
trait IterableProxy

[source: scala/collection/IterableProxy.scala]

trait IterableProxy[+A]
extends Iterable[A] with IterableProxyTemplate[A, Iterable[A]]

This trait implements a proxy for iterable objects. It forwards all calls to a different iterable object.

Martin Odersky
Methods inherited from IterableProxyTemplate
iterator, foreach, isEmpty, foldRight, reduceRight, toIterable, head, takeRight, dropRight, sameElements, toStream, view, view
Methods inherited from TraversableProxyTemplate
self (abstract), nonEmpty, size, hasDefiniteSize, ++, ++, map, flatMap, filter, filterNot, remove, partition, groupBy, forall, exists, count, find, foldLeft, /:, :\, reduceLeft, reduceLeftOption, reduceRightOption, headOption, tail, last, lastOption, init, take, drop, slice, takeWhile, dropWhile, span, splitAt, copyToBuffer, copyToArray, copyToArray, toArray, toList, toSequence, toSet, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, stringPrefix
Methods inherited from Proxy
hashCode, equals, toString
Methods inherited from Iterable
Methods inherited from IterableTemplate
elements, first, firstOption, toSeq, projection
Methods inherited from TraversableClass
newBuilder, genericBuilder, unzip, flatten, transpose
Methods inherited from TraversableTemplate
thisCollection, filterMap
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf