
package sbt.nio.file

Type members


case object AnyPath extends RelativeGlob

A RelativeGlob that matches any single path name.

A RelativeGlob that matches any single path name.

 AnyPath.matches(Paths.get("foo")) // true
 AnyPath.matches(Paths.get("foo/bar")) // false
 Glob("foo/bar", AnyPath).matches(Paths.get("foo/bar")) // false
 Glob("foo/bar", AnyPath).matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz")) // true
 Glob("foo/bar", AnyPath).matches(Paths.get("foo/bar/baz/buzz")) // false

It can be used to specify the minimum depth of a query:

 val childScalaSources = Glob("/foo/bar") / AnyPath / RecursiveGlob / "*.scala"
 childScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // false
 childScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/Bar.scala")) // true
 childScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
final case class ChangedFiles(created: Seq[Path], deleted: Seq[Path], updated: Seq[Path])

Represents a set of possible file changes.

Represents a set of possible file changes.

Value parameters:

the files that are newly created


the files that have been deleted


the files that have been updated

sealed trait FileAttributes

Represents a minimal set of attributes a file. In contrast to java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes, it is possible to compute the values provided by this trait without stating the file. If all of the methods return false, the user may infer that the file to which these attributes corresponds does not exist. An instance of this class may not represent that current state of the file if the underlying file has been modified since the instance was first created.

Represents a minimal set of attributes a file. In contrast to java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes, it is possible to compute the values provided by this trait without stating the file. If all of the methods return false, the user may infer that the file to which these attributes corresponds does not exist. An instance of this class may not represent that current state of the file if the underlying file has been modified since the instance was first created.

trait FileTreeView[+T]

Provides a view into the file system that allows retrieval of the children of a particular path. Specific implementations may use native library on some platforms to speed up recursive file tree traversal.

Provides a view into the file system that allows retrieval of the children of a particular path. Specific implementations may use native library on some platforms to speed up recursive file tree traversal.

Type parameters:

the type of object returned for each file

sealed trait Glob

Represents a query for a path on the file system. Instances of Glob can be combined together to build a more complicated query. Similar to the path name components of a Path, a Glob has components and matching is done from left to right component-wise. Each component is matched using a PathMatcher. For example,

Represents a query for a path on the file system. Instances of Glob can be combined together to build a more complicated query. Similar to the path name components of a Path, a Glob has components and matching is done from left to right component-wise. Each component is matched using a PathMatcher. For example,

 val baseGlob = Glob("/foo/bar")
 baseGlob.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar")) // true
 baseGlob.matches(Paths.get("/foo")) // false
 baseGlob.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz")) // false

 val children = baseGlob / AnyPath
 children.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar")) // false
 children.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz")) // true
 children.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/buzz")) false

 val secondGenerationChildren = children / AnyPath
 secondGeneration.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz")) // false
 secondGeneration.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/buzz")) // true
 secondGeneration.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/buzz/fizz")) // false

where AnyPath matches any path name.

Globs can be recursive and are constructed using the RecursiveGlob:

 val baseGlob = Glob("/foo/bar")
 val allDescendants = baseGlob / RecursiveGlob
 allDescendants.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar")) // false
 allDescendants.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/buzz.txt")) // true

They can also filter on the basis file names:

 val baseGlob = Glob("/foo/bar")
 val allScalaSources = baseGlob / RecursiveGlob / "*.scala"
 allScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
 allScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
 allScalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/")) // false

 val allScalaAndJavaSources = baseGlob / RecursiveGlob / "*.{java,scala}"
 allScalaAndJavaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
 allScalaAndJavaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/")) // true
object Glob

A filter for a path and its attributes.

A filter for a path and its attributes.

object PathFilter
case object RecursiveGlob extends RelativeGlob

A RelativeGlob that matches any path. Can be combined with other Glob instances to build recursive queries:

A RelativeGlob that matches any path. Can be combined with other Glob instances to build recursive queries:

 val scalaSources = Glob("/foo/bar") / RecursiveGlob / "*.scala"
 scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/Foo.scala")) // true
 scalaSources.matches(Paths.get("/foo/bar/baz/fizz/buzz/Bar.scala")) // true
sealed trait RelativeGlob extends Glob

A specialization of Glob that applies only to relative paths. RelativeGlob instances can always be combined with the / operator whereas general Glob instances cannot because they may correspond to an absolute file path:

A specialization of Glob that applies only to relative paths. RelativeGlob instances can always be combined with the / operator whereas general Glob instances cannot because they may correspond to an absolute file path:

 val combined = Glob("/foo/bar") / RelativeGlob("

Value members

Concrete fields

val *: AnyPath.type
val **: RecursiveGlob.type