
trait Lookup
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def changedBinaries(previous: CompileAnalysis): Option[Set[VirtualFileRef]]

Used to provide information from external tools into sbt (e.g. IDEs)

Used to provide information from external tools into sbt (e.g. IDEs)


None if is unable to determine what was changed, changes otherwise

Definition Classes
override def changedSources(previous: CompileAnalysis): Option[Changes[VirtualFileRef]]

Used to provide information from external tools into sbt (e.g. IDEs)

Used to provide information from external tools into sbt (e.g. IDEs)


None if is unable to determine what was changed, changes otherwise

Definition Classes
override def hashClasspath(classpath: Array[VirtualFile]): Optional[Array[FileHash]]
Definition Classes
override def lookupAnalyzedClass(binaryClassName: String, file: Option[VirtualFileRef]): Option[AnalyzedClass]

Find the external AnalyzedClass (from another analysis) given a class name and, if available, the jar file (or class file) the class comes from.

Find the external AnalyzedClass (from another analysis) given a class name and, if available, the jar file (or class file) the class comes from.


The AnalyzedClass associated with the given class name, if one is found. None => Found class somewhere outside of project. No analysis possible. Some(analyzed) if analyzed.provenance.isEmpty => Couldn't find it. Some(analyzed) => good

Definition Classes
override def removedProducts(previous: CompileAnalysis): Option[Set[VirtualFileRef]]

Used to provide information from external tools into sbt (e.g. IDEs)

Used to provide information from external tools into sbt (e.g. IDEs)


None if is unable to determine what was changed, changes otherwise

Definition Classes
override def shouldDoIncrementalCompilation(changedClasses: Set[String], analysis: CompileAnalysis): Boolean

Used to provide information from external tools into sbt (e.g. IDEs)

Used to provide information from external tools into sbt (e.g. IDEs)


API changes

Definition Classes

Inherited methods

override def getChangedBinaries(previousAnalysis: CompileAnalysis): Optional[Set[VirtualFileRef]]
Definition Classes
ExternalLookup -> Lookup
Inherited from:
override def getChangedSources(previousAnalysis: CompileAnalysis): Optional[Changes[VirtualFileRef]]
Definition Classes
ExternalLookup -> Lookup
Inherited from:
override def getRemovedProducts(previousAnalysis: CompileAnalysis): Optional[Set[VirtualFileRef]]
Definition Classes
ExternalLookup -> Lookup
Inherited from:
def shouldDoEarlyOutput(analysis: CompileAnalysis): Boolean

Used to override whether we should proceed with making an early output.

Used to override whether we should proceed with making an early output.

By default we do not make an early output in the presence of any macros because macro expansion (in a downstream subproject) requires the macro implementation to be present in bytecode form, rather than just just a pickle-containing JAR.

If you're careful micromanaging the separation of macro implementations (e.g. def impl(c: Context) = ...) from macro definitions (e.g. def foo: Unit = macro Foo.impl) you can safely override this.

Inherited from:
override def shouldDoIncrementalCompilation(changedClasses: Set[String], previousAnalysis: CompileAnalysis): Boolean
Definition Classes
ExternalLookup -> Lookup
Inherited from: