@native @JSType
trait RTCDTMFSender extends Object
class Object
trait Any
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def insertDTMF(tones: String, duration: Double, interToneGap: Double): Unit

An RTCDTMFSender object's insertDTMF() method is used to send DTMF tones. The tones parameter is treated as a series of characters. The characters 0 through 9, A through D, #, and * generate the associated DTMF tones. The characters a to d are equivalent to A to D. The character ',' indicates a delay of 2 seconds before processing the next character in the tones parameter. All other characters must be considered unrecognized.

An RTCDTMFSender object's insertDTMF() method is used to send DTMF tones. The tones parameter is treated as a series of characters. The characters 0 through 9, A through D, #, and * generate the associated DTMF tones. The characters a to d are equivalent to A to D. The character ',' indicates a delay of 2 seconds before processing the next character in the tones parameter. All other characters must be considered unrecognized.

The duration parameter indicates the duration in ms to use for each character passed in the tones parameters. The duration cannot be more than 6000 ms or less than 40 ms. The default duration is 100 ms for each tone.

The interToneGap parameter indicates the gap between tones. It must be at least 30 ms. The default value is 70 ms.

The browser may increase the duration and interToneGap times to cause the times that DTMF start and stop to align with the boundaries of RTP packets but it must not increase either of them by more than the duration of a single RTP audio packet.

Inherited methods

def hasOwnProperty(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def isPrototypeOf(v: Object): Boolean
Inherited from:
def propertyIsEnumerable(v: String): Boolean
Inherited from:
def toLocaleString(): String
Inherited from:
def valueOf(): Any
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

val canInsertDTMF: Boolean

The canInsertDTMF attribute must indicate if the RTCDTMFSender is capable of sending DTMF.

The canInsertDTMF attribute must indicate if the RTCDTMFSender is capable of sending DTMF.

val duration: Double

The duration attribute must return the current tone duration value. This value will be the value last set via the insertDTMF() method, or the default value of 100 ms if insertDTMF() was called without specifying the duration.

The duration attribute must return the current tone duration value. This value will be the value last set via the insertDTMF() method, or the default value of 100 ms if insertDTMF() was called without specifying the duration.

val interToneGap: Double

The interToneGap attribute must return the current value of the between-tone gap. This value will be the value last set via the insertDTMF() method, or the default value of 70 ms if insertDTMF() was called without specifying the interToneGap.

The interToneGap attribute must return the current value of the between-tone gap. This value will be the value last set via the insertDTMF() method, or the default value of 70 ms if insertDTMF() was called without specifying the interToneGap.

var ontonechange: Function1[Event, Any]

This event handler uses the RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent interface to return the character for each tone as it is played out. See RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent for details.

This event handler uses the RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent interface to return the character for each tone as it is played out. See RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent for details.

val toneBuffer: String

The toneBuffer attribute must return a list of the tones remaining to be played out. For the syntax, content, and interpretation of this list, see insertDTMF.

The toneBuffer attribute must return a list of the tones remaining to be played out. For the syntax, content, and interpretation of this list, see insertDTMF.

The track attribute must return the MediaStreamTrack given as argument to the createDTMFSender() method.

The track attribute must return the MediaStreamTrack given as argument to the createDTMFSender() method.