
See theCrossVersion companion class


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Type members

Inherited types

type Binary = Binary


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
type Full = Full


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
type Patch = Patch


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)

Value members

Inherited methods

def apply(scalaFullVersion: String, scalaBinaryVersion: String): ModuleID => ModuleID

Constructs a function that will cross-version a ModuleID for the given full and binary Scala versions scalaFullVersion and scalaBinaryVersion according to the ModuleID's cross-versioning setting.

Constructs a function that will cross-version a ModuleID for the given full and binary Scala versions scalaFullVersion and scalaBinaryVersion according to the ModuleID's cross-versioning setting.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def apply(module: ModuleID, is: Option[ScalaModuleInfo]): Option[String => String]

Constructs the cross-version function defined by module and is, if one is configured.

Constructs the cross-version function defined by module and is, if one is configured.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def apply(module: ModuleID, is: ScalaModuleInfo): Option[String => String]

Constructs the cross-version function defined by module and is, if one is configured.

Constructs the cross-version function defined by module and is, if one is configured.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def apply(cross: CrossVersion, fullVersion: String, binaryVersion: String): Option[String => String]

Construct a cross-versioning function given cross-versioning configuration cross, full version fullVersion and binary version binaryVersion. The behavior of the constructed function is as documented for the sbt.librarymanagement.CrossVersion datatypes.

Construct a cross-versioning function given cross-versioning configuration cross, full version fullVersion and binary version binaryVersion. The behavior of the constructed function is as documented for the sbt.librarymanagement.CrossVersion datatypes.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)

Cross-versions a module with the binary version (typically the binary Scala version).

Cross-versions a module with the binary version (typically the binary Scala version).


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def binarySbtVersion(full: String): String

Computes the binary sbt version from the full version. Full sbt versions earlier than sbt.librarymanagement.CrossVersion.TransitionSbtVersion are returned as is.

Computes the binary sbt version from the full version. Full sbt versions earlier than sbt.librarymanagement.CrossVersion.TransitionSbtVersion are returned as is.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def binaryScalaVersion(full: String): String

Computes the binary Scala version from the full version. Full Scala versions earlier than sbt.librarymanagement.CrossVersion.TransitionScalaVersion are returned as is.

Computes the binary Scala version from the full version. Full Scala versions earlier than sbt.librarymanagement.CrossVersion.TransitionScalaVersion are returned as is.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def binaryWith(prefix: String, suffix: String): CrossVersion

Cross-versions a module with the result of prepending prefix and appending suffix to the binary version (typically the binary Scala version). See also sbt.librarymanagement.Binary.

Cross-versions a module with the result of prepending prefix and appending suffix to the binary version (typically the binary Scala version). See also sbt.librarymanagement.Binary.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def constant(value: String): CrossVersion

Cross-versions a module with a constant string (typically the binary Scala version).

Cross-versions a module with a constant string (typically the binary Scala version).


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)

Disables cross versioning for a module.

Disables cross versioning for a module.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)

Cross-versions a module with the binary version but if the binary version is 2.13 cross-versions it with 3 instead

Cross-versions a module with the binary version but if the binary version is 2.13 cross-versions it with 3 instead


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def for2_13Use3With(prefix: String, suffix: String): CrossVersion

Cross-versions a module with the binary version but if the binary version is 2.13 cross-versions it with 3 instead Always prepend prefix and append suffix

Cross-versions a module with the binary version but if the binary version is 2.13 cross-versions it with 3 instead Always prepend prefix and append suffix


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)

Cross-versions a module with the binary version but if the binary version is 3 (or of the form 3.0.0-x), cross-versions it with 2.13 instead

Cross-versions a module with the binary version but if the binary version is 3 (or of the form 3.0.0-x), cross-versions it with 2.13 instead


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def for3Use2_13With(prefix: String, suffix: String): CrossVersion

Cross-versions a module with the binary version but if the binary version is 3 (or of the form 3.0.0-x), cross-versions it with 2.13 instead Always prepend prefix and append suffix

Cross-versions a module with the binary version but if the binary version is 3 (or of the form 3.0.0-x), cross-versions it with 2.13 instead Always prepend prefix and append suffix


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)

Cross-versions a module with the full version (typically the full Scala version).

Cross-versions a module with the full version (typically the full Scala version).


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def fullWith(prefix: String, suffix: String): CrossVersion

Cross-versions a module with the result of prepending prefix and appending suffix to the full version. (typically the full Scala version). See also sbt.librarymanagement.Full

Cross-versions a module with the result of prepending prefix and appending suffix to the full version. (typically the full Scala version). See also sbt.librarymanagement.Full


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def isSbtApiCompatible(v: String): Boolean


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def isScalaApiCompatible(v: String): Boolean


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def partialVersion(s: String): Option[(Long, Long)]

Extracts the major and minor components of a version string s or returns None if the version is improperly formatted.

Extracts the major and minor components of a version string s or returns None if the version is improperly formatted.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)

Cross-versions a module with the full Scala version excluding any -bin suffix.

Cross-versions a module with the full Scala version excluding any -bin suffix.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def sbtApiVersion(v: String): Option[(Long, Long)]

Returns sbt binary interface x.y API compatible with the given version string v. RCs for x.y.0 are considered API compatible. Compatible versions include 0.12.0-1 and 0.12.0-RC1 for Some(0, 12).

Returns sbt binary interface x.y API compatible with the given version string v. RCs for x.y.0 are considered API compatible. Compatible versions include 0.12.0-1 and 0.12.0-RC1 for Some(0, 12).


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def scalaApiVersion(v: String): Option[(Long, Long)]

Returns Scala binary interface x.y API compatible with the given version string v. Compatible versions include 2.10.0-1 and 2.10.1-M1 for Some(2, 10), but not 2.10.0-RC1.

Returns Scala binary interface x.y API compatible with the given version string v. Compatible versions include 2.10.0-1 and 2.10.1-M1 for Some(2, 10), but not 2.10.0-RC1.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def substituteCross(a: Artifact, cross: Option[String => String]): Artifact

Cross-versions a according to cross-version function cross.

Cross-versions a according to cross-version function cross.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
def substituteCross(artifacts: Vector[Artifact], cross: Option[String => String]): Vector[Artifact]

Cross-version each Artifact in artifacts according to cross-version function cross.

Cross-version each Artifact in artifacts according to cross-version function cross.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)

Inherited fields

final val Binary: Binary.type


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
final val Constant: Constant.type


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
final val Full: Full.type


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
val PartialVersion: Regex

Regular expression that extracts the major and minor components of a version into matched groups 1 and 2.

Regular expression that extracts the major and minor components of a version into matched groups 1 and 2.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)
final val Patch: Patch.type


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)

The first major.minor sbt version that the sbt binary version should be used for cross-versioning instead of the full version.

The first major.minor sbt version that the sbt binary version should be used for cross-versioning instead of the full version.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)

The first major.minor Scala version that the Scala binary version should be used for cross-versioning instead of the full version.

The first major.minor Scala version that the Scala binary version should be used for cross-versioning instead of the full version.


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)

Deprecated and Inherited fields

final val Disabled: Disabled.type

Compatibility with 0.13

Compatibility with 0.13


Inherited from:
CrossVersionFunctions (hidden)