
Port of DocComment.scala from nsc

Port of DocComment.scala from nsc


Martin Odersky

Felix Mulder

Aleksander Boruch-Gruszecki

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


Value members

Concrete methods

def cookedDocComment(sym: Symbol, docStr: String)(using Context): String

The raw doc comment of symbol sym, minus usecase and define sections, augmented by missing sections of an inherited doc comment. If a symbol does not have a doc comment but some overridden version of it does, the doc comment of the overridden version is copied instead.

The raw doc comment of symbol sym, minus usecase and define sections, augmented by missing sections of an inherited doc comment. If a symbol does not have a doc comment but some overridden version of it does, the doc comment of the overridden version is copied instead.

def defineVariables(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit
def docCommentPos(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Span

The position of the raw doc comment of symbol sym, or NoPosition if missing If a symbol does not have a doc comment but some overridden version of it does, the position of the doc comment of the overridden version is returned instead.

The position of the raw doc comment of symbol sym, or NoPosition if missing If a symbol does not have a doc comment but some overridden version of it does, the position of the doc comment of the overridden version is returned instead.

def expand(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol)(using Context): String
def expandInheritdoc(parent: String, child: String, sym: Symbol): String

Expand inheritdoc tags

Expand inheritdoc tags

  • for the main comment we transform the inheritdoc into the super variable, and the variable expansion can expand it further
  • for the param, tparam and throws sections we must replace comments on the spot

This is done separately, for two reasons:

  1. It takes longer to run compared to merge
  2. The inheritdoc annotation should not be used very often, as building the comment from pieces severely impacts performance
Value Params

The child (overriding member or usecase) comment


The source (or parent) comment


The child symbol


The child comment with the inheritdoc sections expanded

def expandedDocComment(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol, docStr: String)(using Context): String

The cooked doc comment of symbol sym after variable expansion, or "" if missing.

The cooked doc comment of symbol sym after variable expansion, or "" if missing.

Value Params

The class for which doc comments are generated


The symbol for which doc comment is returned


when more than 10 successive expansions of the same string are done, which is interpreted as a recursive variable definition.

def lookupDefs(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Map[String, String]
def lookupVariable(vble: String, site: Symbol)(using Context): Option[String]

Lookup definition of variable.

Lookup definition of variable.

Value Params

The class for which doc comments are generated


The variable for which a definition is searched

def merge(src: String, dst: String, sym: Symbol, copyFirstPara: Boolean): String

Concrete fields

Maps symbols to the variable -> replacement maps that are defined in their doc comments

Maps symbols to the variable -> replacement maps that are defined in their doc comments