Package com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.plugins

Interface Summary
PluggableProviderService<T> ${CLASSNAME} is ...
PluggableService<T> PluggableService is a service that supports plugin provider classes and optionally supports plugin provider scripts.
PluginCache PluginCache can use PluginScanners and find ProviderLoaders for ProviderIdents.
ScriptPluginProvider ScriptPluginProvider defines scripted plugin provider details
ServiceProviderLoader ServiceProviderLoader creates a service provider instance given a provider name

Class Summary
AbstractDescribableScriptPlugin AbstractDescribableScriptPlugin is a base ScriptPlugin provider implementation that can be used to provide a describable interface for a script plugin.
AdapterService<S,T> AdapterService adapts one service provider type to another.
BasePluggableProviderService<T> BasePluggableProviderService is an abstract base for a provider service which can load providers from plugins.
BaseProviderRegistryService<T> BaseProviderRegistryService is an abstract base that provides a registry of available service providers based on simple names.
BaseScriptPlugin BaseScriptPlugin provides common methods for running scripts, used by the script plugin implementations.
ChainedProviderService<T> ChainedProviderService attempts to load the provider from a primary service, and if that fails, it attempts it from a secondary service.
ChainedProviderServiceImpl<T> Concrete implementation of ChainedProviderService
FrameworkPluggableProviderService<T> FrameworkPluggableProviderService uses the Framework's plugin manager, and attempts to construct provider instances by injecting the Framework instance as a Constructor parameter if possible.
PluggableProviderRegistryService<T> Extends BaseProviderRegistryService to support loading providers via plugins if not found in the registry.
PluginManagerService PluginManagerService is ...
ProviderIdent ProviderIdent is ...
ScriptDataContextUtil ScriptDataContextUtil is ...

Exception Summary
PluginException PluginException is ...

Annotation Types Summary