
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def processCompilationUnit(using Quotes)(root: Tree): Unit

Process a TASTy file using TASTy reflect

Process a TASTy file using TASTy reflect

Concrete methods

def inspectAllTastyFiles(tastyFiles: List[String], jars: List[String], dependenciesClasspath: List[String]): Boolean

Load and process TASTy files using TASTy reflect

Load and process TASTy files using TASTy reflect

Value Params

Classpath with extra dependencies needed to load class in the .tasty files


List of path of .jar files


List of paths of .tasty files

def inspectTastyFiles(tastyFiles: List[String]): Boolean

Load and process TASTy files using TASTy reflect

Load and process TASTy files using TASTy reflect

Value Params

List of paths of .tasty files

Load and process TASTy files in a jar file using TASTy reflect

Load and process TASTy files in a jar file using TASTy reflect

Value Params

Path of .jar file

protected def postProcess(using Quotes): Unit

Called after all compilation units are processed

Called after all compilation units are processed