
sealed trait VirtualDirectory
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def files: Seq[Path]

List all files in this directory.

List all files in this directory.

def merge(sources: Seq[Path], target: Path): Unit

Merges content of source paths into single file in target

Merges content of source paths into single file in target

def read(path: Path): ByteBuffer

Reads a contents of file with given path.

Reads a contents of file with given path.

def read(path: Path, len: Int): ByteBuffer

Reads up to len bytes from the file with the given path.

Reads up to len bytes from the file with the given path.

def uri: URI

A unique identifier for this directory

A unique identifier for this directory

def write(path: Path, buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit

Replaces contents of file with given value.

Replaces contents of file with given value.

def write(path: Path)(fn: Writer => Unit): Path

Replaces contents of file using given writer.

Replaces contents of file using given writer.

Concrete methods

def contains(path: Path): Boolean

Check if file with given path is in the directory.

Check if file with given path is in the directory.