
trait Scrollable

[source: scala/swing/Scrollable.scala]

trait Scrollable
extends Component
A component that is specially suitable for being placed inside a ScrollPane.
See Also
Direct Known Subclasses:

Values and Variables inherited from Component
peer, initP
Values and Variables inherited from Publisher
Values and Variables inherited from Reactor
Method Summary
def blockIncrement (visibleRect : java.awt.Rectangle, orientation : Value, direction : Int) : Int
def preferredViewportSize : java.awt.Dimension
protected abstract def scrollablePeer : javax.swing.Scrollable
def tracksViewportHeight : Boolean
def tracksViewportWidth : Boolean
def unitIncrement (visibleRect : java.awt.Rectangle, orientation : Value, direction : Int) : Int
Methods inherited from Component
xLayoutAlignment, xLayoutAlignment_=, yLayoutAlignment, yLayoutAlignment_=, border, border_=, opaque, opaque_=, enabled, enabled_=, tooltip, tooltip_=, inputVerifier, inputVerifier_=, revalidate, requestFocus, paintComponent, paint, toString
Methods inherited from Publisher
subscribe, unsubscribe, publish
Methods inherited from Reactor
listenTo, deafTo
Methods inherited from UIElement
self, foreground, foreground_=, background, background_=, minimumSize, minimumSize_=, maximumSize, maximumSize_=, preferredSize, preferredSize_=, preferredSize_=, font, font_=, locationOnScreen, location, bounds, size, size_=, size_=, locale, toolkit, cursor, cursor_=, visible, visible_=, showing, repaint
Methods inherited from Proxy
hashCode, equals
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
protected abstract def scrollablePeer : javax.swing.Scrollable

def preferredViewportSize : java.awt.Dimension

def tracksViewportHeight : Boolean

def tracksViewportWidth : Boolean

def blockIncrement(visibleRect : java.awt.Rectangle, orientation : Value, direction : Int) : Int

def unitIncrement(visibleRect : java.awt.Rectangle, orientation : Value, direction : Int) : Int