
class LinkedHashMap

[source: scala/collection/mutable/LinkedHashMap.scala]


class LinkedHashMap[A, B]
extends HashTable[A] with DefaultMapModel[A, B]
Values and Variables inherited from HashTable
loadFactorDenum, table, tableSize, threshold
Method Summary
def -= (key : A) : Unit
Remove a key from this map, noop if key is not present.
override def clear : Unit
Removes all mappings from the map. After this operation is completed, the map is empty.
override def clone : Map[A, B]
Return a clone of this map.
override def elements : Iterator[(A, B)]
Creates a new iterator over all elements contained in this object.
override def put (key : A, value : B) : Option[B]
Map key to elem in this map and return the element that the key was previously mapped to (if any).
def remove (key : A) : Option[B]
override def update (key : A, value : B) : Unit
This method allows one to add a new mapping from key to value to the map. If the map already contains a mapping for key, it will be overridden by this function.
Methods inherited from DefaultMapModel
Methods inherited from HashTable
loadFactor, initialSize, initialThreshold, size, findEntry, addEntry, removeEntry, entries, elemEquals, elemHashCode, improve, index
Methods inherited from Map
+=, +=, ++=, ++=, +, +, ++, ++, -=, --=, --=, -, removeKey, -, --, --, getOrElseUpdate, transform, retain, <<, readOnly, +=, incl, excl
Methods inherited from Map
getOrElse, isEmpty, apply, contains, isDefinedAt, keys, keySet, values, equals, hashCode, toString, default, projection, filterKeys, mapElements, stringPrefix
Methods inherited from Collection
Methods inherited from Iterable
concat, ++, map, flatMap, filter, partition, takeWhile, dropWhile, take, drop, foreach, forall, exists, find, findIndexOf, indexOf, foldLeft, foldRight, /:, :\, reduceLeft, reduceRight, copyToBuffer, sameElements, toList, toSeq, toStream, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, copyToArray, hasDefiniteSize
Methods inherited from PartialFunction
orElse, andThen
Methods inherited from Function1
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
def remove(key : A) : Option[B]

def -=(key : A) : Unit
Remove a key from this map, noop if key is not present.
key - the key to be removed

override def put(key : A, value : B) : Option[B]
Map key to elem in this map and return the element that the key was previously mapped to (if any).

override def update(key : A, value : B) : Unit
This method allows one to add a new mapping from key to value to the map. If the map already contains a mapping for key, it will be overridden by this function.
key - The key to update
value - The new value

override def clear : Unit
Removes all mappings from the map. After this operation is completed, the map is empty.

override def clone : Map[A, B]
Return a clone of this map.
a map with the same elements.

override def elements : Iterator[(A, B)]
Creates a new iterator over all elements contained in this object.
the new iterator