
final protected class ItVerbString(verb: String, name: String)

Class that supports test registration via the ItWord instance referenced from AsyncFlatSpec's it field.

This class enables syntax such as the following test registration:

it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }

It also enables syntax such as the following registration of an ignored test:

it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" ignore { ... }

In addition, it enables syntax such as the following registration of a pending test:

it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" is (pending)

And finally, it also enables syntax such as the following tagged test registration:

it should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }

For more information and examples of the use of the it field, see the main documentation for trait AsyncFlatSpec.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

infix inline def ignore(testFun: => Future[Assertion]): Unit

Supports the registration of ignored tests in a AsyncFlatSpec.

Supports the registration of ignored tests in a AsyncFlatSpec.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" ignore { ... }

For examples of ignored test registration, see the Ignored tests section in the main documentation for trait AsyncFlatSpec.

infix inline def in(testFun: => Future[Assertion]): Unit

Supports the registration of tests in a AsyncFlatSpec.

Supports the registration of tests in a AsyncFlatSpec.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in { ... }

For examples of test registration, see the main documentation for trait AsyncFlatSpec.

infix inline def is(testFun: => PendingStatement): Unit

Supports the registration of pending tests in a AsyncFlatSpec.

Supports the registration of pending tests in a AsyncFlatSpec.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" is (pending)

For examples of pending test registration, see the Pending tests section in the main documentation for trait AsyncFlatSpec.

infix def taggedAs(firstTestTag: Tag, otherTestTags: Tag*): ItVerbStringTaggedAs

Supports the registration of tagged tests in a AsyncFlatSpec.

Supports the registration of tagged tests in a AsyncFlatSpec.

This method supports syntax such as the following:

it must "pop values in last-in-first-out order" taggedAs(SlowTest) in { ... }

For examples of tagged test registration, see the Tagging tests section in the main documentation for trait AsyncFlatSpec.