
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package molecule
    Definition Classes
  • package core
    Definition Classes
  • package api
  • package ast

    Internal Molecule ASTs.

  • package composition

    Methods to build transaction, composite and nested molecules.

  • package data

    Data model DSL and API.

  • package dsl

    Internal interfaces for auto-generated DSL boilerplate code.

    Internal interfaces for auto-generated DSL boilerplate code.

    Interfaces to the generated schema-defined DSL boilerplate code that the sbt-plugin generates when doing a sbt-compile. Molecule macros can then type-safely deduct the type structure of composed molecules.

  • package exceptions

    Exceptions thrown by Molecule.

  • package expression

    Attribute expressions and operations.

    Attribute expressions and operations.

    Refine attribute matches with various attribute expressions:

    Person.age(42)                           // equality"John")             // fulltext search
    Person.age.!=(42)                        // negation (or `not`)
    Person.age.<(42)                         // comparison (< > <= >=)"John" or "Jonas")           // OR-logic
    Person.age()                             // apply empty value to retract value(s) in updates
    Person.hobbies.assert("golf")            // add value(s) to card-many attributes
    Person.hobbies.retract("golf")           // retract value(s) of card-many attributes
    Person.hobbies.replace("golf", "diving") // replace value(s) of card-many attributes
    Person.tags.k("en")                      // match values of map attributes by key
    Person.age(Nil)                          // match non-asserted datoms (null)                           // initiate input molecules awaiting input at runtime                       // Unify attributes in self-joins

    Apply aggregate keywords to aggregate attribute value(s):

    // Aggregates on any attribute type
    Person.age(count) ==> 3)         // count of asserted `age` attribute values
    Person.age(countDistinct) ==> 3) // count of asserted distinct `age` attribute values
    Person.age(max) ==> 38)          // maximum `age` value (using `compare`)
    Person.age(min) ==> 5)           // maximum `age` value (using `compare`)
    Person.age(rand) ==> 25)         // single random `age` value
    Person.age(sample) ==> 27)       // single sample `age` value (when single value, same as random)
    // Aggregates on any attribute type, returning multiple values
    Person.age(distinct) ==> Vector(5, 7, 38)) // distinct `age` values
    Person.age(max(2)) ==> Vector(38, 7))      // 2 maximum `age` values
    Person.age(min(2)) ==> Vector(5, 7))       // 2 minimum `age` values
    Person.age(rand(2)) ==> Stream(5, ?))      // 2 random `age` values (values can re-occur)
    Person.age(sample(2)) ==> Vector(7, 38))   // 2 sample `age` values
    // Aggregates on number attributes
    Person.age(sum) ==> 50)                  // sum of all `age` numbers
    Person.age(avg) ==> 16.66666667)         // average of all `age` numbers
    Person.age(median) ==> 7)                // median of all `age` numbers
    Person.age(stddev) ==> 15.107025591499)  // standard deviation of all `age` numbers
    Person.age(variance) ==> 228.2222222222) // variance of all `age` numbers
  • package facade
  • package factory

    Factory methods m to instantiate molecules from custom DSL molecule constructs.

  • package generic
  • package macros
  • package marshalling
  • package ops
  • package transform
  • package util

    Internal database functions for Datomic.

  • package datomic
    Definition Classes

package core
