



package cli

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AggregateSearcher extends ConfigurationSearcher
  2. case class Application(binaryName: String, version: String, commands: List[CommandParser[_]], env: Environment, reporter: Reporter, tagline: String = "", description: Doc = Doc.empty, usage: String = s"{BINARY_NAME} COMMAND [OPTIONS]", examples: Doc = Doc.empty, fatalUnknownFields: Boolean = false, relativeCommands: List[CommandParser[_]] = Nil, arguments: List[String] = Nil, relativeArguments: List[String] = Nil, preProcessClassShape: (ClassShape) ⇒ ClassShape = HelpCommand.insertHelpFlag, preProcessArguments: (List[String]) ⇒ List[String] = ..., onEmptyArguments: (Application) ⇒ BaseCommand = app => new HelpCommand(app), onNotRecognoziedCommand: (Application) ⇒ BaseCommand = ..., parsers: List[ConfigurationParser] = List(JsonParser), executionContext: ExecutionContext =, searcher: ConfigurationSearcher = ..., token: CancelToken = CancelToken.empty(), mockedProcesses: List[Application] = Nil, tput: Tput = Tput.system, isSingleCommand: Boolean = false) extends AlwaysDerivedParameter with AlwaysHiddenParameter with Product with Serializable
  3. abstract class BaseCommand extends AnyRef
  4. final class BashCompletion extends ShellCompletion
  5. abstract class BlockingConfigurationSearcher extends ConfigurationSearcher
  6. final class CancelToken extends AnyRef
  7. abstract class Command extends BaseCommand
  8. final case class CommandParser[A <: BaseCommand](encoder: JsonEncoder[A], decoder: JsonDecoder[A], default: A, shape: ClassShape) extends JsonCodec[A] with Product with Serializable
  9. trait Completer[A] extends AnyRef
  10. trait ConfigurationSearcher extends AnyRef
  11. final case class Environment(console: Console = System.console(), dataDirectory: Path, cacheDirectory: Path, preferencesDirectory: Path, workingDirectory: Path = ..., homeDirectory: Path = ..., standardOutput: PrintStream = Console.out, standardError: PrintStream = Console.err, standardInput: BufferedReader =, systemProperties: Properties = System.getProperties(), environmentVariables: Map[String, String] = System.getenv().asScala, clock: Clock = Clock.systemDefaultZone()) extends Product with Serializable
  12. final class FishCompletion extends ShellCompletion
  13. sealed abstract class ShellCompletion extends AnyRef
  14. final class SpawnableProcess extends AnyRef
  15. final case class TabCompletionContext(shell: ShellCompletion, arguments: List[String], last: String, secondLast: Option[String], setting: Option[ParameterShape], allSettings: Map[String, List[InlinedFlag]], app: Application) extends Product with Serializable
  16. final case class TabCompletionItem(name: String, description: String = "") extends Product with Serializable
  17. final class ZshCompletion extends ShellCompletion
