class Source

[source: scala/io/Source.scala]

abstract class Source
extends Iterator[Char]
The class Source implements an iterable representation of source files. Calling method reset returns an identical, resetted source.
Burak Emir
Direct Known Subclasses:

Value Summary
protected var ccol : Int
var ch : Char
the last character returned by next. the value before the first call to next is undefined.
protected var cline : Int
var descr : java.lang.String
description of this source, default empty
protected abstract val iter : Iterator[Char]
the actual iterator
var nerrors : Int
var nwarnings : Int
var pos : Int
position of last character returned by next
var tabinc : Int
default col increment for tabs '\t', set to 4 initially
Method Summary
def getLine (line : Int) : java.lang.String
convenience method, returns given line (not including newline) from Source.
def getLines : Iterator[java.lang.String]
returns an iterator who returns lines (including newline character). a line ends in \n.
def hasNext : Boolean
Returns true if this source has more characters.
def next : Char
returns next character and has the following side-effects: updates position (ccol and cline) and assigns the character to ch
def report (pos : Int, msg : java.lang.String, out : : Unit
def reportError (pos : Int, msg : java.lang.String, out : : Unit
Reports an error message to the output stream out.
def reportWarning (pos : Int, msg : java.lang.String, out : : Unit
abstract def reset : Source
The reset() method creates a fresh copy of this Source.
Methods inherited from Iterator
take, drop, slice, map, ++, flatMap, filter, takeWhile, partition, dropWhile, zip, padTo, zipWithIndex, zipAll, foreach, forall, exists, contains, find, indexWhere, indexOf, foldLeft, foldRight, /:, :\, reduceLeft, reduceRight, reduceLeftOpt, reduceRightOpt, buffered, length, duplicate, patch, copyToArray, copyToArray, copyToArray, copyToBuffer, toList, toStream, toSequence, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, toString, append, findIndexOf, collect, counted, readInto, readInto, readInto
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Value Details
protected abstract val iter : Iterator[Char]
the actual iterator

protected var cline : Int

protected var ccol : Int

var pos : Int
position of last character returned by next

var ch : Char
the last character returned by next. the value before the first call to next is undefined.

var descr : java.lang.String
description of this source, default empty

var nerrors : Int

var nwarnings : Int

var tabinc : Int
default col increment for tabs '\t', set to 4 initially

Method Details
def getLine(line : Int) : java.lang.String
convenience method, returns given line (not including newline) from Source.
line - the line index, first line is 1
the character string of the specified line.
scala.compat.Platform.IllegalArgumentException -

def getLines : Iterator[java.lang.String]
returns an iterator who returns lines (including newline character). a line ends in \n.

def hasNext : Boolean
Returns true if this source has more characters.

def next : Char
returns next character and has the following side-effects: updates position (ccol and cline) and assigns the character to ch

def reportError(pos : Int, msg : java.lang.String, out : : Unit
Reports an error message to the output stream out.
pos - the source position (line/column)
msg - the error message to report
out - PrintStream to use (optional: defaults to Console.err)

def report(pos : Int, msg : java.lang.String, out : : Unit
pos - the source position (line/column)
msg - the error message to report
out - PrintStream to use

def reportWarning(pos : Int, msg : java.lang.String, out : : Unit
pos - the source position (line/column)
msg - the warning message to report
out - PrintStream to use (optional: defaults to Console.out)

abstract def reset : Source
The reset() method creates a fresh copy of this Source.