

This class contains all the logic for dealing with the extra attributes in pom files relating to extra attributes on dependency declarations.

Specifically, if we have a dependency on an sbt plugin, there are two properties that need to propogate:

  • sbtVersion
  • scalaVersion

These need to exist on the dependency declaration. Maven/Aether has no way to inject these into the section of pom files, so we use Ivy's Extra attribute hackery to inject a lookup table of extra attributes by dependency id into POM files and later we read these back.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def filterCustomExtra(item: ExtendableItem, include: Boolean): Map[String, String]
def getDependencyExtra(m: Map[String, String]): Map[ModuleRevisionId, Map[String, String]]

Reads the extra dependency information out of Ivy's notion of POM properties and returns the map of ID -> Extra Properties.

Reads the extra dependency information out of Ivy's notion of POM properties and returns the map of ID -> Extra Properties.


def qualifiedExtra(item: ExtendableItem): Map[String, String]
def qualifiedIsExtra(k: String): Boolean
def readDependencyExtra(s: String): Seq[ModuleRevisionId]

parses the sequence of dependencies with extra attribute information, with one dependency per line

parses the sequence of dependencies with extra attribute information, with one dependency per line


def readFromAether(props: Map[String, AnyRef]): Map[ModuleRevisionId, Map[String, String]]

Reads the extra dependency attributes out of a maven property.

Reads the extra dependency attributes out of a maven property.



The properties from an Aether resolution.


A map of module id to extra dependency attributes associated with dependencies on that module.

def simplify(id: ModuleRevisionId): ModuleRevisionId
def transferDependencyExtraAttributes(from: Properties, to: Map[String, AnyRef]): Unit

Mutates the to collection with the extra depdendency attributes from the incoming pom properties list.

Mutates the to collection with the extra depdendency attributes from the incoming pom properties list.



The properties directly off a maven POM file


The aaether properties where we can write whatever we want. TODO - maybe we can just parse this directly here. Note the readFromAether method uses whatever we set here.

def writeDependencyExtra(s: Seq[DependencyDescriptor]): Seq[String]

Creates the "extra" property values for DependencyDescriptors that can be written into a maven pom so we don't loose the information.

Creates the "extra" property values for DependencyDescriptors that can be written into a maven pom so we don't loose the information.


Concrete fields

val ExtraAttributesKey: String
val SbtVersionKey: String
val ScalaVersionKey: String