
class PrettyPrinter(width: Int, step: Int, minimizeEmpty: Boolean)

Class for pretty printing. After instantiating, you can use the format() and formatNode() methods to convert XML to a formatted string. The class can be reused to pretty print any number of XML nodes.

Class for pretty printing. After instantiating, you can use the format() and formatNode() methods to convert XML to a formatted string. The class can be reused to pretty print any number of XML nodes.

Value Params

self-close empty tags




the width to fit the output into


Burak Emir


This class is not threadsafe and should not be accessed by multiple threads at the same time.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class Box(col: Int, s: String) extends Item
case object Break extends Item
class BrokenException() extends Exception
class Item
case class Para(s: String) extends Item

Value members


def this(width: Int, step: Int)

Concrete methods

protected def childrenAreLeaves(n: Node): Boolean
protected def cut(s: String, ind: Int): List[Item]

Try to cut at whitespace.

Try to cut at whitespace.

protected def endTag(n: Node): String
protected def fits(test: String): Boolean
def format(n: Node, sb: StringBuilder): Unit

Appends a formatted string containing well-formed XML with given namespace to prefix mapping to the given string buffer.

Appends a formatted string containing well-formed XML with given namespace to prefix mapping to the given string buffer.

Value Params

the node to be serialized


the stringbuffer to append to

def format(n: Node, pscope: NamespaceBinding, sb: StringBuilder): Unit
def format(n: Node, pscope: NamespaceBinding): String

Returns a formatted string containing well-formed XML with given namespace to prefix mapping.

Returns a formatted string containing well-formed XML with given namespace to prefix mapping.

Value Params

the node to be serialized


the namespace to prefix mapping


the formatted string

def formatNodes(nodes: Seq[Node], pscope: NamespaceBinding): String

Returns a formatted string containing well-formed XML.

Returns a formatted string containing well-formed XML.

Value Params

the sequence of nodes to be serialized


the namespace to prefix mapping

def formatNodes(nodes: Seq[Node], pscope: NamespaceBinding, sb: StringBuilder): Unit

Appends a formatted string containing well-formed XML with the given namespace to prefix mapping to the given stringbuffer.

Appends a formatted string containing well-formed XML with the given namespace to prefix mapping to the given stringbuffer.

Value Params

the nodes to be serialized


the namespace to prefix mapping


the string buffer to which to append to

protected def leafTag(n: Node): String
protected def makeBox(ind: Int, s: String): Unit

Try to make indented box, if possible, else para.

Try to make indented box, if possible, else para.

protected def makeBreak(): Unit
protected def makePara(ind: Int, s: String): Unit
protected def reset(): Unit
protected def startTag(n: Node, pscope: NamespaceBinding): (String, Int)
protected def traverse(node: Node, pscope: NamespaceBinding, ind: Int): Unit
protected def traverse(it: Iterator[Node], scope: NamespaceBinding, ind: Int): Unit

Concrete fields

protected var cur: Int
protected var items: List[Item]