

package sbt

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait Completed extends AnyRef
  2. trait CompletionService[A, R] extends AnyRef
  3. trait ConcurrentRestrictions[A] extends AnyRef

    Describes restrictions on concurrent execution for a set of tasks.

    Describes restrictions on concurrent execution for a set of tasks.


    the type of a task

  4. trait ExecuteProgress[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Processes progress events during task execution.

    Processes progress events during task execution. All methods are called from the same thread except started and finished, which is called from the executing task's thread. All methods should return quickly to avoid task execution overhead.

  5. final case class Inc(cause: Incomplete) extends Result[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    Indicates the task did not complete normally and so it does not have a value.

  6. final case class Incomplete(node: Option[AnyRef], tpe: Incomplete.Value = Error, message: Option[String] = None, causes: Seq[Incomplete] = Nil, directCause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends Exception with UnprintableException with Product with Serializable

    Describes why a task did not complete.

    Describes why a task did not complete.


    the task that did not complete that is described by this Incomplete instance


    whether the task was incomplete because of an error or because it was skipped. Only Error is actually used and Skipped may be removed in the future.


    an optional error message describing this incompletion


    a list of incompletions that prevented node from completing


    the exception that caused node to not complete

  7. trait Node[A[_], T] extends AnyRef

    Represents a task node in a format understood by the task evaluation engine Execute.

    Represents a task node in a format understood by the task evaluation engine Execute.


    the task type constructor


    the type computed by this node

  8. sealed trait Result[+T] extends AnyRef

    Result of completely evaluating a task.

  9. final class Triggers[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  10. final case class Value[+T](value: T) extends Result[T] with Product with Serializable

    Indicates the task completed normally and produced the given value.

Value Members

  1. object CompletionService
  2. object ConcurrentRestrictions
  3. object ExecuteProgress

    This module is experimental and subject to binary and source incompatible changes at any time.

  4. object Incomplete extends Enumeration
  5. object Result
