
object IvyActions
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def addExcluded(report: UpdateReport, classifiers: Vector[String], exclude: Map[ModuleID, Set[String]]): UpdateReport
def cleanCache(ivy: IvySbt, log: Logger): Unit

Clears the Ivy cache, as configured by 'config'.

Clears the Ivy cache, as configured by 'config'.

def deliver(module: Module, configuration: PublishConfiguration, log: Logger): File
def deliveredFile(ivy: Ivy, pattern: String, md: ModuleDescriptor): File
def extractExcludes(report: UpdateReport): Map[ModuleID, Set[String]]
def getConfigurations(module: ModuleDescriptor, configurations: Option[Vector[ConfigRef]]): Array[String]
def grouped[T](grouping: ModuleID => T)(mods: Seq[ModuleID]): Map[T, Set[String]]
def groupedConflicts[T](moduleFilter: ModuleFilter, grouping: ModuleID => T)(report: UpdateReport): Map[T, Set[String]]
def install(module: Module, from: String, to: String, log: Logger): Unit

Installs the dependencies of the given 'module' from the resolver named 'from' to the resolver named 'to'.

Installs the dependencies of the given 'module' from the resolver named 'from' to the resolver named 'to'.

def makePomFile(module: Module, configuration: MakePomConfiguration, log: Logger): File

Creates a Maven pom from the given Ivy configuration

Creates a Maven pom from the given Ivy configuration

def mapArtifacts(module: ModuleDescriptor, cross: Option[String => String], artifacts: Map[Artifact, File]): Vector[(Artifact, File)]
def publish(module: Module, configuration: PublishConfiguration, log: Logger): Unit
def publish(module: ModuleDescriptor, artifacts: Seq[(Artifact, File)], resolver: DependencyResolver, overwrite: Boolean): Unit



implicit def toIvyFilter(f: ArtifactTypeFilter): Filter