
trait UIElement

[source: scala/swing/UIElement.scala]

trait UIElement
extends Proxy with scala.swing.LazyPublisher
The base trait of all user interface elements. Subclasses belong to one of two groups: top-level elements such as windows and dialogs, or Components.
[Java Swing] This trait does not have an exact counterpart in Java Swing. The peer is of type java.awt.Component since this is the least common upper bound of possible underlying peers.
[Implementation] A UIElement automatically adds itself to the component cache on creation.
See Also
Direct Known Subclasses:
Component, Container, Window

Values and Variables inherited from Publisher
Values and Variables inherited from Reactor
Method Summary
def background : java.awt.Color
def background_= (c : java.awt.Color) : Unit
def bounds : java.awt.Rectangle
def cursor : java.awt.Cursor
def cursor_= (c : java.awt.Cursor) : Unit
def displayable : Boolean
def font : java.awt.Font
def font_= (f : java.awt.Font) : Unit
def foreground : java.awt.Color
def foreground_= (c : java.awt.Color) : Unit
def ignoreRepaint : Boolean
def ignoreRepaint_= (b : Boolean) : Unit
def locale : java.util.Locale
def location : java.awt.Point
def locationOnScreen : java.awt.Point
def maximumSize : java.awt.Dimension
def maximumSize_= (x : java.awt.Dimension) : Unit
def minimumSize : java.awt.Dimension
def minimumSize_= (x : java.awt.Dimension) : Unit
def onFirstSubscribe : Unit
def onLastUnsubscribe : Unit
abstract def peer : java.awt.Component
The underlying Swing peer.
def preferredSize : java.awt.Dimension
def preferredSize_= (xy : (Int, Int)) : Unit
def preferredSize_= (x : java.awt.Dimension) : Unit
def repaint : Unit
def repaint (rect : java.awt.Rectangle) : Unit
def self : java.awt.Component
def showing : Boolean
def size : java.awt.Dimension
def size_= (xy : (Int, Int)) : Unit
def size_= (dim : java.awt.Dimension) : Unit
def toolkit : java.awt.Toolkit
def visible : Boolean
def visible_= (b : Boolean) : Unit
Methods inherited from scala.swing.LazyPublisher
scala.swing.LazyPublisher.subscribe, scala.swing.LazyPublisher.unsubscribe
Methods inherited from Publisher
Methods inherited from Reactor
listenTo, deafTo
Methods inherited from Proxy
hashCode, equals, toString
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
abstract def peer : java.awt.Component
The underlying Swing peer.

def self : java.awt.Component

def foreground : java.awt.Color

def foreground_=(c : java.awt.Color) : Unit

def background : java.awt.Color

def background_=(c : java.awt.Color) : Unit

def minimumSize : java.awt.Dimension

def minimumSize_=(x : java.awt.Dimension) : Unit

def maximumSize : java.awt.Dimension

def maximumSize_=(x : java.awt.Dimension) : Unit

def preferredSize : java.awt.Dimension

def preferredSize_=(x : java.awt.Dimension) : Unit

@deprecated("Use implicit conversion from Swing object instead")

def preferredSize_=(xy : (Int, Int)) : Unit

def font : java.awt.Font

def font_=(f : java.awt.Font) : Unit

def locationOnScreen : java.awt.Point

def location : java.awt.Point

def bounds : java.awt.Rectangle

def size : java.awt.Dimension

def size_=(dim : java.awt.Dimension) : Unit

@deprecated("Use implicit conversion from Swing object instead")

def size_=(xy : (Int, Int)) : Unit

def locale : java.util.Locale

def toolkit : java.awt.Toolkit

def cursor : java.awt.Cursor

def cursor_=(c : java.awt.Cursor) : Unit

def visible : Boolean

def visible_=(b : Boolean) : Unit

def showing : Boolean

def displayable : Boolean

def repaint : Unit

def repaint(rect : java.awt.Rectangle) : Unit

def ignoreRepaint : Boolean

def ignoreRepaint_=(b : Boolean) : Unit

def onFirstSubscribe : Unit

def onLastUnsubscribe : Unit