
final protected class InAndIgnoreMethods(resultOfStringPassedToVerb: ResultOfStringPassedToVerb)

Class that supports test registration in shorthand form.

For example, this class enables syntax such as the following test registration in shorthand form:

"A Stack (when empty)" should "be empty" in { ... }

This class also enables syntax such as the following ignored test registration in shorthand form:

"A Stack (when empty)" should "be empty" ignore { ... }

This class is used via an implicit conversion (named convertToInAndIgnoreMethods) from ResultOfStringPassedToVerb. The ResultOfStringPassedToVerb class does not declare any methods named in, because the type passed to in differs in a AnyFlatSpec and a org.scalatest.flatspec.FixtureAnyFlatSpec. A org.scalatest.flatspec.FixtureAnyFlatSpec needs two in methods, one that takes a no-arg test function and another that takes a one-arg test function (a test that takes a FixtureParam as its parameter). By constrast, a AnyFlatSpec needs only one in method that takes a by-name parameter. As a result, AnyFlatSpec and org.scalatest.flatspec.FixtureAnyFlatSpec each provide an implicit conversion from ResultOfStringPassedToVerb to a type that provides the appropriate in methods.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

infix inline def ignore(testFun: () => Any): Unit

Supports the registration of ignored, no-arg tests in shorthand form.

Supports the registration of ignored, no-arg tests in shorthand form.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

"A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" ignore { () => ... }

For examples of ignored test registration, see the Ignored tests section in the main documentation for trait AnyFlatSpec.

Value parameters:

the test function

infix inline def ignore(testFun: FixtureParam => Any): Unit

Supports the registration of ignored, one-arg tests (tests that take a FixtureParam parameter) in shorthand form.

Supports the registration of ignored, one-arg tests (tests that take a FixtureParam parameter) in shorthand form.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

"A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" ignore { fixture => ... }

For examples of ignored test registration, see the Ignored tests section in the main documentation for trait AnyFlatSpec.

Value parameters:

the test function

infix inline def in(testFun: () => Any): Unit

Supports the registration of no-arg tests in shorthand form.

Supports the registration of no-arg tests in shorthand form.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

"A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { () => ... }

For examples of test registration, see the main documentation for trait FixtureAnyFlatSpec.

Value parameters:

the test function

infix inline def in(testFun: FixtureParam => Any): Unit

Supports the registration of one-arg tests (tests that take a FixtureParam parameter) in shorthand form.

Supports the registration of one-arg tests (tests that take a FixtureParam parameter) in shorthand form.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

"A Stack" must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { fixture => ... }

For examples of test registration, see the main documentation for trait FixtureAnyFlatSpec.

Value parameters:

the test function