
final class NotWord

This class is part of the ScalaTest matchers DSL. Please see the documentation for Matchers for an overview of the matchers DSL.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[S](matcher: Matcher[S]): Matcher[S]

This method enables the following syntax, where tempFile, for example, refers to a and exist is a Matcher[]:

This method enables the following syntax, where tempFile, for example, refers to a and exist is a Matcher[]:

tempFile should not (exist)


def apply[S, TYPECLASS[_]](matcherGen1: MatcherFactory1[S, TYPECLASS]): MatcherFactory1[S, TYPECLASS]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

hasNoSize should not { have size (2) and equal (hasNoSize) }


def apply[S, TYPECLASS1[_], TYPECLASS2[_]](matcherGen2: MatcherFactory2[S, TYPECLASS1, TYPECLASS2]): MatcherFactory2[S, TYPECLASS1, TYPECLASS2]
def apply[S](beMatcher: BeMatcher[S]): BeMatcher[S]

This method enables any BeMatcher to be negated by passing it to not. For example, if you have a BeMatcher[Int] called odd, which matches Ints that are odd, you can negate it to get a BeMatcher[Int] that matches even Ints, like this:

This method enables any BeMatcher to be negated by passing it to not. For example, if you have a BeMatcher[Int] called odd, which matches Ints that are odd, you can negate it to get a BeMatcher[Int] that matches even Ints, like this:

val even = not (odd)

In addition, this method enables you to negate a BeMatcher at its point of use, like this:

num should be (not (odd))

Nevertheless, in such as case it would be more idiomatic to write:

num should not be (odd)


def apply(existWord: ExistWord): ResultOfNotExist

This method enables syntax such as the following:

This method enables syntax such as the following:

file should not (exist)


infix def be[T](beMatcher: BeMatcher[T]): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax, where, for example, num is an Int and odd of type BeMatcher[Int]:

This method enables the following syntax, where, for example, num is an Int and odd of type BeMatcher[Int]:

num should (not be (odd) and be <= (8))


infix def be(o: Null): Matcher[AnyRef]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

map should (not be (null))


infix def be[T](resultOfLessThanComparison: ResultOfLessThanComparison[T]): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

num should (not be < (7) and not be > (10))


infix def be[T](resultOfGreaterThanComparison: ResultOfGreaterThanComparison[T]): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

num should (not be > (10) and not be < (7))


infix def be[T](resultOfLessThanOrEqualToComparison: ResultOfLessThanOrEqualToComparison[T]): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

num should (not be <= (7) and not be > (10))


infix def be[T](resultOfGreaterThanOrEqualToComparison: ResultOfGreaterThanOrEqualToComparison[T]): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

num should (not be >= (10) and not be < (7))


infix def be[T <: AnyRef](symbol: Symbol)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

myFile should (not be ('hidden) and have (name ("temp.txt")))


infix def be[T <: AnyRef](bePropertyMatcher: BePropertyMatcher[T]): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax, where tempFile, for example, refers to a and hidden is a BePropertyMatcher[]:

This method enables the following syntax, where tempFile, for example, refers to a and hidden is a BePropertyMatcher[]:

tempFile should (not be (hidden) and have ('name ("temp.txt")))


infix def be[T <: AnyRef](resultOfAWordApplication: ResultOfAWordToSymbolApplication)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

isNotFileMock should (not be a ('file) and have ('name ("temp.txt"))))


infix def be[T <: AnyRef](resultOfAWordApplication: ResultOfAWordToBePropertyMatcherApplication[T]): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax, where notSoSecretFile, for example, refers to a and directory is a BePropertyMatcher[]:

This method enables the following syntax, where notSoSecretFile, for example, refers to a and directory is a BePropertyMatcher[]:

notSoSecretFile should (not be a (directory) and have ('name ("passwords.txt")))


infix def be[T](resultOfAWordApplication: ResultOfAWordToAMatcherApplication[T]): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

result should (not be a (passedMarks) and be a (validMarks)))


infix def be[T <: AnyRef](resultOfAnWordApplication: ResultOfAnWordToSymbolApplication)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

isNotAppleMock should (not be an ('apple) and not be ('rotten))


infix def be[T <: AnyRef](resultOfAnWordApplication: ResultOfAnWordToBePropertyMatcherApplication[T]): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

myFile should (not be an (directory) and not be an (directory))


infix def be[T](resultOfAnWordApplication: ResultOfAnWordToAnMatcherApplication[T]): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

result should (not be a (passedMarks) and be a (validMarks)))


infix def be[T <: AnyRef](resultOfTheSameInstanceAsApplication: ResultOfTheSameInstanceAsApplication): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

myFish should (not be theSameInstanceAs (redFish) and not be theSameInstanceAs (blueFish))


infix def be[U](spread: Spread[U]): Matcher[U]

This method enables the following syntax for the "primitive" numeric types:

This method enables the following syntax for the "primitive" numeric types:

sevenDotOh should ((not be (17.1 +- 0.2)) and (not be (27.1 +- 0.2)))


infix def be[A, U <: PartialFunction[A, _]](resultOfDefinedAt: ResultOfDefinedAt[A]): Matcher[U]

This method enables the following syntax, where fraction is a PartialFunction:

This method enables the following syntax, where fraction is a PartialFunction:

fraction should (not be definedAt (8) and not be definedAt (0))


infix def be(right: Any): Matcher[Any]

This method enables be to be used for inequality comparison. Here are some examples:

This method enables be to be used for inequality comparison. Here are some examples:

result should not be (None)
result should not be (Some(1))
result should not be (true)
result should not be (false)
sum should not be (19)


infix def be[T](sortedWord: SortedWord): MatcherFactory1[Any, Sortable]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

fraction should (not be sorted and not be sorted)


infix def be(readableWord: ReadableWord): MatcherFactory1[Any, Readability]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

fraction should (not be readable and not equal readableFile)


infix def be(writableWord: WritableWord): MatcherFactory1[Any, Writability]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

fraction should (not be writable and not be writableFile)


infix def be(emptyWord: EmptyWord): MatcherFactory1[Any, Emptiness]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

nonEmptyList should (not be empty and not equal emptyList)


infix def be(definedWord: DefinedWord): MatcherFactory1[Any, Definition]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

result should (not be defined and not equal something)


infix inline def be(aType: ResultOfATypeInvocation[_]): Matcher[Any]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

result should (not be a [Book] and not be sorted)


infix inline def be(anType: ResultOfAnTypeInvocation[_]): Matcher[Any]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

result should (not be an [Book] and not be sorted)


infix def contain(nullValue: Null): MatcherFactory1[Any, Containing]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

list should (not contain (null))


infix def contain[T](expectedElement: T): MatcherFactory1[Any, Containing]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain (5) and not contain (3))


infix def contain[T](oneOf: ResultOfOneOfApplication)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): MatcherFactory1[Any, Containing]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain oneOf (5, 6, 7))


infix def contain[T](oneElementOf: ResultOfOneElementOfApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, Containing]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain oneElementOf (List(5, 6, 7)))


infix def contain[T](atLeastOneOf: ResultOfAtLeastOneOfApplication)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): MatcherFactory1[Any, Aggregating]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain (5) and not contain (3))


infix def contain[T](atLeastOneElementOf: ResultOfAtLeastOneElementOfApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, Aggregating]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain atLeastOneElementOf List(1, 2, 3))


infix def contain[T](noneOf: ResultOfNoneOfApplication)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): MatcherFactory1[Any, Containing]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain noneOf (5, 6, 7))


infix def contain[T](noElementsOf: ResultOfNoElementsOfApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, Containing]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain noElementsOf (5, 6, 7))


infix def contain[T](theSameElementAs: ResultOfTheSameElementsAsApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, Aggregating]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain theSameElementsAs (1, 2, 3) and not contain (3))


infix def contain[T](theSameElementInOrderAs: ResultOfTheSameElementsInOrderAsApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, Sequencing]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain theSameElementsInOrderAs (1, 2, 3) and not contain (3))


infix def contain[T](only: ResultOfOnlyApplication)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): MatcherFactory1[Any, Aggregating]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain only (1, 2, 3) and not contain (3))


infix def contain[T](inOrderOnly: ResultOfInOrderOnlyApplication)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): MatcherFactory1[Any, Sequencing]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain only (1, 2, 3) and not contain (3))


infix def contain[T](allOf: ResultOfAllOfApplication)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): MatcherFactory1[Any, Aggregating]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain allOf (1, 2, 3) and not contain (3))


infix def contain(allElementsOf: ResultOfAllElementsOfApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, Aggregating]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain allOf (1, 2, 3) and not contain (3))


infix def contain[T](inOrder: ResultOfInOrderApplication)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): MatcherFactory1[Any, Sequencing]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain inOrder (1, 2, 3) and not contain (3))


infix def contain(inOrderElementsOf: ResultOfInOrderElementsOfApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, Sequencing]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain inOrderElementsOf (List(1, 2, 3)) and not contain (3))


infix def contain[T](atMostOneOf: ResultOfAtMostOneOfApplication)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier): MatcherFactory1[Any, Aggregating]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain atMostOneOf (5) and not contain (3))


infix def contain(atMostOneElementOf: ResultOfAtMostOneElementOfApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, Aggregating]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not contain atMostOneElementOf (List(5)) and not contain (3))


infix def contain(resultOfKeyWordApplication: ResultOfKeyWordApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, KeyMapping]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2) should (not contain key ("three"))


infix def contain(resultOfValueWordApplication: ResultOfValueWordApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, ValueMapping]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Map("one" -> 1, "two" -> 2) should (not contain value (3))


infix def endWith(resultOfRegexWordApplication: ResultOfRegexWordApplication): Matcher[String]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

string should (not endWith regex ("wor.d") and not startWith regex ("Hel*o"))


infix def endWith(expectedSubstring: String): Matcher[String]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

string should (not endWith ("blue") and not endWith ("1.7"))


infix def equal(right: Any): MatcherFactory1[Any, Equality]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

num should (not equal (7) and be < (9))


infix def equal[U](spread: Spread[U]): Matcher[U]

This method enables the following syntax for the "primitive" numeric types:

This method enables the following syntax for the "primitive" numeric types:

sevenDotOh should ((not equal (17.1 +- 0.2)) and (not equal (27.1 +- 0.2)))


infix def equal(o: Null): Matcher[AnyRef]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

map should (not equal (null))


infix def fullyMatch(resultOfRegexWordApplication: ResultOfRegexWordApplication): Matcher[String]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

string should (not fullyMatch regex ("Hel*o") and not include ("orld"))


infix def have(resultOfLengthWordApplication: ResultOfLengthWordApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, Length]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not have length (5) and not have length (3))


infix def have(resultOfSizeWordApplication: ResultOfSizeWordApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, Size]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

Array(1, 2) should (not have size (5) and not have size (3))


infix def have(resultOfMessageWordApplication: ResultOfMessageWordApplication): MatcherFactory1[Any, Messaging]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

result should (not have message ("Message from Mars!") and not have message ("Message from Mars!"))


infix def have[T](firstPropertyMatcher: HavePropertyMatcher[T, _], propertyMatchers: HavePropertyMatcher[T, _]*): Matcher[T]

This method enables the following syntax, where, for example, book is of type Book and title and author are both of type HavePropertyMatcher[Book, String]:

This method enables the following syntax, where, for example, book is of type Book and title and author are both of type HavePropertyMatcher[Book, String]:

book should (not have (title ("Moby Dick")) and (not have (author ("Melville"))))


infix def include(resultOfRegexWordApplication: ResultOfRegexWordApplication): Matcher[String]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

string should (not include regex ("Hel.o") and not include regex ("""(-)?(\d+)(\.\d*)?"""))


infix def include(expectedSubstring: String): Matcher[String]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

string should (not include ("cat") and not include ("1.7"))


infix inline def matchPattern(inline right: PartialFunction[Any, _]): Matcher[Any]

This method enables the following syntax, where, for example, num is an Int and odd of type BeMatcher[Int]:

This method enables the following syntax, where, for example, num is an Int and odd of type BeMatcher[Int]:

result should (not matchPattern { case Person("Bob", _)} and equal (result2))


infix def startWith(resultOfRegexWordApplication: ResultOfRegexWordApplication): Matcher[String]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

string should (not startWith regex ("hel*o") and not endWith regex ("wor.d"))


infix def startWith(expectedSubstring: String): Matcher[String]

This method enables the following syntax:

This method enables the following syntax:

string should ((not startWith ("red")) and (not startWith ("1.7")))


override def toString: String

Overrides toString to return "not"

Overrides toString to return "not"


Definition Classes

Deprecated methods

infix def be(tripleEqualsInvocation: TripleEqualsInvocation[_])(implicit pos: Position): Matcher[Any]

Note: usually syntax will be removed after its deprecation period. This was left in because otherwise the syntax could in some cases still compile, but silently wouldn't work.

The deprecation period for the "be ===" syntax has expired, and the syntax will now throw NotAllowedException. Please use should equal, should ===, shouldEqual, should be, or shouldBe instead.

Note: usually syntax will be removed after its deprecation period. This was left in because otherwise the syntax could in some cases still compile, but silently wouldn't work.

