Package com.dtolabs.rundeck.core.execution.workflow

Interface Summary
ContextLogger ContextLogger extends the BaseLogger to allow logging with extended context information
IWorkflow IWorkflow is ...
StepExecutionContext StepExecutionContext is ...
WorkflowExecutionItem WorkflowExecutionItem is an execution item representing an entire workflow.
WorkflowExecutionListener WorkflowExecutionListener is ...
WorkflowExecutionResult WorkflowExecutionResult contains a list of workflow item results, indexed by workflow step number, and node names to failure messages.
WorkflowExecutor WorkflowExecutor is ...
WorkflowStrategy WorkflowStrategy interface performs the workflow execution and returns an ExecutionResult

Class Summary
BaseWorkflowStrategy BaseWorkflowStrategy is ...
NodeDispatchedWorkflowExecutionItemImpl NodeDispatchedWorkflowExecutionItemImpl is ...
NodeFirstWorkflowStrategy NodeFirstWorkflowStrategy Iterates over the matched nodes first, so that each node executes the full workflow sequentially
NodeRecorder NodeRecorder stores success/failure node list
StepFirstWorkflowStrategy StepFirstWorkflowStrategy iterates over the workflow steps and dispatches each one to all nodes matching the filter.
WorkflowExecutionItemImpl WorkflowExecutionItemImpl is ...
WorkflowExecutionListenerImpl WorkflowExecutionListenerImpl uses the WorkflowExecutionListener methods to maintain workflow execution context data while executing workflows, allowing the ContextLogger to have proper context.
WorkflowExecutionService WorkflowExecutionService provides ability to execute workflows
WorkflowImpl WorkflowImpl is ...