
class RichStringBuilder

[source: scala/runtime/RichStringBuilder.scala]

final class RichStringBuilder(val self : StringBuilder)
extends Mutable[Char] with Proxy with Buffer[Char]
Method Summary
override def ++ [B >: Char](that : Iterable[B]) : RandomAccessSeq[B]
Appends two iterable objects.
override def ++ (iter : Iterable[Char]) : RichStringBuilder
Appends a number of elements provided by an iterable object via its elements method. The identity of the buffer is returned.
override def ++= (iter : Iterable[Char]) : Unit
Appends a number of elements provided by an iterable object via its elements method.
override def +: (c : Char) : RichStringBuilder
Prepend a single element to this buffer and return the identity of the buffer.
override def += (c : Char) : Unit
Append a single element to this buffer.
override def apply (idx : Int) : Char
override def clear : Unit
Clears the buffer contents.
def ensureSize (size : Int) : Unit
override def insertAll (idx : Int, iter : Iterable[Char]) : Unit
Inserts new elements at the index n. Opposed to method update, this method will not replace an element with a one. Instead, it will insert a new element at index n.
override def length : Int
Returns the length of the sequence.
override def mkString : java.lang.String
Converts a collection into a flat String by each element's toString method.
override def remove (idx : Int) : Char
Removes the element on a given index position.
override def update (idx : Int, c : Char) : Unit
Replace element at index n with the new element newelem.
Methods inherited from Buffer
+, ++=, ++=, ++, ++:, -=, append, appendAll, prepend, prependAll, insert, trimStart, trimEnd, <<, clone, hashCode, stringPrefix
Methods inherited from Proxy
equals, toString
Methods inherited from Mutable
projection, readOnly, drop, take, slice, reverse
Methods inherited from RandomAccessSeq
elements, partition, patch, toStream, safeIs
Methods inherited from Seq
lengthCompare, size, isEmpty, concat, last, lastOption, first, firstOption, headOption, isDefinedAt, lastIndexOf, findIndexOf, indexOf, map, flatMap, filter, slice, takeWhile, dropWhile, contains, subseq, toArray, toSeq, equalsWith, startsWith, startsWith, endsWith, indexOf, containsSlice
Methods inherited from Iterable
foreach, forall, exists, find, foldLeft, foldRight, /:, :\, reduceLeft, reduceRight, copyToBuffer, sameElements, toList, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, copyToArray, hasDefiniteSize
Methods inherited from PartialFunction
orElse, andThen
Methods inherited from Function1
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
override def length : Int
Returns the length of the sequence.
the sequence length.

override def apply(idx : Int) : Char

override def mkString : java.lang.String
Converts a collection into a flat String by each element's toString method.
Will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.

override def update(idx : Int, c : Char) : Unit
Replace element at index n with the new element newelem.
n - the index of the element to replace.
newelem - the new element.
Mutable.update, Buffer.update

override def +=(c : Char) : Unit
Append a single element to this buffer.
elem - the element to append.

override def ++=(iter : Iterable[Char]) : Unit
Appends a number of elements provided by an iterable object via its elements method.
iter - the iterable object.

override def ++(iter : Iterable[Char]) : RichStringBuilder
Appends a number of elements provided by an iterable object via its elements method. The identity of the buffer is returned.
iter - the iterable object.
the updated buffer.

override def ++[B >: Char](that : Iterable[B]) : RandomAccessSeq[B]
Appends two iterable objects.

override def insertAll(idx : Int, iter : Iterable[Char]) : Unit
Inserts new elements at the index n. Opposed to method update, this method will not replace an element with a one. Instead, it will insert a new element at index n.
n - the index where a new element will be inserted.
iter - the iterable object providing all elements to insert.

override def +:(c : Char) : RichStringBuilder
Prepend a single element to this buffer and return the identity of the buffer.
elem - the element to append.

def ensureSize(size : Int) : Unit

override def remove(idx : Int) : Char
Removes the element on a given index position.
n - the index which refers to the element to delete.

override def clear : Unit
Clears the buffer contents.