
class ParseResult

[source: scala/util/parsing/combinatorold/Parsers.scala]

sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T]
extends AnyRef
/* A base class for parser results. A result is either successful or not (failure may be fatal, i.e., an Error, or not, i.e., a Failure) On success, provides a result of type T. /
Direct Known Subclasses:
Parsers.Success, Parsers.NoSuccess

Value Summary
abstract val next : Reader
abstract val successful : Boolean
Method Summary
abstract def get : T
/* Returns the embedded result */
def getOrElse [B >: T](default : => B) : B
def isEmpty : Boolean
abstract def map [U](f : (T) => U) : ParseResult[U]
/* Functional composition of ParseResults
abstract def mapPartial [U](f : PartialFunction[T, U], error : (T) => java.lang.String) : ParseResult[U]
/* Partial functional composition of ParseResults
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Value Details
abstract val next : Reader

abstract val successful : Boolean

Method Details
abstract def map[U](f : (T) => U) : ParseResult[U]
/* Functional composition of ParseResults
`f' - the function to be lifted over this result
`f' applied to the result of this `ParseResult', packaged up as a new `ParseResult' /

abstract def mapPartial[U](f : PartialFunction[T, U], error : (T) => java.lang.String) : ParseResult[U]
/* Partial functional composition of ParseResults
`f' - the partial function to be lifted over this result
error - a function that takes the same argument as `f' and produces an error message to explain why `f' wasn't applicable (it is called when this is the case)
if `f' f is defined at the result in this `ParseResult', `f' applied to the result of this `ParseResult', packaged up as a new `ParseResult'. If `f' is not defined, `Failure'. /

def isEmpty : Boolean

abstract def get : T
/* Returns the embedded result */

def getOrElse[B >: T](default : => B) : B