Interface IStoredJobLoadResult

All Superinterfaces:
IStoredJob, IStoredJobRef
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IStoredJobLoadResult
extends IStoredJob

IStoredJobLoadResult extends IStoredJob to include server response data about the success/failure of the storage request, and whether the job was skipped or not. Includes an int property indicating the index of this job in the context of the original request for reference. The message property is used to include any error message from the server about why the store job request failed for the Job.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getMessage()
          Return the success/error message for the result.
 boolean isSkippedJob()
          Return true if the job was newly created, false if it was updated
 boolean isSuccessful()
          Return true if the load was successful.
Methods inherited from interface com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.dispatcher.IStoredJob
getDescription, getUrl
Methods inherited from interface com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.dispatcher.IStoredJobRef
getGroup, getJobId, getName, getProject

Method Detail


boolean isSuccessful()
Return true if the load was successful.

true if load for this job succeeded.


boolean isSkippedJob()
Return true if the job was newly created, false if it was updated

true if the job was new, or false if it was updated


java.lang.String getMessage()
Return the success/error message for the result.
