
@RunWith(scala.Predef.classOf[munit.MUnitRunner]) abstract class Suite extends PlatformSuite

The base class for all test suites. Extend this class if you don't need the functionality in FunSuite.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final type AfterEach = AfterEach
final type BeforeEach = BeforeEach
final type Fixture[T] = Fixture[T]
final type Test = Test
final type TestValue = Future[Any]

The value produced by test bodies.

The value produced by test bodies.

Value members

Abstract methods

def munitTests(): Seq[Test]

The base class for all test suites

The base class for all test suites

Concrete methods

def afterAll(): Unit

Runs once after all test cases and after all suite-local fixtures have been tear down.

Runs once after all test cases and after all suite-local fixtures have been tear down.

def afterEach(context: AfterEach): Unit

Runs after each individual test case.

Runs after each individual test case.

def beforeAll(): Unit

Runs once before all test cases and before all suite-local fixtures are setup. An error in this method aborts the test suite.

Runs once before all test cases and before all suite-local fixtures are setup. An error in this method aborts the test suite.

def beforeEach(context: BeforeEach): Unit

Runs before each individual test case. An error in this method aborts the test case.

Runs before each individual test case. An error in this method aborts the test case.

def munitExecutionContext: ExecutionContext

Fixtures that can be reused for individual test cases or entire suites.

Fixtures that can be reused for individual test cases or entire suites.