


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Type members


type AnyCyclic = CyclicException[_]

Value members

Concrete methods

def addShutdownHandler[A](thunk: () => A): Unit
def apply[T](structure: BuildStructure, taskKey: ScopedKey[Task[T]], state: State, ref: ProjectRef): Option[(State, Result[T])]

Evaluates taskKey and returns the new State and the result of the task wrapped in Some. If the task is not defined, None is returned. The provided task key is resolved against the current project ref. Task execution is configured according to settings defined in the loaded project.

Evaluates taskKey and returns the new State and the result of the task wrapped in Some. If the task is not defined, None is returned. The provided task key is resolved against the current project ref. Task execution is configured according to settings defined in the loaded project.


def apply[T](structure: BuildStructure, taskKey: ScopedKey[Task[T]], state: State, ref: ProjectRef, config: EvaluateTaskConfig): Option[(State, Result[T])]

Evaluates taskKey and returns the new State and the result of the task wrapped in Some. If the task is not defined, None is returned. The provided task key is resolved against the current project ref. config configures concurrency and canceling of task execution.

Evaluates taskKey and returns the new State and the result of the task wrapped in Some. If the task is not defined, None is returned. The provided task key is resolved against the current project ref. config configures concurrency and canceling of task execution.


def applyResults[T](results: RMap[Task, Result], state: State, root: Task[T]): (State, Result[T])
def cancelStrategy(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure, state: State): TaskCancellationStrategy
def cancelable(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure): Boolean
def convertCyclic(c: AnyCyclic): String
def convertCyclicInc: Incomplete => Incomplete
def defaultRestrictions(maxWorkers: Int): List[Rule]
def defaultRestrictions(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure): Seq[Rule]
def evalPluginDef(pluginDef: BuildStructure, state: State): PluginData
def extractedTaskConfig(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure, state: State): EvaluateTaskConfig
def getSetting[T](key: SettingKey[T], default: T, extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure): T
def getStreams(key: ScopedKey[_], streams: Streams): TaskStreams
def getTask[T](structure: BuildStructure, taskKey: ScopedKey[Task[T]], state: State, streams: Streams, ref: ProjectRef): Option[(Task[T], NodeView[Task])]
def injectSettings: Seq[Setting[_]]
def liftAnonymous: Incomplete => Incomplete
def logIncResult(result: Result[_], state: State, streams: Streams): Unit
def logIncomplete(result: Incomplete, state: State, streams: Streams): Unit
def maxWorkers(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure): Int
def nodeView(state: State, streams: Streams, roots: Seq[ScopedKey[_]], dummies: DummyTaskMap): NodeView[Task]
def onResult[T, S](result: Result[T])(f: T => S): S
def onShutdown(): Unit
def processResult2[T](result: Result[T], show: Boolean): T
def restrictions(state: State): Seq[Rule]
def restrictions(extracted: Extracted, structure: BuildStructure): Seq[Rule]
def runTask[T](root: Task[T], state: State, streams: Streams, triggers: Triggers[Task], config: EvaluateTaskConfig)(using taskToNode: NodeView[Task]): (State, Result[T])

The main method for the task engine. See also Aggregation.runTasks.

The main method for the task engine. See also Aggregation.runTasks.


def stateTransform(results: RMap[Task, Result]): State => State
def suppressedMessage(key: ScopedKey[_])(implicit display: Show[ScopedKey[_]]): String
def taskTimingProgress: Option[ExecuteProgress[Task]]
def taskToKey: Incomplete => Incomplete
def taskTraceEvent: Option[ExecuteProgress[Task]]
def transformInc[T](result: Result[T]): Result[T]
def withStreams[T](structure: BuildStructure, state: State)(f: Streams => T): T

Deprecated methods

def evalPluginDef(log: Logger)(pluginDef: BuildStructure, state: State): PluginData


def onResult[T, S](result: Result[T], log: Logger)(f: T => S): S


def processResult[T](result: Result[T], log: Logger, show: Boolean): T



Concrete fields

val injectStreams: ScopedKey[_] => Seq[Setting[_]]

Deprecated fields

val currentlyRunningEngine: AtomicReference[(SafeState, RunningTaskEngine)]


val lastEvaluatedState: AtomicReference[SafeState]

