
trait Map

[source: scala/collection/immutable/Map.scala]

trait Map[A, +B]
extends Map[A, B]

This class defines the interface for immutable maps. Operations on an immutable map leave the original map unchanged, and return a new map if needed.

Concrete map implementations have to provide functionality for the abstract methods in scala.collection.Map as well as for factory, update, and -.

Matthias Zenger
Erik Stenman
Martin Odersky
1.2, 31/06/2006
Direct Known Subclasses:
EmptyMap, HashMap, IntMap, ListMap, LongMap, Map1, Map2, Map3, Map4, SortedMap, TreeHashMap, UnbalancedTreeMap

Method Summary
def + [B1 >: B](kv1 : (A, B1), kv2 : (A, B1), kvs : (A, B1)*) : Map[A, B1]
Add two or more key/value pairs to this map.
def + (key : A) : MapTo
def + [B1 >: B](kv : (A, B1)) : Map[A, B1]
Add a key/value pair to this map.
def ++ [B1 >: B](kvs : Iterable[(A, B1)]) : Map[A, B1]
Add a sequence of key/value pairs to this map.
def ++ [B1 >: B](kvs : Iterator[(A, B1)]) : Map[A, B1]
Add a sequence of key/value pairs to this map.
abstract def - (key : A) : Map[A, B]
Remove a key from this map
def - (key1 : A, key2 : A, keys : A*) : Map[A, B]
Remove two or more keys from this map
def -- (keys : Iterable[A]) : Map[A, B]
Remove a sequence of keys from this map
def -- (keys : Iterator[A]) : Map[A, B]
Remove a sequence of keys from this map
abstract def empty [C] : Map[A, C]
This method returns a new map instance of the same class mapping keys of the same type to values of type C.
def excl (keys : A*) : Map[A, B]
This method will return a map where all the mappings for the given sequence of keys are removed from the map.
def excl (keys : Iterable[A]) : Map[A, B]
This method removes all the mappings for keys provided by an iterator over the elements of the keys object.
override def filter (p : ((A, B)) => Boolean) : Map[A, B]
This method removes all the mappings for which the predicate p returns false.
def incl [B1 >: B](map : Iterable[(A, B1)]) : Map[A, B1]
incl can be used to add many mappings at the same time to the map. The method assumes that each mapping is represented by an Iterator over Pair objects who's first component denotes the key, and who's second component refers to the value.
def incl [B1 >: B](mappings : (A, B1)*) : Map[A, B1]
incl can be used to add many mappings at the same time to the map. The method assumes that a mapping is represented by a Pair object who's first component denotes the key, and who's second component refers to the value.
def mappingToString [B1 >: B](p : (A, B1)) : java.lang.String
This method controls how a mapping is represented in the string representation provided by method toString.
def transform [C](f : (A, B) => C) : Map[A, C]
This function transforms all the values of mappings contained in this map with function f.
abstract def update [B1 >: B](key : A, value : B1) : Map[A, B1]
This method allows one to create a new map with an additional mapping from key to value. If the map contains already a mapping for key, it will be overridden by this function.
def withDefault [B1 >: B](d : (A) => B1) : Map[A, B1]
The same map with a given default function
def withDefaultValue [B1 >: B](d : B1) : Map[A, B1]
The same map with a given default value
Methods inherited from Map
size (abstract), get (abstract), getOrElse, isEmpty, apply, contains, isDefinedAt, keys, keySet, values, equals, hashCode, toString, default, projection, filterKeys, mapElements, stringPrefix
Methods inherited from Collection
Methods inherited from Iterable
elements (abstract), concat, ++, map, flatMap, partition, takeWhile, dropWhile, take, drop, foreach, forall, exists, find, findIndexOf, indexOf, foldLeft, foldRight, /:, :\, reduceLeft, reduceRight, copyToBuffer, sameElements, toList, toSeq, toStream, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, copyToArray, hasDefiniteSize
Methods inherited from PartialFunction
orElse, andThen
Methods inherited from Function1
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Class Summary
class MapTo (key : A) extends AnyRef
Method Details
abstract def empty[C] : Map[A, C]
This method returns a new map instance of the same class mapping keys of the same type to values of type C.

abstract def update[B1 >: B](key : A, value : B1) : Map[A, B1]
This method allows one to create a new map with an additional mapping from key to value. If the map contains already a mapping for key, it will be overridden by this function.
key - ...
value - ...
the created map
use +({A, B}) instead

def +[B1 >: B](kv : (A, B1)) : Map[A, B1]
Add a key/value pair to this map.
kv - the key/value pair.
A new map with the new binding added to this map

def +[B1 >: B](kv1 : (A, B1), kv2 : (A, B1), kvs : (A, B1)*) : Map[A, B1]
Add two or more key/value pairs to this map.
kv1 - the first key/value pair.
kv2 - the second key/value pair.
kvs - the remaining key/value pairs.
A new map with the new bindings added

def ++[B1 >: B](kvs : Iterable[(A, B1)]) : Map[A, B1]
Add a sequence of key/value pairs to this map.
kvs - the iterable object containing all key/value pairs.
A new map with the new bindings added

def ++[B1 >: B](kvs : Iterator[(A, B1)]) : Map[A, B1]
Add a sequence of key/value pairs to this map.
kvs - the iterator containing all key/value pairs.
A new map with the new bindings added

abstract def -(key : A) : Map[A, B]
Remove a key from this map
key - the key to be removed
If the map does not contain a binding for key it is returned unchanged. Otherwise, return a new map without a binding for key

def -(key1 : A, key2 : A, keys : A*) : Map[A, B]
Remove two or more keys from this map
key1 - the first key to be removed
key2 - the second key to be removed
keys - the remaining keys to be removed
A map without bindings for keys If the map is mutable, the bindings are removed in place and the map itself is returned. If the map is immutable, a new map with the bindings removed is returned.

def --(keys : Iterable[A]) : Map[A, B]
Remove a sequence of keys from this map
keys - the keys to be removed
A map without bindings for the given keys. If the map is mutable, the bindings are removed in place and the map itself is returned. If the map is immutable, a new map with the bindings removed is returned.

def --(keys : Iterator[A]) : Map[A, B]
Remove a sequence of keys from this map
keys - the keys to be removed
A map without bindings for the given keys. If the map is mutable, the bindings are removed in place and the map itself is returned. If the map is immutable, a new map with the bindings removed is returned.

def withDefault[B1 >: B](d : (A) => B1) : Map[A, B1]
The same map with a given default function

def withDefaultValue[B1 >: B](d : B1) : Map[A, B1]
The same map with a given default value

def transform[C](f : (A, B) => C) : Map[A, C]
This function transforms all the values of mappings contained in this map with function f.
f - A function over keys and values
the updated map

override def filter(p : ((A, B)) => Boolean) : Map[A, B]
This method removes all the mappings for which the predicate p returns false.
p - A prediacte over key-value pairs
the updated map


def +(key : A) : MapTo

This method defines syntactic sugar for adding a mapping. It is typically used in the following way:

      map + key -> value
use +({A, B}) instead


def incl[B1 >: B](mappings : (A, B1)*) : Map[A, B1]
incl can be used to add many mappings at the same time to the map. The method assumes that a mapping is represented by a Pair object who's first component denotes the key, and who's second component refers to the value.
mappings - ...
use + instead


def incl[B1 >: B](map : Iterable[(A, B1)]) : Map[A, B1]
incl can be used to add many mappings at the same time to the map. The method assumes that each mapping is represented by an Iterator over Pair objects who's first component denotes the key, and who's second component refers to the value.
use ++ instead


def excl(keys : A*) : Map[A, B]
This method will return a map where all the mappings for the given sequence of keys are removed from the map.
keys - ...
the updated map
use - instead


def excl(keys : Iterable[A]) : Map[A, B]
This method removes all the mappings for keys provided by an iterator over the elements of the keys object.
keys - ...
the updated map
use -- instead


def mappingToString[B1 >: B](p : (A, B1)) : java.lang.String
This method controls how a mapping is represented in the string representation provided by method toString.
p - ...
the string representation of a map entry