
class Lexer

[source: scala/util/parsing/json/Lexer.scala]

class Lexer
extends StdLexical with ImplicitConversions
Derek Chen-Becker <"java"+@+"chen-becker"+"."+"org">
Value Summary
val hexDigits : Set[Char]
Values and Variables inherited from StdLexical
reserved, delimiters
Values and Variables inherited from Parsers
Method Summary
def charSeq : Parser[java.lang.String]
def checkKeyword (xs : List[Any]) : Product with Token
def expPart : Parser[java.lang.String]
def exponent : Parser[Char]
def fracPart : Parser[java.lang.String]
def hexDigit : Parser[Char]
def intList : Parser[java.lang.String]
def intPart : Parser[java.lang.String]
def nonzero : Parser[Char]
def number : Parser[java.lang.String]
def sign : Parser[Char]
def string : Parser[java.lang.String]
A string is a collection of zero or more Unicode characters, wrapped in double quotes, using backslash escapes (cf.
override def token : Parser[Token]
a parser that produces a token (from a stream of characters)
override def whitespace : Parser[List[Char]]
a parser for white-space -- its result will be discarded
def zero : Parser[java.lang.String]
Methods inherited from ImplicitConversions
flatten2, flatten3, flatten4, flatten5, headOptionTailToFunList
Methods inherited from StdLexical
identChar, comment, processIdent, delim
Methods inherited from Lexical
letter, digit, chrExcept, whitespaceChar
Methods inherited from Tokens
Methods inherited from Parsers
Parser, OnceParser, commit, elem, elem, accept, accept, accept, acceptIf, acceptMatch, acceptSeq, failure, err, success, log, rep, repsep, rep1, rep1, repN, rep1sep, chainl1, chainl1, chainr1, opt, not, guard, positioned, phrase, mkList
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, toString, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Value Details
val hexDigits : Set[Char]

Method Details
override def token : Parser[Token]
a parser that produces a token (from a stream of characters)

def checkKeyword(xs : List[Any]) : Product with Token

def string : Parser[java.lang.String]
A string is a collection of zero or more Unicode characters, wrapped in double quotes, using backslash escapes (cf.

override def whitespace : Parser[List[Char]]
a parser for white-space -- its result will be discarded

def number : Parser[java.lang.String]

def intPart : Parser[java.lang.String]

def intList : Parser[java.lang.String]

def fracPart : Parser[java.lang.String]

def expPart : Parser[java.lang.String]

def zero : Parser[java.lang.String]

def nonzero : Parser[Char]

def exponent : Parser[Char]

def sign : Parser[Char]

def charSeq : Parser[java.lang.String]

def hexDigit : Parser[Char]