



package librarymanagement

Linear Supertypes
ResolversSyntax, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. librarymanagement
  2. ResolversSyntax
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class Artifact extends ArtifactExtra with Serializable
  2. abstract class ArtifactExtra extends AnyRef
  3. trait ArtifactFormats extends AnyRef
  4. abstract class ArtifactFunctions extends AnyRef
  5. final class ArtifactTypeFilter extends ArtifactTypeFilterExtra with Serializable

    Work around the inadequacy of Ivy's ArtifactTypeFilter (that it cannot reverse a filter)

  6. abstract class ArtifactTypeFilterExtra extends AnyRef
  7. trait ArtifactTypeFilterFormats extends AnyRef
  8. abstract class ArtifactTypeFilterFunctions extends AnyRef
  9. final class Binary extends CrossVersion with Serializable

    Cross-versions a module using the result of applying remapVersion to the binary version.

    Cross-versions a module using the result of applying remapVersion to the binary version. For example, if remapVersion = v => "2.10" and the binary version is "2.9.2" or "2.10", the module is cross-versioned with "2.10".

  10. trait BinaryFormats extends AnyRef
  11. final class Caller extends Serializable
  12. trait CallerFormats extends AnyRef
  13. final class ChainedResolver extends Resolver with Serializable
  14. trait ChainedResolverFormats extends AnyRef
  15. sealed trait CircularDependencyLevel extends AnyRef

    Wrapper around circular dependency strategy.

  16. final class Configuration extends ConfigurationExtra with Serializable

    Represents an Ivy configuration.

  17. abstract class ConfigurationExtra extends AnyRef
  18. trait ConfigurationFormats extends AnyRef
  19. final class ConfigurationReport extends ConfigurationReportExtra with Serializable

    Provides information about resolution of a single configuration.

  20. abstract class ConfigurationReportExtra extends AnyRef
  21. trait ConfigurationReportFormats extends AnyRef
  22. trait ConfigurationReportLiteFormats extends AnyRef
  23. final class ConflictManager extends Serializable

    See for details of the different conflict managers.

  24. trait ConflictManagerFormats extends AnyRef
  25. abstract class ConflictManagerFunctions extends AnyRef
  26. final case class ConflictWarning (label: String, level: util.Level.Value, failOnConflict: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Provide warnings for cross version conflicts.

    Provide warnings for cross version conflicts. A library foo_2.10 and foo_2.11 can potentially be both included on the library dependency graph by mistake, but it won't be caught by eviction.

  27. sealed trait Credentials extends AnyRef
  28. abstract class CrossVersion extends Serializable

    Configures how a module will be cross-versioned.

  29. trait CrossVersionFormats extends AnyRef
  30. abstract class CrossVersionFunctions extends AnyRef
  31. final class Developer extends Serializable
  32. trait DeveloperFormats extends AnyRef
  33. final class DirectCredentials extends Credentials
  34. final class Disabled extends CrossVersion with Serializable

    Disables cross versioning for a module.

  35. trait DisabledFormats extends AnyRef
  36. final class EvictionPair extends AnyRef
  37. final class EvictionWarning extends AnyRef
  38. final class EvictionWarningOptions extends AnyRef
  39. type ExclusionRule = InclExclRule
  40. trait ExternalIvyConfigurationFormats extends AnyRef
  41. final class FileConfiguration extends Serializable

    Configuration specific to an Ivy filesystem resolver.

  42. trait FileConfigurationFormats extends AnyRef
  43. final class FileCredentials extends Credentials
  44. final class FileRepository extends PatternsBasedRepository with Serializable

    sbt interface for an Ivy filesystem repository.

    sbt interface for an Ivy filesystem repository. More convenient construction is done using Resolver.file.

  45. trait FileRepositoryFormats extends AnyRef
  46. final class Full extends CrossVersion with Serializable

    Cross-versions a module with the result of applying remapVersion to the full version.

    Cross-versions a module with the result of applying remapVersion to the full version. For example, if remapVersion = v => "2.10" and the full version is "2.9.2" or "2.10.3", the module is cross-versioned with "2.10".

  47. trait FullFormats extends AnyRef
  48. final class InclExclRule extends Serializable

    Rule to either:

    Rule to either:

    • exclude unwanted dependencies pulled in transitively by a module, or to
    • include and merge artifacts coming from the ModuleDescriptor if "dependencyArtifacts" are also provided.

    Which one depends on the parameter name which it is passed to, but the filter has the same fields in both cases.

  49. trait InclExclRuleFormats extends AnyRef
  50. abstract class InclExclRuleFunctions extends AnyRef
  51. type InclusionRule = InclExclRule
  52. trait InlineConfigurationFormats extends AnyRef
  53. trait InlineIvyConfigurationFormats extends AnyRef
  54. trait IvyConfigurationFormats extends AnyRef
  55. final class IvyFileConfiguration extends ModuleSettings with Serializable
  56. trait IvyFileConfigurationFormats extends AnyRef
  57. trait IvyPathsFormats extends AnyRef
  58. final class IvyScala extends Serializable
  59. trait IvyScalaFormats extends AnyRef
  60. final class KeyFileAuthentication extends SshAuthentication with Serializable
  61. trait KeyFileAuthenticationFormats extends AnyRef
  62. trait LibraryManagementCodec extends BasicJsonProtocol with ConfigurationFormats with ArtifactFormats with ArtifactTypeFilterFormats with InclExclRuleFormats with DisabledFormats with BinaryFormats with FullFormats with CrossVersionFormats with ModuleIDFormats with CallerFormats with ModuleReportFormats with OrganizationArtifactReportFormats with ConfigurationReportFormats with ConflictManagerFormats with DeveloperFormats with FileConfigurationFormats with IvyScalaFormats with ChainedResolverFormats with MavenRepoFormats with MavenCacheFormats with PatternsFormats with FileRepositoryFormats with URLRepositoryFormats with PasswordAuthenticationFormats with KeyFileAuthenticationFormats with SshAuthenticationFormats with SshConnectionFormats with SshRepositoryFormats with SftpRepositoryFormats with ResolverFormats with ModuleConfigurationFormats with ScmInfoFormats with ModuleInfoFormats with IvyFileConfigurationFormats with PomConfigurationFormats with SbtExclusionRuleFormats with NodeSeqFormat with InlineConfigurationFormats with ModuleSettingsFormats with MavenRepositoryFormats with PatternsBasedRepositoryFormats with SshBasedRepositoryFormats with RetrieveConfigurationFormats with UpdateLoggingFormats with UpdateConfigurationFormats with UpdateStatsFormats with UpdateReportFormats with ConfigurationReportLiteFormats with GlobalLockFormat with LoggerFormat with UpdateOptionsFormat with IvyPathsFormats with InlineIvyConfigurationFormats with ExternalIvyConfigurationFormats with IvyConfigurationFormats with UpdateReportLiteFormats
  63. final class MavenCache extends MavenRepository with Serializable

    An instance of maven CACHE directory.

    An instance of maven CACHE directory. You cannot treat a cache directory the same as a a remote repository because the metadata is different (see Aether ML discussion).

  64. trait MavenCacheFormats extends AnyRef
  65. final class MavenRepo extends MavenRepository with Serializable
  66. trait MavenRepoFormats extends AnyRef
  67. abstract class MavenRepository extends Resolver with Serializable

    An instance of a remote maven repository.

    An instance of a remote maven repository. Note: This will use Aether/Maven to resolve artifacts.

  68. trait MavenRepositoryFormats extends AnyRef
  69. abstract class MavenRepositoryFunctions extends AnyRef
  70. final class ModuleConfiguration extends Serializable
  71. trait ModuleConfigurationFormats extends AnyRef
  72. final class ModuleID extends ModuleIDExtra with Serializable
  73. abstract class ModuleIDExtra extends AnyRef
  74. trait ModuleIDFormats extends AnyRef
  75. abstract class ModuleIDFunctions extends AnyRef
  76. final class ModuleInfo extends Serializable

    Additional information about a project module

  77. trait ModuleInfoFormats extends AnyRef
  78. final class ModuleReport extends ModuleReportExtra with Serializable

    Provides information about the resolution of a module.

    Provides information about the resolution of a module. This information is in the context of a specific configuration.

  79. abstract class ModuleReportExtra extends AnyRef
  80. trait ModuleReportFormats extends AnyRef
  81. abstract class ModuleSettings extends Serializable
  82. trait ModuleSettingsFormats extends AnyRef
  83. final class OrganizationArtifactReport extends Serializable

    OrganizationArtifactReport represents an organization+name entry in Ivy resolution report.

    OrganizationArtifactReport represents an organization+name entry in Ivy resolution report. In sbt's terminology, "module" consists of organization, name, and version. In Ivy's, "module" means just organization and name, and the one including version numbers are called revisions.

    A sequence of OrganizationArtifactReport called details is newly added to ConfigurationReport, replacing evicted. (Note old evicted was just a seq of ModuleIDs). OrganizationArtifactReport groups the ModuleReport of both winners and evicted reports by their organization and name, which can be used to calculate detailed eviction warning etc.

  84. trait OrganizationArtifactReportFormats extends AnyRef
  85. final class PasswordAuthentication extends SshAuthentication with Serializable
  86. trait PasswordAuthenticationFormats extends AnyRef
  87. final class Patterns extends Serializable
  88. abstract class PatternsBasedRepository extends Resolver with Serializable

    sbt interface to an Ivy repository based on patterns, which is most Ivy repositories.

  89. trait PatternsBasedRepositoryFormats extends AnyRef
  90. trait PatternsFormats extends AnyRef
  91. abstract class PatternsFunctions extends AnyRef
  92. final class PomConfiguration extends ModuleSettings with Serializable
  93. trait PomConfigurationFormats extends AnyRef
  94. final class RawRepository extends Resolver
  95. abstract class Resolver extends Serializable
  96. trait ResolverFormats extends AnyRef
  97. abstract class ResolverFunctions extends AnyRef
  98. trait ResolversSyntax extends AnyRef
  99. trait RetrieveConfigurationFormats extends AnyRef
  100. trait SbtExclusionRuleFormats extends AnyRef
  101. final case class ScalaVersion (full: String, binary: String) extends Product with Serializable
  102. final class ScmInfo extends Serializable

    Basic SCM information for a project module

  103. trait ScmInfoFormats extends AnyRef
  104. final class SftpRepository extends SshBasedRepository with Serializable

    sbt interface for an Ivy repository over sftp.

    sbt interface for an Ivy repository over sftp. More convenient construction is done using Resolver.sftp.

  105. trait SftpRepositoryFormats extends AnyRef
  106. abstract class SshAuthentication extends Serializable
  107. trait SshAuthenticationFormats extends AnyRef
  108. abstract class SshBasedRepository extends PatternsBasedRepository with Serializable

    sbt interface for an Ivy ssh-based repository (ssh and sftp).

    sbt interface for an Ivy ssh-based repository (ssh and sftp). Requires the Jsch library..

  109. trait SshBasedRepositoryFormats extends AnyRef
  110. final class SshConnection extends Serializable
  111. trait SshConnectionFormats extends AnyRef
  112. final class SshRepository extends SshBasedRepository with Serializable

    sbt interface for an Ivy repository over ssh.

    sbt interface for an Ivy repository over ssh. More convenient construction is done using Resolver.ssh.

  113. trait SshRepositoryFormats extends AnyRef
  114. sealed trait TrackLevel extends AnyRef
  115. final class URLRepository extends PatternsBasedRepository with Serializable
  116. trait URLRepositoryFormats extends AnyRef
  117. final class UpdateConfiguration extends Serializable
  118. trait UpdateConfigurationFormats extends AnyRef
  119. sealed abstract class UpdateLogging extends Serializable

    Configures logging during an 'update'.

    Configures logging during an 'update'. level determines the amount of other information logged. Full is the default and logs the most. DownloadOnly only logs what is downloaded. Quiet only displays errors. Default uses the current log level of update task.

  120. trait UpdateLoggingFormats extends AnyRef
  121. final class UpdateOptions extends AnyRef

    Represents configurable options for update task.

    Represents configurable options for update task. While UpdateConfiguration is passed into update at runtime, UpdateOption is intended to be used while setting up the Ivy object.

    See also UpdateConfiguration in IvyActions.scala.

  122. final class UpdateReport extends UpdateReportExtra with Serializable

    Provides information about dependency resolution.

    Provides information about dependency resolution. It does not include information about evicted modules, only about the modules ultimately selected by the conflict manager. This means that for a given configuration, there should only be one revision for a given organization and module name.

  123. abstract class UpdateReportExtra extends AnyRef
  124. trait UpdateReportFormats extends AnyRef
  125. trait UpdateReportLiteFormats extends AnyRef
  126. final class UpdateStats extends Serializable
  127. trait UpdateStatsFormats extends AnyRef
  128. final class VersionNumber extends AnyRef
  129. trait VersionNumberCompatibility extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. val DefaultMavenRepository: MavenRepository
    Definition Classes
  2. val ExclusionRule: InclExclRule.type
  3. val InclusionRule: InclExclRule.type
  4. val JCenterRepository: MavenRepository
    Definition Classes
  5. val JavaNet2Repository: MavenRepository
    Definition Classes
  6. object Artifact extends ArtifactFunctions with Serializable
  7. object ArtifactTypeFilter extends ArtifactTypeFilterFunctions with Serializable
  8. object Binary extends Serializable
  9. object Caller extends Serializable
  10. object ChainedResolver extends Serializable
  11. object CircularDependencyLevel
  12. object Configuration extends Serializable
  13. object ConfigurationReport extends Serializable
  14. object Configurations
  15. object ConflictManager extends ConflictManagerFunctions with Serializable
  16. object ConflictWarning extends Serializable
  17. object Credentials
  18. object CrossVersion extends CrossVersionFunctions with Serializable
  19. object Developer extends Serializable
  20. object Disabled extends Serializable
  21. object EvictionPair
  22. object EvictionWarning
  23. object EvictionWarningOptions
  24. object FileConfiguration extends Serializable
  25. object FileRepository extends Serializable
  26. object Full extends Serializable
  27. object InclExclRule extends InclExclRuleFunctions with Serializable
  28. object IvyFileConfiguration extends Serializable
  29. object IvyScala extends IvyScalaFunctions with Serializable
  30. object KeyFileAuthentication extends Serializable
  31. object LibraryManagementCodec extends LibraryManagementCodec
  32. object MavenCache extends Serializable
  33. object MavenRepo extends Serializable
  34. object MavenRepository extends MavenRepositoryFunctions with Serializable
  35. object ModuleConfiguration extends Serializable
  36. object ModuleID extends ModuleIDFunctions with Serializable
  37. object ModuleInfo extends Serializable
  38. object ModuleReport extends Serializable
  39. object ModuleSettings extends Serializable
  40. object OrganizationArtifactReport extends Serializable
  41. object PasswordAuthentication extends Serializable
  42. object Patterns extends PatternsFunctions with Serializable
  43. object PatternsBasedRepository extends Serializable
  44. object PomConfiguration extends Serializable
  45. object Resolver extends ResolverFunctions with Serializable
  46. object SbtArtifacts
  47. object ScalaArtifacts
  48. object ScmInfo extends Serializable
  49. object SftpRepository extends Serializable
  50. object SshAuthentication extends Serializable
  51. object SshBasedRepository extends Serializable
  52. object SshConnection extends Serializable
  53. object SshRepository extends Serializable
  54. object TrackLevel

    An enumeration defining the tracking of dependencies.

    An enumeration defining the tracking of dependencies. A level includes all of the levels with id larger than its own id. For example, Warn (id=3) includes Error (id=4).

  55. object URLRepository extends Serializable
  56. object UpdateConfiguration extends Serializable
  57. object UpdateLogging extends Serializable
  58. object UpdateOptions
  59. object UpdateReport extends Serializable
  60. object UpdateStats extends Serializable
  61. object VersionNumber

Inherited from ResolversSyntax

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
