Package com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.execution.workflow.steps

Interface Summary
FailureReason A base interface for enum failure reasons, implementations should provide a #toString() implementation returning a single word reason.
PropertyResolver PropertyResolver can return a property value resolved from a particular configuration scope
StepExecutionResult StepExecutionResult is ...
StepExecutor StepExecutor is ...

Class Summary
NodeDispatchStepExecutor NodeDispatchStepExecutor dispatches the step execution item to all nodes, via the ExecutionService
PluginAdapterUtility Utility for creating Descriptions from Plugin class annotations and setting property values for annotated property fields.
PluginStepContextImpl PluginStepContextImpl is ...
PropertyResolverFactory Factory for different property resolvers for use by plugins
StepExecutionResultImpl StepExecutionResultImpl is ...
StepExecutionService StepExecutionService can provide executors for workflow steps.

Enum Summary
StepFailureReason Failure causes for workflow steps

Exception Summary
StepException StepException is ...