
class Entity extends DateHandling

Entity wrapper with actions on entity.

See also

Manual | Tests: entity api

Linear Supertypes
Type Hierarchy
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By Inheritance
  1. Entity
  2. DateHandling
  3. RegexMatching
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new Entity(entity: datomic.Entity, conn: Conn, id: AnyRef, showKW: Boolean = true)




    Implicit Conn in scope


    Entity id of type Object


    If a ref id points to an attribute definition, whether to show the attribute keyword (like :Ns.enum/enumValue) or its representation as a Long number

Type Members

  1. case class RetractMolecule(txMeta: MoleculeBase) extends Product with Serializable

    Wrapper to add retract methods on entity with transaction meta data.

    Wrapper to add retract methods on entity with transaction meta data.

    RetractMolecule is created from calling Tx:

    val benId ="Ben").Tx(MyMetaData.action("add member")).save.eid
    // Retract entity with tx meta data
    benId.Tx(MyMetaData.action("moved away")).retract
    // Query for Ben's history and why he was retracted
    Person(benId).name.t.op.Tx(MyMetaData.action).getHistory === List(
      ("Ben", 1028, true, "add member"), // Ben added as member
      ("Ben", 1030, false, "moved away") // Ben retracted since he moved away

    A molecule with transaction meta data to be saved with entity retraction

  2. implicit class Regex extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def Tx(metaMolecule: MoleculeBase): RetractMolecule

    Entity retraction transaction meta data constructor.

    Entity retraction transaction meta data constructor.

    Build on from entity with Tx and apply a transaction meta data molecule to save transaction meta data with retraction of the entity.

    val benId ="Ben").Tx(MyMetaData.action("add member")).save.eid
    // Retract entity with tx meta data
    benId.Tx(MyMetaData.action("moved away")).retract
    // Query for Ben's history and why he was retracted
    Person(benId).name.t.op.Tx(MyMetaData.action).getHistory === List(
      ("Ben", 1028, true, "add member"), // Ben added as member
      ("Ben", 1030, false, "moved away") // Ben retracted since he moved away

    Transaction meta data molecule


    RetractMolecule - a simple wrapper for adding retraction tx meta data

  5. def apply(kw1: String, kw2: String, kws: String*): List[Option[Any]]

    Get List of two or more unchecked/untyped attribute values of entity.

    Get List of two or more unchecked/untyped attribute values of entity.

    Apply two or more namespaced attribute names to return a List of unchecked/untyped optional attribute values.

    Referenced entities can be cast to an Option[Map[String, Any]].

    val List(benId, benAddressId) ="Ben", 42, "Hollywood Rd").eids
    // Type ascription is still unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
    val List(
      optName: Option[String],
      optAge: Option[Int],
      optAddress: Option[Map[String, Any]]
    ) = benId(
    val name: String = optName.getOrElse("no name")
    // Type casting necessary to get right value type from Map[String, Any]
    val address: Map[String, Any] = optAddress.getOrElse(Map.empty[String, Any])
    val street: String = address.getOrElse(":Address/street", "no street").asInstanceOf[String]
    name === "Ben"
    street === "Hollywood Rd"

    Typed apply is likely more convenient if typed values are required.


    First namespaced attribute name: ":[namespace with lowercase first letter]/[attribute name]"


    Second namespaced attribute name


    Further namespaced attribute names


    List of optional unchecked/untyped attribute values

  6. def apply[T](kw: String): Option[T]

    Get typed attribute value of entity.

    Get typed attribute value of entity.

    Apply namespaced attribute name with a type parameter to return an optional typed value.

    Note how referenced entities are returned as a Map so that we can continue traverse the entity graph.

    val List(benId, benAddressId) ="Ben", 42, "Hollywood Rd").eids
    // Level 1
    benId[String](":Person/name") === Some("Ben")
    benId[Int](":Person/age") === Some(42)
    // Level 2
    val refMap = benId[Map[String, Any]](":Person/address").getOrElse(Map.empty[String, Any])
    benAddressId[String](":Address/street") === Some("Hollywood Rd")
    // Non-asserted or non-existing attribute returns None
    benId[Int](":Person/non-existing-attribute") === None
    benId[Int](":Person/existing-but-non-asserted-attribute") === None

    Type of attribute


    Namespaced attribute: ":[namespace with lowercase first letter]/[attribute name]"


    Optional typed attribute value

  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  8. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  9. def date2datomicStr(date: Date, zoneOffset: ZoneOffset = localZoneOffset): String
    Definition Classes
  10. def date2str(date: Date, zoneOffset: ZoneOffset = localZoneOffset): String
    Definition Classes
  11. def daylight(ms: Long): Int
    Definition Classes
  12. def debugRetract: Unit

    Debug entity transaction data of method retract without affecting the database.

    Debug entity transaction data of method retract without affecting the database.

    // Debug retraction of an entity

    This will print generated Datomic transaction statements in a readable format to output:

    ## 1 ## Debug `retract` on entity
    1          List(
      1          List(
        1          :db.fn/retractEntity   17592186045445))
  13. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  14. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  15. def expandDateStr(dateStr: String): String
    Definition Classes
  16. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  17. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  18. def getRetractTx: List[List[RetractEntity]]

    Get entity retraction transaction data without affecting the database.

    Get entity retraction transaction data without affecting the database.

    Call getRetractTx to retrieve the generated transaction data of the method retract on an entity

    // Get entity id of Ben
    val benId = Person.e.name_("Ben").get.head
    // Retraction transaction data
    benId.getRetractTx === List(List(RetractEntity(17592186045445)))


  19. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  21. lazy val localOffset: String
    Definition Classes
  22. lazy val localZoneOffset: ZoneOffset
    Definition Classes
  23. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  24. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  25. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  26. def retract: TxReport

    Retract single entity using entity id.

    Retract single entity using entity id.

    Given the implicit conversion of Long's in molecule.api.EntityOps to an Entity we can can call retract on an entity id directly:

    // Get entity id of Ben
    val benId = Person.e.name_("Ben").get.head
    // Retract Ben entity

    To retract single entity id with tx meta data, use
    eid.Tx(MyMetaData.action("my meta data")).retract

    To retract multiple entities (with or without tx meta data), use
    retract(eids, txMetaDataMolecules*) in molecule.api.EntityOps.


    molecule.facade.TxReport with result of retraction

  27. def retractAsync(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[TxReport]

    Asynchronously retract single entity using entity id.

    Asynchronously retract single entity using entity id.

    Given the implicit conversion of Long's in molecule.api.EntityOps to an Entity we can can call retractAsync on an entity id directly:

    // Get entity id of Ben
    val benId = Person.e.name_("Ben").get.head
    // Retract Ben entity asynchronously { tx =>
      // ..ben was retracted

    To retract single entity id with tx meta data, use
    eid.Tx(MyMetaData.action("my meta data")).retract

    To retract multiple entities (with or without tx meta data), use
    retract(eids, txMetaDataMolecules*) in molecule.api.EntityOps.


    molecule.facade.TxReport with result of retraction

  28. def str2date(s: String, zoneOffset: ZoneOffset = localZoneOffset): Date
    Definition Classes
  29. def str2zdt(s: String, zoneOffset: ZoneOffset = localZoneOffset): ZonedDateTime
    Definition Classes
  30. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  31. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  32. def touch: Map[String, Any]

    Get entity graph as Map.

    Get entity graph as Map.

    If entity has reference(s) to other entities it can be a nested graph. Default max levels retrieved is 5.

    • Keys of returned Map are namespaced names of attributes
    • Values of returned Map are untyped attribute values. For references to other entities, the value is a Map itself of the referenced entity attributes, etc.
    val benId ="Ben", 42, "Hollywood Rd").eid
    benId.touch === Map(
      ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
      ":Person/age" -> 42,
      ":Person/address" -> Map(
        ":db/id" -> 17592186045446L,
        ":Address/street" -> "Hollywood Rd"),
      ":Person/name" -> "Ben"

    Map[key: String, value: Any] where value can be a primitive or another nested Map of the entity graph

  33. def touchList: List[(String, Any)]

    Get entity graph as List.

    Get entity graph as List.

    If entity has reference(s) to other entities it can be a nested graph. Default max levels retrieved is 5.

    • Keys of returned Map are namespaced names of attributes
    • Values of returned Map are untyped attribute values. For references to other entities, the value is a Map itself of the referenced entity attributes, etc.
    val benId ="Ben", 42, "Hollywood Rd").eid
    benId.touchList === List(
      ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
      ":Person/age" -> 42,
      ":Person/address" -> List(
        ":db/id" -> 17592186045446L,
        ":Address/street" -> "Hollywood Rd"),
      ":Person/name" -> "Ben"

    List[(key: String, value: Any)] where value can be a primitive or another nested List of the entity graph

  34. def touchListMax(maxDepth: Int): List[(String, Any)]

    Get entity graph to some depth as List.

    Get entity graph to some depth as List.

    • Keys of returned Map are namespaced names of attributes
    • Values of returned Map are untyped attribute values. For references to other entities, the value is a Map itself of the referenced entity attributes, etc.
    val benId ="Ben", 42, "Hollywood Rd").eid
    // 2 levels returned
    benId.touchListMax(2) === List(
      ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
      ":Person/age" -> 42,
      ":Person/address" -> List(
        ":db/id" -> 17592186045446L,
        ":Address/street" -> "Hollywood Rd"),
      ":Person/name" -> "Ben"
    // 1 level returned
    benId.touchListMax(1) === List(
      ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
      ":Person/age" -> 42,
      ":Person/address" -> 17592186045446L // Only reference returned
      ":Person/name" -> "Ben"

    List[(key: String, value: Any)] where value can be a primitive or another nested Map of the entity graph

    To do

    remove overload hack (by avoiding implicit apply method of scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized ?)

  35. def touchListQuoted: String

    Get entity graph as List-string (for tests).

    Get entity graph as List-string (for tests).

    If entity has reference(s) to other entities it can be a nested graph. Default max levels retrieved is 5.

    • Keys of returned Map are namespaced names of attributes
    • Values of returned Map are untyped attribute values. For references to other entities, the value is a Map itself of the referenced entity attributes, etc.
    val benId ="Ben", 42, "Hollywood Rd").eid
    benId.touchListQuoted ===
        |  ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
        |  ":Person/age" -> 42,
        |  ":Person/address" -> List(
        |    ":db/id" -> 17592186045446L,
        |    ":Address/street" -> "Hollywood Rd"),
        |  ":Person/name" -> "Ben")""",stripMargin


  36. def touchListQuotedMax(maxDepth: Int): String

    Get entity graph to some depth as List-string (for tests).

    Get entity graph to some depth as List-string (for tests).

    • Keys of returned Map are namespaced names of attributes
    • Values of returned Map are untyped attribute values. For references to other entities, the value is a Map itself of the referenced entity attributes, etc.
    val benId ="Ben", 42, "Hollywood Rd").eid
    // 2 levels (in this case all levels) returned
    benId.touchListQuotedMax(2) ===
        |  ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
        |  ":Person/age" -> 42,
        |  ":Person/address" -> List(
        |    ":db/id" -> 17592186045446L,
        |    ":Address/street" -> "Hollywood Rd"),
        |  ":Person/name" -> "Ben")""",stripMargin
    // 1 level returned
    // Note that only reference to Address entity on level 2 is returned
    benId.touchListQuotedMax(1) ===
        |  ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
        |  ":Person/age" -> 42,
        |  ":Person/address" -> 17592186045446L,
        |  ":Person/name" -> "Ben")""",stripMargin


  37. def touchMax(maxDepth: Int): Map[String, Any]

    Get entity graph to some depth as Map.

    Get entity graph to some depth as Map.

    • Keys of returned Map are namespaced names of attributes
    • Values of returned Map are untyped attribute values. For references to other entities, the value is a Map itself of the referenced entity attributes, etc.
    val benId ="Ben", 42, "Hollywood Rd").eid
    // 2 levels returned
    benId.touchMax(2) === Map(
      ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
      ":Person/age" -> 42,
      ":Person/address" -> Map(
        ":db/id" -> 17592186045446L,
        ":Address/street" -> "Hollywood Rd"),
      ":Person/name" -> "Ben"
    // 1 level returned
    benId.touchMax(1) === Map(
      ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
      ":Person/age" -> 42,
      ":Person/address" -> 17592186045446L // Only reference returned
      ":Person/name" -> "Ben"

    Map[key: String, value: Any] where value can be a primitive or another nested Map of the entity graph

  38. def touchQuoted: String

    Get entity graph as Map-string (for presentation).

    Get entity graph as Map-string (for presentation).

    To show the entity graph, this method quotes all text strings so that you can paste the whole graph into any presentation. Pasting it into test code is less useful, since the order of key/value pairs in a Map is not guaranteed. In that case, touchListQuoted is recommended since a List guarantees order.

    If entity has reference(s) to other entities it can be a nested graph. Default max levels retrieved is 5.

    • Keys of returned Map are namespaced names of attributes
    • Values of returned Map are untyped attribute values. For references to other entities, the value is a Map itself of the referenced entity attributes, etc.
    val benId ="Ben", 42, "Hollywood Rd").eid
    benId.touchQuoted ===
        |  ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
        |  ":Person/age" -> 42,
        |  ":Person/address" -> Map(
        |    ":db/id" -> 17592186045446L,
        |    ":Address/street" -> "Hollywood Rd"),
        |  ":Person/name" -> "Ben")""".stripMargin


  39. def touchQuotedMax(maxDepth: Int): String

    Get entity graph to some depth as Map-string (for presentation).

    Get entity graph to some depth as Map-string (for presentation).

    To show the entity graph, this method quotes all text strings so that you can paste the whole graph into any presentation. Pasting it into test code is less useful, since the order of key/value pairs in a Map is not guaranteed. In that case, touchListQuoted(maxLevel) is recommended since a List guarantees order.

    • Keys of returned Map are namespaced names of attributes
    • Values of returned Map are untyped attribute values. For references to other entities, the value is a Map itself of the referenced entity attributes, etc.
    val benId ="Ben", 42, "Hollywood Rd").eid
    // 2 levels (in this case all levels) returned
    benId.touchQuotedMax(2) ===
        |  ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
        |  ":Person/age" -> 42,
        |  ":Person/address" -> Map(
        |    ":db/id" -> 17592186045446L,
        |    ":Address/street" -> "Hollywood Rd"),
        |  ":Person/name" -> "Ben")""".stripMargin
    // 1 level returned
    // Note that only reference to Address entity on level 2 is returned
    benId.touchQuotedMax(1) ===
        |  ":db/id" -> 17592186045445L,
        |  ":Person/age" -> 42,
        |  ":Person/address" -> 17592186045446L,
        |  ":Person/name" -> "Ben")""".stripMargin


  40. def truncateDateStr(dateStr: String): String
    Definition Classes
  41. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  42. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  43. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  44. lazy val zone: ZoneId
    Definition Classes

Inherited from DateHandling

Inherited from RegexMatching

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Entity retraction

Entity retraction with transaction meta data

Traverse entity graph

Touch entity graph
