

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def allVals[T](self: AnyRef)(implicit mt: Manifest[T]): SortedMap[String, T]

Collects all vals of type T defined on value self. The returned Map maps the name of each val to its value. This requires an available Manifest for T and depends on scalac implementation details to determine what is a val using only Java reflection.

Collects all vals of type T defined on value self. The returned Map maps the name of each val to its value. This requires an available Manifest for T and depends on scalac implementation details to determine what is a val using only Java reflection.


def allValsC[T](self: AnyRef, clazz: Class[T]): SortedMap[String, T]

Collects all vals of type T defined on value self. The returned Map maps the name of each val to its value. This depends on scalac implementation details to determine what is a val using only Java reflection.

Collects all vals of type T defined on value self. The returned Map maps the name of each val to its value. This depends on scalac implementation details to determine what is a val using only Java reflection.


def ancestry(clazz: Class[_]): List[Class[_]]
def fields(clazz: Class[_]): OpenHashMap[String, Field]
def transformCamelCase(name: String, separator: Char): String

Converts the camelCase String name to lowercase separated by separator.

Converts the camelCase String name to lowercase separated by separator.
