
trait SeqMethods

[source: scala/collection/interfaces/SeqMethods.scala]

trait SeqMethods[+A, +This <: SeqLike[A, This] with Seq[A]]
extends IterableMethods[A, This]
Method Summary
abstract def apply (idx : Int) : A
abstract def contains (elem : Any) : Boolean
abstract def diff [B >: A, That](that : Seq[B]) : This
abstract def endsWith [B](that : Seq[B]) : Boolean
abstract def indexOf [B >: A](elem : B) : Int
abstract def indexOf [B >: A](elem : B, from : Int) : Int
abstract def indexOfSeq [B >: A](that : Seq[B]) : Int
abstract def indexOfSeq [B >: A](that : Seq[B], fromIndex : Int) : Int
abstract def indexWhere (p : (A) => Boolean) : Int
abstract def indexWhere (p : (A) => Boolean, from : Int) : Int
abstract def indices : Range
abstract def intersect [B >: A, That](that : Seq[B]) : This
abstract def isDefinedAt (x : Int) : Boolean
abstract def lastIndexOf [B >: A](elem : B, end : Int) : Int
abstract def lastIndexOf [B >: A](elem : B) : Int
abstract def lastIndexOfSeq [B >: A](that : Seq[B]) : Int
abstract def lastIndexOfSeq [B >: A](that : Seq[B], fromIndex : Int) : Int
abstract def lastIndexWhere (p : (A) => Boolean, end : Int) : Int
abstract def lastIndexWhere (p : (A) => Boolean) : Int
abstract def length : Int
abstract def lengthCompare (len : Int) : Int
abstract def padTo [B >: A, That](len : Int, elem : B)(implicit bf : CanBuildFrom[This, B, That]) : That
abstract def patch [B >: A, That](from : Int, patch : Seq[B], replaced : Int)(implicit bf : CanBuildFrom[This, B, That]) : That
abstract def prefixLength (p : (A) => Boolean) : Int
abstract def removeDuplicates : This
abstract def reverse : This
abstract def reverseIterator : Iterator[A]
abstract def segmentLength (p : (A) => Boolean, from : Int) : Int
abstract def slice (from : Int) : Seq[A]
abstract def startsWith [B](that : Seq[B], offset : Int) : Boolean
abstract def startsWith [B](that : Seq[B]) : Boolean
abstract def union [B >: A, That](that : Seq[B])(implicit bf : CanBuildFrom[This, B, That]) : That
override abstract def view : SeqView[A, This]
override abstract def view (from : Int, until : Int) : SeqView[A, This]
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Methods inherited from IterableMethods
iterator (abstract), dropRight (abstract), sameElements (abstract), sortWith (abstract), takeRight (abstract), zipAll (abstract), zipWithIndex (abstract), zip (abstract)
Methods inherited from TraversableMethods
foreach (abstract), flatMap (abstract), map (abstract), partialMap (abstract), ++ (abstract), ++ (abstract), copyToArray (abstract), copyToArray (abstract), copyToBuffer (abstract), toArray (abstract), toIterable (abstract), toList (abstract), toSeq (abstract), toSet (abstract), toStream (abstract), toIndexedSeq (abstract), addString (abstract), addString (abstract), addString (abstract), mkString (abstract), mkString (abstract), mkString (abstract), /: (abstract), :\ (abstract), foldLeft (abstract), foldRight (abstract), reduceLeftOption (abstract), reduceLeft (abstract), reduceRightOption (abstract), reduceRight (abstract), exists (abstract), forall (abstract), hasDefiniteSize (abstract), isEmpty (abstract), nonEmpty (abstract), find (abstract), head (abstract), headOption (abstract), last (abstract), lastOption (abstract), drop (abstract), dropWhile (abstract), filter (abstract), filterNot (abstract), init (abstract), slice (abstract), tail (abstract), take (abstract), takeWhile (abstract), groupBy (abstract), partition (abstract), span (abstract), splitAt (abstract), count (abstract), size (abstract), stringPrefix (abstract)
Method Details
abstract def apply(idx : Int) : A

abstract def length : Int

abstract def contains(elem : Any) : Boolean

abstract def diff[B >: A, That](that : Seq[B]) : This

abstract def endsWith[B](that : Seq[B]) : Boolean

abstract def indexOfSeq[B >: A](that : Seq[B]) : Int

abstract def indexOfSeq[B >: A](that : Seq[B], fromIndex : Int) : Int

abstract def indexOf[B >: A](elem : B) : Int

abstract def indexOf[B >: A](elem : B, from : Int) : Int

abstract def indexWhere(p : (A) => Boolean) : Int

abstract def indexWhere(p : (A) => Boolean, from : Int) : Int

abstract def indices : Range

abstract def intersect[B >: A, That](that : Seq[B]) : This

abstract def isDefinedAt(x : Int) : Boolean

abstract def lastIndexOfSeq[B >: A](that : Seq[B]) : Int

abstract def lastIndexOfSeq[B >: A](that : Seq[B], fromIndex : Int) : Int

abstract def lastIndexOf[B >: A](elem : B) : Int

abstract def lastIndexOf[B >: A](elem : B, end : Int) : Int

abstract def lastIndexWhere(p : (A) => Boolean) : Int

abstract def lastIndexWhere(p : (A) => Boolean, end : Int) : Int

abstract def lengthCompare(len : Int) : Int

abstract def padTo[B >: A, That](len : Int, elem : B)(implicit bf : CanBuildFrom[This, B, That]) : That

abstract def patch[B >: A, That](from : Int, patch : Seq[B], replaced : Int)(implicit bf : CanBuildFrom[This, B, That]) : That

abstract def prefixLength(p : (A) => Boolean) : Int

abstract def removeDuplicates : This

abstract def reverse : This

abstract def reverseIterator : Iterator[A]

abstract def segmentLength(p : (A) => Boolean, from : Int) : Int

abstract def slice(from : Int) : Seq[A]

abstract def startsWith[B](that : Seq[B]) : Boolean

abstract def startsWith[B](that : Seq[B], offset : Int) : Boolean

abstract def union[B >: A, That](that : Seq[B])(implicit bf : CanBuildFrom[This, B, That]) : That

override abstract def view : SeqView[A, This]

override abstract def view(from : Int, until : Int) : SeqView[A, This]