
trait OutputChannel

[source: scala/actors/OutputChannel.scala]

trait OutputChannel[-Msg]
extends AbstractReactor[Msg]
The OutputChannel trait provides a common interface for all channels to which values can be sent.
Philipp Haller
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractActor, Channel, Reactor

Method Summary
abstract def ! (msg : Msg) : Unit
Sends msg to this OutputChannel (asynchronous).
abstract def forward (msg : Msg) : Unit
Forwards msg to this OutputChannel (asynchronous).
abstract def receiver : Reactor
Returns the Reactor that is receiving from this OutputChannel.
abstract def send (msg : Msg, replyTo : OutputChannel[Any]) : Unit
Sends msg to this OutputChannel (asynchronous) supplying explicit reply destination.
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Method Details
abstract def !(msg : Msg) : Unit
Sends msg to this OutputChannel (asynchronous).

abstract def send(msg : Msg, replyTo : OutputChannel[Any]) : Unit
Sends msg to this OutputChannel (asynchronous) supplying explicit reply destination.
msg - the message to send
replyTo - the reply destination

abstract def forward(msg : Msg) : Unit
Forwards msg to this OutputChannel (asynchronous).

abstract def receiver : Reactor
Returns the Reactor that is receiving from this OutputChannel.