
Check Getting Started for instructions on how to obtain the source code of dotty. This document details common workflow patterns when working with Dotty.

Compiling files with scalac

As we have seen you can compile a test file either from sbt:

$ sbt
> scalac <OPTIONS> <FILE>

or from terminal:

$ scalac <OPTIONS> <FILE>

Here are some useful debugging <OPTIONS>:

  • -Xprint:PHASE1,PHASE2,... or -Xprint:all: prints the AST after each specified phase. Phase names can be found by examining the* classes for their phaseName field e.g., -Xprint:erasure. You can discover all phases in the class
  • -Ylog:PHASE1,PHASE2,... or -Ylog:all: enables ctx.log("") logging for the specified phase.
  • -Ycheck:all verifies the consistency of AST nodes between phases, in particular checks that types do not change. Some phases currently can't be Ychecked, therefore in the tests we run: -Ycheck:tailrec,resolveSuper,mixin,restoreScopes,labelDef.
  • the last frontier of debugging (before actual debugging) is the range of logging capabilities that can be enabled through the object. Change any of the desired printer from noPrinter to default and this will give you the full logging capability of the compiler.

Inspecting Types with Type Stealer

You can inspect types with the main method from the sbt shell, passing at least three arguments:

  • The first argument is a string that introduces some Scala definitions
  • The second argument introduces how the the remaining arguments should be interpreted, comprising of
    • rhs - the return type of a definition
    • class - the signature of a class, after its name
    • method - the signature of a method, after its name
    • type - the signature of a type, after its name
  • The remaining arguments are type signatures, these may reference definitions introduced by the first argument.

Each type signature is then be printed, displaying their internal structure, alongside their class, using the same representation that can later be used in pattern matching to decompose the type.

Here, we inspect a refinement of a class Box:

$ sbt
> scala3-compiler-bootstrapped/Test/runMain "class Box { def x: Any }" "rhs" "Box { def x: Int }"
RefinedType(TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix, module class <empty>)),class Box), x, ExprType(TypeRef(TermRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix, module class <root>)), object scala), class Int))) [class$CachedRefinedType]

You can also pass the empty string as the second argument, e.g. to inspect a standard library type:

$ sbt
> scala3-compiler-bootstrapped/Test/runMain "" "rhs" "1 *: EmptyTuple"
AppliedType(TypeRef(TermRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix, module class <root>)), object scala), class *:), List(ConstantType(Constant(1)), TypeRef(TermRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix, module class scala)), object Tuple$package), type EmptyTuple)))

Here are some other examples you can follow:

  • ...printTypes "" class "[T] extends Foo[T] {}"
  • ...printTypes "" method "(x: Int): x.type"
  • ...printTypes "" type "<: Int" "= [T] =>> List[T]"

If you want to further inspect the types, and not just print them, the object has a method stealType. It takes the same arguments as printTypes, but returns both a Context containing the definitions passed, along with the list of types:

// compiler/test/dotty/tools/DottyTypeStealer.scala
object DottyTypeStealer extends DottyTest {

  enum Kind:
    case `rhs`, `method`, `class`, `type`

  def stealType(kind: Kind, source: String, typeStrings: String*): (Context, List[Type]) = {

Any test source within compiler/test can then call stealType for custom purposes.


Many objects in the scalac compiler implement a Showable trait (e.g. Tree, Symbol, Type). These objects may be prettyprinted using the .show method

SBT Commands Cheat Sheet

The basics of working with Dotty codebase are documented here and here. Below is a cheat sheet of some frequently used commands (to be used from SBT console – sbt).

Command Description
scala3/scalac Run the compiler directly, with any current changes.
scala3/scala Run the main method of a given class name.
scalac ../issues/Playground.scala Compile the given file – path relative to the Dotty directory. Output the compiled class files to the Dotty directory itself.
scala Playground Run the compiled class Playground. Dotty directory is on classpath by default.
repl Start REPL
scala3/scalac -print-tasty Foo.tasty Print the TASTy of top-level class Foo
scala3-bootstrapped/test Run all tests for Scala 3. (Slow, recommended for CI only)
scala3-bootstrapped/publishLocal Build Scala 3 locally. (Use to debug a specific project)
scalac ../issues/Playground.scala Compile the given file – path relative to the Dotty directory. Output the compiled class files to the Dotty directory itself.
testOnly -- *pos Run test (method) pos from CompilationTests suite.
testCompilation sample In all test suites, run test files containing the word sample in their title.
scala3-compiler/Test/runMain Print types underlying representation
scaladoc/generateScalaDocumentation Build the documentation website (published to
scaladoc/generateReferenceDocumentation Build the reference documentation website (published to

Shell Commands

Command Description
rm -rv *.tasty *.class out || true clean all compiled artifacts, from root dotty directory