
trait MethodExtractions extends Extractions with ImportAnalysis

Extracts one or more expressions into a new method. Each inbound dependency to the extracted code that is not accessible from the target scope becomes a parameter to the new method.

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. MethodExtractions
  2. ImportAnalysis
  3. Extractions
  4. InsertionPositions
  5. TransformableSelections
  6. TreeTransformations
  7. TreeFactory
  8. Transformations
  9. ScopeAnalysis
  10. CompilerAccess
  11. Selections
  12. PimpedTrees
  13. TreeTraverser
  14. AnyRef
  15. Any
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Type Members

  1. implicit class AdditionalListMethods[T] extends AnyRef

    Replace the first sequence of elements with another sequence.

  2. implicit class AdditionalTreeListMethods extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  3. implicit class CopyTypeFromOtherTree extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  4. implicit class DefDefMethods extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  5. type ErrorMsg = String

    Definition Classes
  6. case class ExplicitImport(imp: nsc.Global.Import, selector: nsc.Global.ImportSelector, enclosing: nsc.Global.Tree, children: List[ImportTree]) extends ImportTree with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  7. trait Extraction extends AnyRef

    A concrete and applicable extraction.

  8. trait ExtractionCollector[+E <: Extraction] extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  9. case class ExtractionTarget(scope: Extractions.ScopeTree, enclosing: nsc.Global.Tree, ip: Extractions.InsertionPosition) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a target for extractions with the according scope for dependency lookups.

  10. case class FileSelection(file: AbstractFile, root: nsc.Global.Tree, from: Int, to: Int) extends (Selections.this)#Selection with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  11. class FilterTreeTraverser extends nsc.Global.FilterTreeTraverser with (TreeTraverser.this)#Traverser

    Definition Classes
  12. case class ImportSelectorTree(name: (PimpedTrees.this)#NameTree, rename: nsc.Global.Tree) extends nsc.Global.Tree with Product with Serializable

    Represent an import selector as a tree, including both names as trees.

  13. implicit class ImportSelectorTreeExtractor extends AnyRef

    Import selectors are not trees, but we can provide an extractor that converts the ImportSelectors into our own ImportSelectorTrees.

  14. sealed trait ImportTree extends Traversable[ImportTree]

    Import trees represents a set of import statements and allows queries to determine if a symbol is imported at a certain position.

  15. case class InsertionPoint(enclosing: nsc.Global.Tree, mkEnclosing: (nsc.Global.Tree) ⇒ nsc.Global.Tree, pos: nsc.Global.Position) extends (nsc.Global.Tree) ⇒ nsc.Global.Tree with Product with Serializable

    A concrete position for tree insertions.

  16. type InsertionPosition = PartialFunction[nsc.Global.Tree, InsertionPoint]

    An insertion position is a function that may be defined for an enclosing tree.

    An insertion position is a function that may be defined for an enclosing tree. When defined, it returns an instance of an InsertionPoint.

    Definition Classes
  17. case class LocalScope(enclosing: nsc.Global.Tree, decls: List[nsc.Global.DefTree], outerScope: Option[ScopeTree], knownSymbols: List[nsc.Global.Symbol] = immutable.this.Nil) extends ScopeTree with Product with Serializable

    Declarations of values and types that are not class members are transformed to LocalScopes.

  18. case class MemberScope(enclosing: nsc.Global.Tree, outerScope: Option[ScopeTree], knownSymbols: List[nsc.Global.Symbol] = immutable.this.Nil) extends ScopeTree with Product with Serializable

    Traits, classes, objects and packages are transformed to MemberScopes.

  19. case class MethodExtraction(extractionSource: MethodExtractions.Selection, extractionTarget: MethodExtractions.ExtractionTarget, abstractionName: String) extends Extraction with Product with Serializable

  20. case class ModifierTree(flag: Long) extends nsc.Global.Tree with Product with Serializable

    Represent a modifier as a tree, including its position.

  21. case class MultipleAssignment(extractor: nsc.Global.Tree, names: List[nsc.Global.ValDef], rhs: nsc.Global.Tree) extends nsc.Global.Tree with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  22. case class NameTree(name: nsc.Global.Name) extends nsc.Global.Tree with Product with Serializable

    Represent a Name as a tree, including its position.

  23. case class NamedArgument(nameTree: (PimpedTrees.this)#NameTree, rhs: nsc.Global.Tree) extends nsc.Global.SymTree with nsc.Global.RefTree with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  24. class NotInstanceOf[T] extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  25. abstract class PlainText extends nsc.Global.Tree

    The PlainText "tree" provides a hook into the source code generation.

  26. case class Root(enclosing: nsc.Global.Tree, chs: List[ImportTree]) extends ImportTree with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  27. sealed trait ScopeTree extends AnyRef

  28. trait Selection extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  29. implicit class SelectionDependentInsertionPoints extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  30. case class SelfTypeTree(name: (PimpedTrees.this)#NameTree, tpt: nsc.Global.Tree) extends nsc.Global.Tree with Product with Serializable

    Representation of self type annotations: self: A with B => ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  31. case class SuperConstructorCall(clazz: nsc.Global.Tree, args: List[nsc.Global.Tree]) extends nsc.Global.Tree with Product with Serializable

    The call to the super constructor in a class: class A(i: Int) extends B(i) ^^^^

  32. class TemplateMethods extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  33. implicit class TransformableSelection extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  34. abstract class Transformation[X, Y] extends (X) ⇒ Option[Y]

    Definition Classes
  35. trait Traverser extends nsc.Global.Traverser

    A traverser that also traverses a TypeTree's original type.

  36. trait TraverserWithFakedTrees extends nsc.Global.Traverser

    A traverser that creates fake trees for various type trees so they can be treated as if they were regular trees.

  37. class TreeMethodsForPositions extends AnyRef

    Add some methods to Tree that make it easier to compare Trees by position and to extract the position of a tree's name, which is tricky for Selects.

  38. implicit class TreeReplacesOtherTreeViaPosition[T <: nsc.Global.Tree] extends AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  39. case class TreeSelection(root: nsc.Global.Tree) extends (Selections.this)#Selection with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  40. class TreeWithSymbolTraverser extends nsc.Global.Traverser with (TreeTraverser.this)#Traverser

    Definition Classes
  41. case class WildcardImport(imp: nsc.Global.Import, enclosing: nsc.Global.Tree, children: List[ImportTree]) extends ImportTree with Product with Serializable

    Definition Classes
  42. type X = nsc.Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  43. case class SourceLayoutTree(kind: Kinds) extends nsc.Global.Tree with Product with Serializable

    A SourceLayoutTree can be used to insert arbitrary text into the code, for example, blank lines.

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def compilationUnitOfFile(f: AbstractFile): Option[nsc.Global.CompilationUnit]

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract val global: Global

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. def ![X](t: ⇒ T[X, X]): Transformation[X, X]

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  4. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  5. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  7. object ApplyExtractor

    Definition Classes
  8. object BlockExtractor

    Unify the children of a Block tree and sort them in the same order they appear in the source code.

  9. object FileSelection extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  10. object Invisible extends nsc.Global.Position

    Definition Classes
  11. object MethodExtraction extends ExtractionCollector[MethodExtraction] with Serializable

  12. object ModifierTree extends Serializable

    Extract the modifiers with their position from a Modifiers object.

  13. object NameTree extends Serializable

    Definition Classes
  14. object NoBlock extends (PimpedTrees.this)#NotInstanceOf[nsc.Global.Block]

    Definition Classes
  15. object NoFunction extends (PimpedTrees.this)#NotInstanceOf[nsc.Global.Function]

    Definition Classes
  16. object NoImportSelectorTree extends (PimpedTrees.this)#NotInstanceOf[(PimpedTrees.this)#ImportSelectorTree]

    Definition Classes
  17. object NoPackageDef extends (PimpedTrees.this)#NotInstanceOf[nsc.Global.PackageDef]

    Definition Classes
  18. object PlainText

    Definition Classes
  19. object ScopeTree

    Definition Classes
  20. object TemplateExtractor

    Provides a finer-grained extractor for Template that distinguishes between class constructor parameters, early definitions, parents, self type annotation and the real body.

  21. def abstractFileToTree(file: AbstractFile): nsc.Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  22. def addImportTransformation(importsToAdd: Iterable[String]): Transformation[nsc.Global.Tree, nsc.Global.Tree]

    Definition Classes
  23. implicit def additionalTemplateMethods(t: nsc.Global.Template): TemplateMethods

    Definition Classes
  24. implicit def additionalTreeMethodsForPositions(t: nsc.Global.Tree): TreeMethodsForPositions

    Definition Classes
  25. def allChildren(t: ⇒ T[X, X]): T[X, X]

    Applies a transformation to all subtrees of a tree T, returning a new tree,typically of the same kind as T.

    Applies a transformation to all subtrees of a tree T, returning a new tree,typically of the same kind as T.

    If the transformation fails on one child, abort and fail the whole application.

    Definition Classes
  26. def ancestorSymbols(t: nsc.Global.Tree): List[nsc.Global.Symbol]


    Returns the (symbol) ancestors of the tree excluding the ROOT in descending order. Also filters the symbols for package objects!

    Definition Classes
  27. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  28. def asSelectorString(t: nsc.Global.Tree): String

    Converts a tree containing Idents and Selects to a . separated string.

    Converts a tree containing Idents and Selects to a . separated string.

    Definition Classes
  29. lazy val atBeginningOfCaseBody: InsertionPosition

    Inserts trees as the first statement in a case body (rhs).

    Inserts trees as the first statement in a case body (rhs).

    Definition Classes
  30. lazy val atBeginningOfNewBlockInRhsOfVal: InsertionPosition

    Inserts trees in a new block at the right hand side of a ValDef.

    Inserts trees in a new block at the right hand side of a ValDef. val a = 1 becomes val a = { inserted; 1 }

    Definition Classes
  31. lazy val atBeginningOfNewDefBody: InsertionPosition

    Inserts trees as the first statement in a method body.

    Inserts trees as the first statement in a method body.

    Definition Classes
  32. lazy val atBeginningOfNewFunctionBody: InsertionPosition

    Inserts trees as the first statement in a function body.

    Inserts trees as the first statement in a function body. Note: Functions of the form _ + 1 are not treated as insertion positions.

    Definition Classes
  33. lazy val atEndOfArgumentList: InsertionPosition

    Inserts a tree at the end of an argument list.

    Inserts a tree at the end of an argument list.

    Definition Classes
  34. lazy val atEndOfValueParameterList: InsertionPosition

    Inserts ValDef trees at the end of a parameter list.

    Inserts ValDef trees at the end of a parameter list.

    Definition Classes
  35. def bottomup(t: ⇒ T[X, X]): T[X, X]

    Definition Classes
  36. def buildImportTree(root: nsc.Global.Tree): ImportTree

    Creates an ImportTree over all import statements in root.

    Creates an ImportTree over all import statements in root.

    Definition Classes
  37. def children: (nsc.Global.Tree) ⇒ List[nsc.Global.Tree]

    Returns all children that have a representation in the source code.

    Returns all children that have a representation in the source code. This includes Name and Modifier trees and excludes everything that has no Position or is an EmptyTree.

    Definition Classes
  38. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  39. def constant(y: X): T[X, X]

    Creates a transformation that always returns the value x.

    Creates a transformation that always returns the value x.

    Definition Classes
  40. def endPositionAtEndOfSourceFile(pos: nsc.Global.Position, otherWise: Option[Int] = None): Int

    Trees that reach the end of the file don't seem to have the correct end position, except if there's a newline at the end.

    Trees that reach the end of the file don't seem to have the correct end position, except if there's a newline at the end.

    Definition Classes
  41. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  42. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  43. def escapeScalaKeywordsForImport(n: String): String

    Definition Classes
  44. def escapeScalaKeywordsForImport(n: nsc.Global.Name): String

    Takes a name and wraps it in if the name corresponds to a Scala keyword.

    Takes a name and wraps it in if the name corresponds to a Scala keyword.

    Definition Classes
  45. def fail[X]: T[X, X]

    Always fails, independent of the input.

    Always fails, independent of the input.

    Definition Classes
  46. def filter(f: PartialFunction[nsc.Global.Tree, Boolean]): T[nsc.Global.Tree, nsc.Global.Tree]

    Definition Classes
  47. def filterTree(t: nsc.Global.Tree, traverser: nsc.Global.FilterTreeTraverser): collection.immutable.List[nsc.Global.Tree]

    Definition Classes
  48. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  49. val findAllTreesWithTheSamePosition: (nsc.Global.Tree) ⇒ Iterable[nsc.Global.Tree]

    Definition Classes
  50. def findOriginalTree: (nsc.Global.Tree) ⇒ Option[nsc.Global.Tree]

    Finds a tree by its position, can be used to find the original tree from a transformed tree.

    Finds a tree by its position, can be used to find the original tree from a transformed tree.

    If multiple trees are candidates, then take the last one, because it is likely more specific.

    Definition Classes
  51. def findSymbolForImportSelector(expr: nsc.Global.Tree, name: nsc.Global.Name): Option[nsc.Global.Symbol]

    Searches for a Symbol of a name in the type members of a tree.

    Searches for a Symbol of a name in the type members of a tree.

    This is mainly used for ImportSelectors, which don't carry any symbol information with them.


    The expr of an Import tree.


    The name of an ImportSelector of the import.

    Definition Classes
  52. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  53. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  54. def id[X]: T[X, X]

    Definition Classes
  55. def isClassTag(c: nsc.Global.Constant): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  56. def isEmptyTree(t: nsc.Global.Tree): Boolean

    Returns whether the tree is considered empty.

    Returns whether the tree is considered empty.

    Prior to Scala 2.10.1 it was sufficient to check Tree#isEmpty, but now we also need to check if the tree is equal to emptyValDef.

    Definition Classes
  57. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  58. def isSyntheticBlock(t: nsc.Global.Tree): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  59. def keepTree(t: nsc.Global.Tree): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  60. val locatePackageLevelImports: T[nsc.Global.Tree, (nsc.Global.PackageDef, List[nsc.Global.Import], List[nsc.Global.Tree])]

    Locates the imports in a PackageDef.

    Locates the imports in a PackageDef. If we have nested packages, it will only match in the innermost.

    Definition Classes
  61. def matchingChildren(t: T[X, X]): T[X, X]

    Applies a transformation to all subtrees of a tree T, returning a new tree,typically of the same kind as T.

    Applies a transformation to all subtrees of a tree T, returning a new tree,typically of the same kind as T.

    If the transformation fails on one child, apply the identity transformation id and don't fail, unlike allChildren.

    Definition Classes
  62. def mkApply(mods: nsc.Global.Modifiers = NoMods, parameters: List[List[nsc.Global.Symbol]] = Nil :: Nil, body: List[nsc.Global.Tree], typeParameters: List[nsc.Global.TypeDef] = Nil): nsc.Global.DefDef

    Definition Classes
  63. def mkAssignmentToCall(call: nsc.Global.Tree, returns: List[nsc.Global.Symbol]): nsc.Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  64. def mkBlock(trees: List[nsc.Global.Tree]): nsc.Global.Block

    Definition Classes
  65. def mkCallDefDef(name: String, arguments: List[List[nsc.Global.Symbol]] = Nil :: Nil, returns: List[nsc.Global.Symbol] = Nil): nsc.Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  66. def mkCallValDef(name: String, returns: List[nsc.Global.Symbol] = Nil): nsc.Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  67. def mkCanEqual(classSymbol: nsc.Global.Symbol): nsc.Global.DefDef

    Definition Classes
  68. def mkCaseClass(mods: nsc.Global.Modifiers = NoMods, name: String, tparams: List[nsc.Global.TypeDef] = Nil, argss: List[List[(nsc.Global.Modifiers, String, nsc.Global.Tree)]] = Nil, body: List[nsc.Global.Tree] = Nil, parents: List[nsc.Global.Tree] = Nil, superArgs: List[nsc.Global.Tree] = Nil): nsc.Global.ClassDef

    Definition Classes
  69. def mkClass(mods: nsc.Global.Modifiers = NoMods, name: String, tparams: List[nsc.Global.TypeDef] = Nil, argss: List[List[(nsc.Global.Modifiers, String, nsc.Global.Tree)]] = Nil, body: List[nsc.Global.Tree] = Nil, parents: List[nsc.Global.Tree] = Nil, superArgs: List[nsc.Global.Tree] = Nil): nsc.Global.ClassDef

    Definition Classes
  70. def mkDefDef(mods: nsc.Global.Modifiers = NoMods, name: String, parameters: List[List[nsc.Global.Symbol]] = Nil :: Nil, body: List[nsc.Global.Tree], typeParameters: List[nsc.Global.TypeDef] = Nil, returnTypeOpt: Option[nsc.Global.TypeTree] = None): nsc.Global.DefDef

    Definition Classes
  71. def mkEquals(classSymbol: nsc.Global.Symbol, classParamsForEqual: List[nsc.Global.ValDef], callSuper: Boolean): nsc.Global.DefDef

    Definition Classes
  72. def mkFunctionCallWithFunctionArgument(selector: nsc.Global.Tree, fun: String, param: nsc.Global.TermName, body: nsc.Global.Tree): nsc.Global.Tree

    Creates a function call fun on the selector and passes a function with a single parameter param and the body body.

    Creates a function call fun on the selector and passes a function with a single parameter param and the body body.


    someExpr becomes someExpr fun (param => body)

    Definition Classes
  73. def mkFunctionCallWithZeroArgFunctionArgument(selector: nsc.Global.Tree, fun: String, body: nsc.Global.Tree): nsc.Global.Tree

    Creates a function call fun on the selector and passes a function with no parameter and the body body.

    Creates a function call fun on the selector and passes a function with no parameter and the body body.


    someExpr becomes someExpr fun (body)

    Definition Classes
  74. def mkHashcode(classSymbol: nsc.Global.Symbol, classParamsForHashcode: List[nsc.Global.ValDef], callSuper: Boolean, prime: Int = 41): nsc.Global.DefDef

    Definition Classes
  75. def mkImportFromStrings(qualifier: String, name: String): nsc.Global.Import

    Definition Classes
  76. def mkImportTrees(trees: List[nsc.Global.Select], enclosingPackage: String): collection.immutable.List[nsc.Global.Import]

    Definition Classes
  77. def mkModule(mods: nsc.Global.Modifiers = NoMods, name: String, body: List[nsc.Global.Tree] = Nil, parents: List[nsc.Global.Tree] = Nil): nsc.Global.ModuleDef

    Definition Classes
  78. def mkParam(name: String, tpe: nsc.Global.Type, defaultVal: nsc.Global.Tree = EmptyTree): nsc.Global.ValDef

    Definition Classes
  79. def mkRenamedImportTree(t: ImportSelectorTree, name: String): ImportSelectorTree

    Definition Classes
  80. def mkRenamedSymTree(t: nsc.Global.SymTree, nameString: String): nsc.Global.SymTree

    Definition Classes
  81. def mkRenamedTypeTree(t: nsc.Global.TypeTree, name: String, originalSymbol: nsc.Global.Symbol): nsc.Global.TypeTree

    Definition Classes
  82. def mkReturn(s: List[nsc.Global.Symbol]): nsc.Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  83. def mkValDef(name: String, rhs: nsc.Global.Tree, tpt: nsc.Global.TypeTree = new TypeTree): nsc.Global.ValDef

    Definition Classes
  84. def mkValOrVarDef(mods: nsc.Global.Modifiers, name: String, rhs: nsc.Global.Tree, tpt: nsc.Global.TypeTree = new TypeTree): nsc.Global.ValDef

    Definition Classes
  85. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  86. def not[X](t: ⇒ T[X, X]): Transformation[X, X]

    Definition Classes
  87. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  88. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  89. def once[X <: AnyRef](t: T[X, X]): T[X, X]

    Do a transformation until it succeeded once, then just fail.

    Do a transformation until it succeeded once, then just fail.

    Note that because of the statefulness of once, you need to make sure that it isn't accidentally passed as a by-name parameter to another transformation and instantiated multiple times.

    Definition Classes
  90. val originalLeftSibling: (nsc.Global.Tree) ⇒ Option[nsc.Global.Tree]

    Definition Classes
  91. val originalParentOf: (nsc.Global.Tree) ⇒ Option[nsc.Global.Tree]

    Definition Classes
  92. val originalRightSibling: (nsc.Global.Tree) ⇒ Option[nsc.Global.Tree]

    Definition Classes
  93. def postorder(t: ⇒ T[X, X]): T[X, X]

    Definition Classes
  94. def predicate[X](f: (X) ⇒ Boolean): T[X, X]

    Definition Classes
  95. def predicate[X](f: PartialFunction[X, Boolean]): T[X, X]

    We often want to use transformations as predicates, which execute the next transformations if the result is true.

    We often want to use transformations as predicates, which execute the next transformations if the result is true. For example:

    val tree_with_range_pos = filter[Tree] { case t: Tree => t.pos.isRange }

    We can then use the predicate like this: tree_with_range_pos andThen do_something_with_the_tree orElse nothing

    Definition Classes
  96. def preorder(t: ⇒ T[X, X]): T[X, X]

    Definition Classes
  97. def replaceTree(from: nsc.Global.Tree, to: nsc.Global.Tree): T[X, X]

    Definition Classes
  98. val setNoPosition: T[nsc.Global.Tree, nsc.Global.Tree]

    Definition Classes
  99. def shallowDuplicate[T <: nsc.Global.Tree](orig: T): T

    Definition Classes
  100. def skipForExpressionTrees(t: nsc.Global.Tree): nsc.Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  101. def succeed[X]: T[X, X]

    Always succeeds and returns the input unchanged.

    Always succeeds and returns the input unchanged.

    Definition Classes
  102. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  103. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  104. def topPackageDef(t: nsc.Global.PackageDef): nsc.Global.PackageDef


    Returns the most specific package declaration in the compilation unit. For example, given the following declaration:

    package a package b

    class C

    it returns b. If there are further nested packages, they are ignored:

    package a class C package b

    returns a.

    Definition Classes
  105. def topdown(t: ⇒ T[X, X]): T[X, X]

    Definition Classes
  106. def transform(f: PartialFunction[nsc.Global.Tree, nsc.Global.Tree]): T[nsc.Global.Tree, nsc.Global.Tree]

    Definition Classes
  107. def transformation[X, Y](f: PartialFunction[X, Y]): T[X, Y]

    Construct a transformation from a partial function; this is the most commonly used way to create new transformations, for example like:

    Construct a transformation from a partial function; this is the most commonly used way to create new transformations, for example like:

    val reverse_all_class_members = transformation[Tree, Tree] { case t: Template => t.copy(body = t.body.reverse) }

    Definition Classes
  108. def traverse(tree: nsc.Global.Tree, f: (nsc.Global.Tree) ⇒ nsc.Global.Tree): nsc.Global.Tree

    Definition Classes
  109. def traverseAndTransformAll(t: ⇒ T[X, X]): T[X, X]

    Definition Classes
  110. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  111. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  112. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  113. def (t: ⇒ T[X, X]): T[X, X]

    Applies a transformation bottom-up, that is, it applies the transformation to the children of the tree first and then to their parent.

    Applies a transformation bottom-up, that is, it applies the transformation to the children of the tree first and then to their parent. The consequence is that the parent "sees" its transformed children.

    Definition Classes
  114. def (t: ⇒ T[X, X]): T[X, X]

    Applies a transformation top-down, that is, it applies the transformation to the tree T and then passes the transformed T to all children.

    Applies a transformation top-down, that is, it applies the transformation to the tree T and then passes the transformed T to all children. The consequence is that the children "see" their new parent.

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object SourceLayouts

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 0.5.0) Use PlainText objects and its components

Inherited from ImportAnalysis

Inherited from Extractions

Inherited from InsertionPositions

Inherited from TransformableSelections

Inherited from TreeTransformations

Inherited from TreeFactory

Inherited from Transformations

Inherited from ScopeAnalysis

Inherited from CompilerAccess

Inherited from Selections

Inherited from PimpedTrees

Inherited from TreeTraverser

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
