
An clonable unsynchronized random number generator that uses the same algorithm as the concurrent object SimpleRandom. The caller must ensure that each SimpleRandom instance is used from only one thread at a time.

An clonable unsynchronized random number generator that uses the same algorithm as the concurrent object SimpleRandom. The caller must ensure that each SimpleRandom instance is used from only one thread at a time.


Nathan Bronson

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def this(seed: Int)
def this()

Concrete methods

override def clone: SimpleRandom
Definition Classes
def nextInt(): Int

Returns a random value chosen from a uniform distribution of all valid Ints.

Returns a random value chosen from a uniform distribution of all valid Ints.

def nextInt(n: Int): Int

Returns a random value chosen from a uniform distribution of the non-negative integers less than n, or throws IllegalArgumentException if n is negative or zero.

Returns a random value chosen from a uniform distribution of the non-negative integers less than n, or throws IllegalArgumentException if n is negative or zero.