Package com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.authorization

Interface Summary
Authorization Instances of classes that implement this interface take context and command info and lookup whether the user can execute the specified handler.
LegacyAuthorization Provide a place to capture the method signatures that used to be on Authorization.

Class Summary
AuthorizationMgrFactory AuthorizationMgrFactory
BaseAclsAuthorization BaseAclsAuthorization is a legacy class and is being preserved until it can be depreciated.
BaseAuthorization BasAuthorization is ...
CheckAuth Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
DenyAuthorization Provides trivial DENY implementation of Authorization interface.
EvalAuth Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
JndiAuthorization JndiAuthorization, Provides basic authentication using JNDI to lookup user roles.
JndiConfigParser JndiConfigParser
NoAuthorization Provides trivial ALLOW implementation of Authorization interface.
TimeanddayExp TimeanddayExp class to represent time contraints applied to an acl.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
AuthorizationException AuthorizationException