
class BitSet

[source: scala/collection/immutable/BitSet.scala]



abstract class BitSet
extends Set[Int] with BitSet with BitSetLike[BitSet]
A base class for immutable bit sets.
Direct Known Subclasses:
BitSet.BitSet1, BitSet.BitSet2, BitSet.BitSetN

Method Summary
def + (elem : Int) : BitSet
Adds element to bitset, returning a new set.
def - (elem : Int) : BitSet
Removes element from bitset, returning a new set
override def empty : BitSet
def fromArray (elems : Array[Long]) : BitSet
Create a new set of this kind from an array of longs
protected abstract def updateWord (idx : Int, w : Long) : BitSet
Update word at index idx; enlarge set if idx outside range of set.
Methods inherited from BitSetLike
nwords (abstract), word (abstract), size, iterator, foreach, |, &, &~, ^, contains, subSet, addString, stringPrefix
Methods inherited from Set
Methods inherited from SetLike
newBuilder, isEmpty, apply, intersect, &, **, union, |, diff, &~, subsetOf, toString, hashCode, equals
Methods inherited from Subtractable
-, --, --
Methods inherited from Addable
+, ++, ++
Methods inherited from Function1
compose, andThen
Methods inherited from IterableLike
thisCollection, toCollection, elements, forall, exists, find, foldRight, reduceRight, toIterable, head, take, slice, takeWhile, takeRight, dropRight, copyToArray, zip, zipAll, zipWithIndex, sameElements, toStream, canEqual, view, view, first, firstOption, projection
Methods inherited from GenericTraversableTemplate
genericBuilder, unzip, flatten, transpose
Methods inherited from TraversableLike
repr, nonEmpty, hasDefiniteSize, ++, ++, map, flatMap, filter, filterNot, partialMap, remove, partition, groupBy, count, foldLeft, /:, :\, reduceLeft, reduceLeftOption, reduceRightOption, sum, product, min, max, headOption, tail, last, lastOption, init, drop, dropWhile, span, splitAt, copyToBuffer, copyToArray, toArray, toList, toSeq, toIndexedSeq, toSet, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, withFilter
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
override def empty : BitSet
BitSet.empty, BitSetLike.empty

def fromArray(elems : Array[Long]) : BitSet
Create a new set of this kind from an array of longs

protected abstract def updateWord(idx : Int, w : Long) : BitSet
Update word at index idx; enlarge set if idx outside range of set.

def +(elem : Int) : BitSet
Adds element to bitset, returning a new set.

def -(elem : Int) : BitSet
Removes element from bitset, returning a new set