
object Settings
trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

def baseDefault(cwd: AbsolutePath): Settings
def decoder(base: Settings): ConfDecoder[Settings]
def default(cwd: AbsolutePath): Settings
def description: Doc
def fromCliArgs(args: List[String], base: Settings): Configured[Settings]
def help(displayVersion: String, width: Int): String
def usage: String
def version(displayVersion: String): String
def write(set: Settings): Conf



implicit val CharsetDecoder: ConfDecoder[Charset]
implicit val LoggerDecoder: ConfDecoder[Logger]
implicit val LoggerEncoder: ConfEncoder[Logger]
implicit val absolutePathPrint: TPrint[AbsolutePath]
implicit val charsetEncoder: ConfEncoder[Charset]
implicit def encoder: ConfEncoder[Settings]
implicit val headerIdGeneratorDecoder: ConfDecoder[String => String]
implicit val headerIdGeneratorEncoder: ConfEncoder[String => String]
implicit val inputStreamDecoder: ConfDecoder[InputStream]
implicit val inputStreamEncoder: ConfEncoder[InputStream]
implicit def iterablePrint[C <: (Iterable), T](implicit ev: TPrint[T]): TPrint[C[T]]
implicit def optionPrint[T](implicit ev: TPrint[T]): TPrint[Option[T]]
implicit val pathEncoder: ConfEncoder[AbsolutePath]
implicit val pathMatcherDecoder: ConfDecoder[PathMatcher]
implicit val pathMatcherEncoder: ConfEncoder[PathMatcher]
implicit val pathMatcherPrint: TPrint[PathMatcher]
implicit def surface: Surface[Settings]
implicit val variablePrinterDecoder: ConfDecoder[Variable => String]
implicit val variablePrinterEncoder: ConfEncoder[Variable => String]