setAntiAliasing(boolean antiAliasing)
Controls if the chart area of the image should be antialiased or not.

antiAliasing - use true to turn antialiasing on, false to turn it off (default)


public void setTextAntiAliasing(boolean textAntiAliasing)
Controls if the text should be antialiased or not.

textAntiAliasing - use true to turn text-antialiasing on, false to turn it off (default)


public void setShowSignature(boolean showSignature)
Shows or hides graph signature (gator) in the top right corner of the graph

showSignature - true, if signature should be seen (default), false otherwise


public void setFirstDayOfWeek(int firstDayOfWeek)
Sets first day of the week.

firstDayOfWeek - One of the following constants: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY

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