
class Map3

[source: scala/collection/immutable/Map3.scala]


class Map3[A, +B](key1 : A, value1 : B, key2 : A, value2 : B, key3 : A, value3 : B)
extends Map[A, B]
This class implements immutable maps with exactly three entries
Martin Oderskty
1.0, 019/01/2007
Method Summary
def - (key : A) : Map[A, B]
Remove a key from this map
def elements : Iterator[(A, B)]
Creates a new iterator over all elements contained in this object.
def empty [C] : Map[A, C]
This method returns a new map instance of the same class mapping keys of the same type to values of type C.
def get (key : A) : Option[B]
Check if this map maps key to a value and return the value if it exists.
def size : Int
Compute the number of key-to-value mappings.
def update [B1 >: B](key : A, value : B1) : Map[A, B1]
This method allows one to create a new map with an additional mapping from key to value. If the map contains already a mapping for key, it will be overridden by this function.
Methods inherited from Map
+, +, ++, ++, -, --, --, withDefault, withDefaultValue, transform, filter, +, incl, incl, excl, excl, mappingToString
Methods inherited from Map
getOrElse, isEmpty, apply, contains, isDefinedAt, keys, keySet, values, equals, hashCode, toString, default, projection, filterKeys, mapElements, stringPrefix
Methods inherited from Collection
Methods inherited from Iterable
concat, ++, map, flatMap, partition, takeWhile, dropWhile, take, drop, foreach, forall, exists, find, findIndexOf, indexOf, foldLeft, foldRight, /:, :\, reduceLeft, reduceRight, copyToBuffer, sameElements, toList, toSeq, toStream, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, copyToArray, hasDefiniteSize
Methods inherited from PartialFunction
orElse, andThen
Methods inherited from Function1
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
def size : Int
Compute the number of key-to-value mappings.
the number of mappings

def get(key : A) : Option[B]
Check if this map maps key to a value and return the value if it exists.
key - the key of the mapping of interest
the value of the mapping, if it exists

def elements : Iterator[(A, B)]
Creates a new iterator over all elements contained in this object.
the new iterator

def empty[C] : Map[A, C]
This method returns a new map instance of the same class mapping keys of the same type to values of type C.

def update[B1 >: B](key : A, value : B1) : Map[A, B1]
This method allows one to create a new map with an additional mapping from key to value. If the map contains already a mapping for key, it will be overridden by this function.
key - ...
value - ...
the created map
use +({A, B}) instead

def -(key : A) : Map[A, B]
Remove a key from this map
key - the key to be removed
If the map does not contain a binding for key it is returned unchanged. Otherwise, return a new map without a binding for key